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Enga mellom fjella: where from across the meadow, poems sing from mountains and molehills. |
Not Tom, Not Jerry The old grey siamese chases the mouse that chomps on the cheese, chaws with his gum, his teeth now long gone, chews on its tail; the mouse thinks it's fun. For the old grey tom's lost a whisker or ten and the old grey mouse can't remember back when this wasn't a game but a chase to the end. Now each day's a new day as their bones have grown old as the cat moves in slo-mo and the ratling's grown bold and they chomp and they chase and they play and they roll and they chaw and they chew while the cheese blues with mold. © Kåre Enga 2008 [164.464] 2008-01-15 IMAGES: Water puddled in the ditch seeping past the cattail reeds lying beige and flat; ice in the dust of a pine shrub's shadow; the melodic flight of a dove; a rosette of dead stems among fossiled stone, flat like a sea fan; the roar of a blue bus holding-on to the corner. BLOGVILLE: Actually got some reading done! For laughter and writing prompts check out jayngram: "Invalid Entry" ![]() Also Douger ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() I want to join this forum!
The Literary Penguin ![]() ![]() ![]() My response (edited) to an entry "Invalid Entry" ![]() I would do 2 things: 1. Review it as a poem 2. Send a separate e-mail if you are concerned. Consider this however: a.) Review the poem as a piece of art, both technically and how it moved you emotionally. Good poetry should make us laugh, cry or shout out. Ho-hum is the very worse reaction; it is a sign of mediocrity. b.) Look at the date of when it was written. It may be months, even years old. Even if it is newly posted, it may still be months or years old. c.) The persona of the poem is NOT necessarily the same as the writer of it. I can write very disturbing poems. Doesn't mean I feel that way or have acted or will act in that way. d.) It is possible that the person felt that way inside when they wrote it and have since moved on. e.) Do not expect responses. Some folks check in at WDC on an irregular basis. Some folks don't read reviews (I usually don't). Some folks do not respond regardless. NEWS: The plague has always been among us. It's making a comeback better than sitings of Elvis: http://news.yahoo.com/s/nm/20080115/sc_nm/plague_threat_dc ME: Got up, ate some fish and potatoes, took a bath and wrote a poem. All before noon. Should've gotten up early (like before 8) when I first woke up. But, alas, I didn't ... ![]() ... for lunch I went to Kelly's again. I'm continuing to be a man of bad habits. Had the meatloaf of course and a side of chicken pasta salad. Wrote three more poems, these about the environs of Geneseo, New York. ... it was on my mind ... ![]() Kansas: 40º and pale blue skies. Windy. 1770 |