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The main characters are introduced, also hard science, political and religious intrigue. |
FADE IN: INT. AMERICAN SCIENCE SECTION Mike steps off the elevator. MIKE ANGEL Vesna, remind me to keep on these guys about sleep. I have a feeling that all of them will try to stay up for the next 30 days. VESNA (OS) I can pipe some really boring Muzak into the labs, if need be. MIKE ANGEL It may come to that! MIKE ANGEL (CONT'D) (knocking on the hydrologist's door) Pavel, Peter. Any hidden lakes? NORODSKY Nyet. Not even any decent voids that could be caves. Maybe we'll find something closer to the poles. MIKE ANGEL We'll see. We still have 29 days to go here. He moves on to the geologist's lab where Doctors Jameson and Garan are busily categorizing soil and rock samples. Yuri is taking advantage of the scanning electron microscope that the American had brought. As he passes the archaeology lab, Joe Belisar and Doctor Barishnikov are in a discussion over the best brands of Vodka. BARISHNIKOV My friend, we thank you for the month's vacation and the adventure, but we still don't know of what use we will be. MIKE ANGEL (Grinning) Oh, there may still be some surprises in store that require your expertise. If we run across any little green men, you'll be invaluable. Both archaeologists look as if they want to throw something at Mike, so he moves on and puts out a call to the remaining explorers. CUT TO: INT. COMMAND DECK As he returns to the command deck, Mike can see from the outside monitors that everyone is reluctantly turning back to the ship. One by one, the crewmembers drag themselves up to the command area, except Doctors Kitch and Medvedev who are still busy preparing growth plates. MIKE ANGEL I'm glad you all are beginning to get your Mars legs. We're going to be heading out to our second site in a couple of minutes, so I'm glad you're all back. JAMESON I need to get some samples from the Caldera at Olympus Mons. NORODSKY And I need to stop on the poles for samples and testing. SVETLANA Before the scientists get out of hand, where, exactly, are we going next? MIKE ANGEL Cydonia. There is an immediate uproar in the cabin as everyone starts in at once. BARISHNIKOV You're not one of those crazy UFO people that believe that mountain is a face, are you? Mike laughs and almost doubles over while the others just look at him strangely. MIKE ANGEL Good grief, no! I think the Global Explorer put that speculation to rest back in ninety-eight. But during her testing, Vesna did find some things that piqued my interest. A series of images appear on a large monitor in front of the group showing pictures of the mountain with various resolutions, ranging from one that looked as if it were a face, to one that showed almost every crag and boulder of a very weathered mountain. Measured on the diagonal, the feature is almost a mile across. MIKE ANGEL (CONT'D) As scientists, I want you to take a hard look at these pictures and tell me what you see, especially you, Yuri and Peter. There's something wrong with this picture. All of the scientists start studying the images. Doctor Garan gets up for a closer look. GARAN What I see here is a very old and weathered mountain. MIKE ANGEL Keep looking. JOHN BELISAR (Jumping up) Hold it right there. All heads turned to the boy. JOHN BELISAR (CONT'D) I remember something from high school that nature doesn't make right angles! MIKE ANGEL (Almost shouting) Bingo! Look closely, two sides of the base are exactly parallel, and another is perpendicular to them both. BARISHNIKOV But the fourth is rounded. MIKE ANGEL If the wind comes predominantly from one direction, with all of this sand and dust, what would the eventual dune look like? Garan turns back to the monitor, this time pulling a small magnifier from his pocket. GARAN My God, I think the boy is right! I must see this! Barishnikov gets up at this point and snatches his compatriot's glass. BARISHNIKOV You may be correct. What would this mean? MIKE ANGEL Perhaps the crazy people were right. This thing didn't happen, it was built. Silence falls on the room like a sledgehammer. Nobody even looks at anyone else, but remain glued to the pictures in front of them. There is nothing to say, just total astonishment at this new possibility. Finally, SVETLANA Is this still being transmitted? MIKE ANGEL Like I said, 24/7. It's up to your producers and whoever else is picking it up to decide what to run. SVETLANA Then I must talk to my people immediately. MIKE ANGEL No problem. The telephones are in the lounge downstairs. Speaking of which, (turning to the group of teenagers) John, have you spoken with your mother yet? The boy reddens and looks at his shoes. MIKE ANGEL (CONT'D) Oksana, I promised your mother that you would stay in touch. I think you need to tell her that you're doing all right. The girl's eyes brighten. OKSANA I had forgotten in all of the excitement. MIKE ANGEL We have about an hour and a half before we touch down again, so you can all check in with colleagues or relatives. Don't worry, those lines are secure, they are not part of the broadcast. I'd just prefer if you don't check in with the FBI or FSB. There is a momentary silence before they realize that was a joke and laugh. Lana, Oksana, and John leave together in the elevator and the others begin to mill about waiting for its return. CUT TO: INT. LOUNGE AREA IN LIVING QUARTERS OKSANA (Breathlessly, Holding telephone) Mamma, have you seen? OLGA (OS) My daughter, you do not know how proud your father and I are. We always have been, but today...if we are killed tomorrow, we know that we have done right! OKSANA Mamma, it is so exciting. I am really here. I am cosmonaut! I do not know what I can ever do that would be better than this! OLGA You have not yet married to have a child to make you as proud as we. That is even better! Even the President made a special visit here on his way to the Kremlin to congratulate me in person. I felt so much a peasant in this old dress. I cannot go to the cafe without a crowd gathering. In addition, do you know this room at the hotel is almost as large as our house? I have never seen anything this large for so few people! Your father has telephoned me twice since this morning. People are coming out from the city to the farm just to see where you grew up. He said that even the head of the University has called him. He wanted you to know if you will give a lecture when you return. They are considering graduating you this summer one year ahead of time. They even think of giving you a position there to tell of your experience. Oksana's eyes glaze over. This is more than a dream come true, it was a dream she never dared have because it was impossible. OKSANA Oh mamma, ya ochen liubliu tebya, I love you so much. Tears again appear at the edges of the girl's eyes. OLGA Ya znaiu, ya liubliu vas takzhe. You have made us so proud; I feel I will explode from it. OKSANA You and father have always made me proud all of my life. I feel that now I can give back to you a small piece of what you have given me. This time it is her mother's turn to lose control. Oksana can tell that sobs are close as her mother speaks. OLGA You just continue to be the best that you know how. A mother could never ask for a better daughter. There is a short time as mother and daughter, overcome with emotion, sat at either end of a 47-million mile telephone connection and cry. OKSANA Mamma, Mr. Angel has said that you may call me anytime you wish. I may forget again, so please, you do not. OLGA Yes. That Mr. McKinney said we could keep this telephone as long as you are gone. I will have it on my pillow in case you forget what our time is. OKSANA (Laughing) I will keep an eye on the clocks; but you do to! OLGA I will. You have much to do, and much to study so I will not keep you any longer. OKSANA I love you and father. OLGA And we love you so much, also. Oksana hangs up the telephone and looks around the room. She can tell that John's call was not going as well. Actually, anyone within three feet of the boy could have overheard his mother describing in detail the various tortures she planns to visit on the youth with when he returnes. John looks dejected as he replaces the receiver on the hook. Oksana walks over to try to share some of her elation. OKSANA Do not worry. Your mother is actually very proud you. JOHN BELISAR She sure didn't show it! OKSANA Of course not! You're a boy. She smiles as they enter the elevator together. CUT TO: INT. LOUNGE AREA IN LIVING QUARTERS Svetlana is on the telephone with her producers. SVETLANA What should I do? What direction does this have do go? RUSSIAN NEWS DIRECTOR (OS) I do not know. This man is not predictable! I do not even know the question to ask. We had everything prepared when this appeared a true scientific expedition, but now? SVETLANA Ya znaiu. But there is more here than is on the surface. He only tells us things at the last minute when we need to know them. He must know something more than he has revealed. SVETLANA (CONT'D) So far, he has not done anything that would indicate that he is crazy like those UFO people. If he is to do this, there must be a reason that we do not know as yet. RUSSIAN NEWS DIRECTOR (OS) Possible, but I still worry. This does not fit into what we have thought you would be doing. We have no questions or scripts prepared. Our people are going crazy now trying to come up with your next interview. We have ten different scripts! SVETLANA I think you will have to accept that neither of us can control where this will go. I must ad lib. We will all have to ride the pony and hope it does not throw us off. I have had some success so far at being able to stay on top of this. RUSSIAN NEWS DIRECTOR (OS) I hope so. If this changes much more, you will be entirely on your own. SVETLANA (Smirking) Aren't I always? I have never let you down before, and I do not intend to now. We will be ahead of the story as we always are, I guarantee it. RUSSIAN NEWS DIRECTOR (OS) You had better. Our people do not like surprises, and this man appears to be full of them. There is no way we can program around this without knowing what he will do next. SVETLANA (Deviously) You haven't studied him for a year like I have. He is actually quite predictable - he will do as he pleases, period. The problem is to know what that is and prepare for it. I do not see the problem. Besides, he likes my legs. RUSSIAN NEWS DIRECTOR (OS) (Smirking) So I heard. SVETLANA I will keep working on this, and try to let you know what will happen next. We should be back on sometime in the next hour or so, so keep all of your people on duty. RUSSIAN NEWS DIRECTOR (OS) Oh, they're not going anywhere. They all want to stay and watch the uncut transmission. Half of the people here are actually off- duty. They are just confused as to how to prepare you. SVETLANA Then let me prepare myself as I go along, I think that will be best for us all. That is what my rival does; she just ad-libs her questions with almost no direction. That must be an American thing. She does not even appear to want to control the interview or the situation, but lets it happen as it does. This afternoon, her people interviewed her as if she were controlling this mission. I do not understand this, but you may want to study their ways. After all, more people watch her network than ours. It may be a good lesson. RUSSIAN NEWS DIRECTOR (OS) You may be correct. Prepare yourself, in case our owners agree with you. SVETLANA I already have. Do svidanya, Grigory Mikhailovich. RUSSIAN NEWS DIRECTOR (OS) Do svidanya, Svetlana Illianovna. Svetlana replaces the telephone in its cradle and mumbles to herself. SVETLANA This is definitely going to be interesting. Besides, he is not unattractive. CUT TO: INT. COMMAND DECK Everyone is again in the control room with their eyes on the monitors. They are about a mile above the mountain and the resolution of the image is almost photographic. Indeed, it s obvious that this was not a "face", but a badly weathered mountain of stone. As they approach closer, Doctor Garan moves to the screen and again pulls out his magnifier. GARAN Stop it there, please. Can you hold this picture for a moment? VESNA (OS) Yes. Would you like anything magnified? GARAN Please, this lower right quarter, if you would. They can see the section the doctor is referring to suddenly fill the screen revealing a jumble of boulders and debris. Young John moves closer also. JOHN BELISAR (Excited) Those aren't just rocks. They're blocks! The others crowd around as the scene reveals a regular pattern of blocks that, although badly weathered, are most distinctly rectangular. SHARON MANSON (Breathlessly) Are they getting this on Earth? VESNA Yes. I have been splitting the screen with the outside pictures as well as sending what you do in here. The archaeologists crowd closer, obviously anxious to study this. Barishnikov turns to Yuri. BARISHNIKOV Is the boy correct? Nature does not produce perfect squares? GARAN Not that I've ever seen, unless those are giant salt crystals. Mike is been standing to one side all this time, smiling at the group in the manner of a cat who has just swallowed a canary. MIKE ANGEL I told you I wasn't crazy. (grinning at Barishnikov, savoring every moment) But I have saved the best for last. Lana's face shows her realization that she had just lost any semblance of control. It is a mixture of anger and wonder. The scene on the monitor starts changing as Vesna descends and moves around to the "eastern" face. The picture is similar to what they had seen before except for the steeply sloping sides. In various places, the group can see evidence of seams where the blocks had fit together. Sand and time has widened them enough that they are relatively easy to spot. Jameson is just staring at the screen almost drooling JAMESON That has to be at least 10,000 years old! MIKE ANGEL I'm not a geologist, but unless I miss my guess, I'd say closer to a half-million. The group just stares at him. SVETLANA What makes you say that? MIKE ANGEL For one thing, that would be about the time the atmosphere disappeared around here. For the other, I'm sure that Joseph or Igor could tell you what other major event happened at that time closer to home. The two archaeologists look at each other puzzled for a moment, and then the light begins to dawn. BARISHNIKOV (Stunned) You don't mean to suggest... Mike smiles and completes the doctor's sentence, MIKE ANGEL That was about the time when genus Homo got up off his knuckles and took over the Earth. You could have heard a grain of sand drop on the carpet. There is absolute silence, as all look dumbfounded at each other. So much has happened this day that each is in mental overload. The look on Lana's face shows she knows beyond any doubt that she has absolutely no control over the story or the storyteller. Sharon finally breaks the silence. SHARON MANSON You knew about this all along, didn't you? MIKE ANGEL Yes. Would any of you have agreed to come if I had made such an insane claim on Earth? The scientists slowly shake their heads no. The young people, however, all vigorously nod assent. MIKE ANGEL (CONT'D) When I was testing the prototype of this ship, I sent her on a scouting mission here and we discovered this. I'd suspected it before, because of the shape. I knew I had to come here and bring a crew that knew what they were doing and could make the most of the knowledge. But like I said, the best is yet to come. Sharon sits down hard in a chair. The rest only stare at him in disbelief. CUT TO: INT. CONFERENCE ROOM BILL MURRAUGH I warned you that this man was a loose cannon. We have to clamp a news blackout on this before he does any more damage. This type of information has to stay with my agency, or within the military; project Bluebook, or whatever we call it this week. This idiot up there is giving out intel that would be classified in a heartbeat to any terrorist with a television! At very least, this Mike Angel is going to create mass panic! PRESIDENT FOREST (Quietly) And just how would you propose we do that? I think it's rather obvious that there was an agenda your 'intelligence' analysts didn't see coming." He stared directly at Murraugh. "I would say that, obviously, the cat is already out of the bag. Would you cut the Internet backbone entering the country? How about jamming all the television stations? PRESIDENT FOREST (CONT'D) Even if it were possible, someone would have us in court in 10 minutes on a freedom of information issue and they'd be right. What we have to concentrate on now is damage control. The CIA Chief sits down and stares at his hands. GENERAL APPLEHOFF (Protesting) But every left wing organization is going to sue again for the uncensored notes of Bluebook we didn't let out in the nineties. I don't know how we can claim that it's classified after this! PRESIDENT FOREST That's why I want suggestions, not problems, doggone it. I need you to get your staffs together and come up with realistic suggestions of how to handle this situation. This is not just an intelligence disaster; it's a public relations nightmare. I'm going to start getting calls any minute from everyone from the Ecumenical Council and the Fundamentalists saying that we're trying to destroy religion, to the flying saucer cultists saying we've hidden this for years. Remember this is an election year. If I'm not here next year, none of you will be either. CUT TO: INT. KREMLIN OFFICE President Puchinskiy leans back in his chair with a smile and takes a small sip of vodka knowing that his counterpart in Washington was probably having a hemorrhage at this moment. PRESIDENT PUCHINSKIY (To himself) The man must always control everything. While I enjoy getting it for free. Moreover, my people are right there! He closes his eyes savoring the thought and sinks back farther in his chair as he takes another sip. CUT TO: INT. COMMAND DECK All eyes are still on Mike, except for John who is still studying the screen. JOHN BELISAR (Shouting) Stop right there! Look! Everybody look. The scientists move across the room to the screen. At first, the scene appears like the rest, just a jumble of stones. Then they begin to discern a square that was not like the rest of the area. It is a patch of shadow like a block was missing about a third of the way up the face of the monolith. JAMESON That must have been a loose block. It can't be an opening. MIKE ANGEL Vesna, turn on the ground penetrating radar so that they can get a better view. Another screen paints with a scene showing a square in three dimensions. They can clearly make out the surface features that they could see on the other screen, but within the square is a grayer pattern. Clearly, the radio waves are not reflecting from anything solid in that area. MIKE ANGEL (Cheshire grin) It may be filled with sand, but I'd definitely say that's an extremely deep hole. There's no echo from anything solid for at least 100 meters. Looks like an opening to me. The group glues themselves to both screens. Mike can see the two anthropologists fairly quivering now with excitement, but no one says a word. Everyone is fascinated with the pictures, but afraid to say anything for fear the spell would be broken. Sharon is still sitting, but watching as if she is in a trance. Lana is moving about, first to one screen then the other. She is in a total fog. She can't come up with a single question; she could come up with a thousand. Mike lets this play out for several minutes. MIKE ANGEL We'll put down at the base under the anomaly for the night. Protests come from every member there. Despite the fact it is after midnight in Moscow, everyone is ready to run out to investigate what he or she had seen on the video screens with their own eyes. MIKE ANGEL We are going to have plenty of time. Not only has this been a long day for everyone, but also it will be night soon and the temperatures are going to drop dramatically. It may have been in the 60's this afternoon, but it will probably drop close to minus that after dark. In the morning, I'll have Vesna pull as much sand out of that opening as she can without damaging anything. If we're lucky, the whole thing didn't fill up and excavating the rest will be easier. Now good night everyone. There are still protests and grumbles of disappointment, but most of them understand the wisdom of getting a fresh start. Mike starts toward the elevator when Lana glares at him and says almost sarcastically, SVETLANA Any more hidden agendas? MIKE ANGEL (Still grinning like a Cheshire cat) Nope. But there may be a few more surprises. He presses a button for the second deck. CUT TO: INT. COMMAND DECK The sun is just beginning to rise over the horizon when Mike reenters the control room. Oksana is already there in front of a monitor that continues to show page after page of schematic diagrams of Vesna's computer and electrical wiring. MIKE ANGEL I hope you got some sleep last night. I think today will be a very busy day. OKSANA Yes, but I could not sleep well. I am used to studying at all hours and this is too fascinating. MIKE ANGEL Have you gone over the engine specifications yet? OKSANA Oh yes, I looked at that yesterday. It is really so simple! MIKE ANGEL Precisely. It really is just things that everybody overlooked for 50 years; a combination of other people's ideas that nobody ever put together before. It took the house computer and me to see where the pieces all fit together to work like this. By the way, you didn't tell me that you have perfect grades at University. I'm usually a fairly good judge of people and I had a hunch you were good; you seem to have turned out better than I hoped. The girl blushes and looks at the floor, OKSANA I have to try hard for my parents. They have sacrificed so much for me to be there, I must do well. She looks up at Mike with a very serious face. OKSANA Why did you select me from all of those people? I mean, this is such an honor to be here, but there had to be 10,000 people in the crowd and I am just a young girl. MIKE ANGEL You must know that I had to choose someone to balance John's sudden appearance. (The girl nods) When I was there with your president I could pick your eyes out of the entire crowd; I could feel your excitement was the same as mine, all of the way up on the podium. Her blush deepens even more. MIKE ANGEL (CONT'D) You and your mother were in the front row and holding your bedding which told me you had been there all night and that also told me of your excitement. You turning out to be an engineer was an unexpected bonus. Now I discover you are an honor student as well. I was very fortunate. OKSANA No, it is I who is lucky! I still do not believe I am here. This is such a dream! Mike just keeps smiling, very pleased with his choice as he changes the subject. MIKE ANGEL What do you see is our most vulnerable system? She stops and thinks for a minute. OKSANA If the computer stops, you have Misha and Carol who can fly Vesna. I would hate to see anything happen to her, but that is not too critical. OKSANA (CONT'D) If you run out of electricity, you have a diesel generator that can turn the engines long enough to get home. But if we leak helium, nothing will work. MIKE ANGEL (Clapping his hands) Brilliant! Everything in the ship depends on being super- cooled. What would you do if you knew the helium was leaking? She thinks again. OKSANA I would get into deep space as quickly as possible. It would be cold enough there to at least allow the engines to work enough to get to Earth orbit, although the friction would increase without a super fluid suspension. From there somebody could get us more helium so we could land. MIKE ANGEL (Very pleased look) Very good. That was exactly our conclusions. Unfortunately, helium will slowly leak through the metal pores making a journey longer than a few years very troublesome. Vesna, the house, and I are all working now on that problem. Nevertheless, that was outstanding deductive work. Keep it up." He sees a quick shadow pass on her face. MIKE ANGEL (CONT'D) Don't worry, we have no leaks. I calculate the helium would last close to three years before leaking out through the containers. John walks into the control room at this point, still looking sleepy. MIKE ANGEL (CONT'D) And you, you I may have to promote from gopher to scout. You have the best eyes in the group. You managed to pick out the anomalies before any of our scientific friends. A broad grin breaks out on John's face JOHN BELISAR I just hope I can earn my keep here. MIKE ANGEL Oh, there'll be plenty of time and work for that! One by one, the others trail in displaying various stages of sleepiness and excitement. Though they hadn't realized it, yesterday had taken its toll. All check the monitors to make sure what they had seen hadn't been a delusion. GARAN Why does that look different? MIKE ANGEL Vesna has pulled the sand from the tunnel until she came across a solid object. She doesn't require as much sleep as we do so she worked through the night. If that were caused by a dislodged block, the stone was over one hundred meters long! BELISAR Are you saying there's a tunnel behind that? MIKE ANGEL That's what it looks like through the sensors. It slopes downward slightly for about a hundred meters and then stops at something solid. Today we can see what that is. The adrenaline rush has everyone awake now, excitement rises even higher at that prospect. Even Oksana swivels away from her diagrams, her eyes like saucers. Carol is shaking with excitement, as is Barishnikov. MIKE ANGEL (CONT'D) Has everyone had breakfast? Only John raises his hand. Oksana looks rather sheepish, not admitting she had been up and studying the ship for several hours and had forgotten to eat. MIKE ANGEL (CONT'D) OK. John, you help me get the tools that we'll need ready, while all of you others go downstairs and get something to eat. It's going to be a long day and you'll need all the energy you can muster. Ladies, I'd recommend checking in with your stations to prepare them for what we're going to do. Vesna, please FAX both presidents with our findings to date so that they stay in the loop. VESNA (OS) (sarcastically) Aye, aye. MIKE ANGEL John, you're with me. They both leave on the elevator. CUT TO: INT. ENGINEERING SECTION The two descend to the third level, a combination storage area and engineering space. This is also the level where Vesna "lived". John can see that the outside walls are featureless except for three large evenly spaced vertical rectangular sections. These contain the powerful electro- magnets that "drove" the super conducting cylinders contained within the walls in their liquid helium bath. The main drive was designed after an old-fashioned shaded pole motor and the drive coils extended into the room. They retrieve shovels and miscellaneous digging gear from the large wooden crates against the bulkheads. Mike also picks up two of the "weapons" he had used against the sniper in Roswell. CUT TO: INT. RUSSIAN SCIENCE SECTION They proceed with their tools to the lower laboratory level, even though there are air locks on both laboratory sections as well as on the engineering level. The exploration suits had been stored down here for easy access since it was "down". The scientists straggle down after a heartier breakfast than they anticipated wanting. Each had realized that they were ravenous as well as tired from the excitement. MIKE ANGEL Have you ladies checked the local weather in your labs yet? I don't want to get caught outside in a sandstorm. SHARON MANSON (nodding) I looked before I came up to the control room. The closest storm I could see is at least a thousand kilometers off and is not headed our direction. But, until I get used to the pressure systems here, that's the closest I can predict any patterns. MIKE ANGEL Fair enough. I guess the next thing to do is for you each to collect whatever you think you'll need outside and get suited up. DISSOLVE TO: INT. RUSSIAN SCIENCE SECTION A half hour later, everyone is ready and they all crowd into the air lock. When Mike opens the outer hatch, they are surprised to see that it opens outward directly in front of the opening on the artifact. Vesna has risen to that level and is perched directly in front so that everyone can step out directly to it without having to climb up a thousand feet of rock and rubble. CUT TO: EXT. TUNNEL OPENING The opening's sharp edges have been ground down, rounded, and smoothed by eons of sandstorms. However, as the group looks into the shaft, the lights from their helmets reveal that it becomes perfectly square again about ten meters in. There are distinct right angle joints top and bottom where there had been some protection from continual weathering. Mike was right, if this was a niche left by a dislodged block of stone, it was one whale of a block. As Vesna pulls back, the light from the rising sun illuminates the shaft making it much easier to see into the depths. The ship had used her gravity generators to clear tons of debris overnight and the floor only holds a thin covering of the ever-present red sand. The tunnel is almost perfectly square, measuring at least three meters by three meters. Mike waves to the journalists to join him at point since they had the cameras on their helmets. Each of the scientists carries at least one case containing their instruments. John has the two shovels along with one of the gravity "weapons". Mike has the other. They start down the tunnel and Mike turns on a powerful hand-held floodlight for better illumination. The helmet lights are good, but become distracting as the party turns their heads. The shaft angles downward from the entrance at about a five degree angle, not enough to be difficult, but enough to be detectable that they are heading in a downward direction. A little over a hundred meters down the shaft they come to a pile of sand. MIKE ANGEL This must be where Vesna detected something solid and stopped so not to disturb anything of interest. John, if you'll give me a hand clearing this. The rest of you please line up against one wall and we'll pile it towards the other. Doctors Belisar and Barishnikov, if you'll supervise please. We want to move sand, not destroy any artifacts. John probably knows better than I because I'm not a trained archaeologist. The two doctors move to the head of the line as Mike and John begin shoveling sand and throwing it up the tunnel along one side. The two journalists stand more to the center to get a good view of the operation. Thirty minutes of digging and they strike something solid - not just solid, but from the sound and feel of the shovel blades, something metallic. MIKE ANGEL OK. Small shovels and brushes from here on out. First, however, if everyone would come forward and against the wall. He unslings the "weapon" as the group bunches up next to him. All of a sudden, the sand begins moving up the tunnel toward the entrance leaving a clean floor as if it had been vacuumed. Doctor Barishnikov is on his knees moving the remaining sand with his gloves and Joseph joins him. Mike steps back a pace to allow Lana to get a complete view of what is unfolding. Sharon is behind Doctor Belisar. As they move sand from the base, it sags and slides from the roof. Suddenly a reflection of their lights reveals itself near the ceiling. The two archaeologists working at the base of the mound miss the glint, but are startled by the sharp intake of breath over the communicators from each of the observers. Though the density of the atmosphere of Mars is only one hundredth that of Earth, enough sound was conducted that Mike can hear just enough to indicate that the journalists are rapidly trying to interpret what is happening to their audiences on Earth. Joseph and Igor stand and start frantically pulling sand down from the top as John and Mike try to keep up with them by shoveling debris from the base. In no time, the entire artifact reveals itself as Mike again pushes the sand back up the tunnel and out the entrance. As they step back, there is complete silence over the airwaves. Standing in front of them and before the television eyes of the world, hidden for millennia behind a wall of sand, is a great metallic door. CUT TO: INT. CONFERENCE ROOM This time, President Forest is not subdued; he is frantic and loud. PRESIDENT FOREST How fast can we get a team up there to take control of this situation? The Director of NASA turns to him. NASA DIRECTOR If we had a ship ready for launch in ten minutes, we might be able to reach that site in six months. The president turns to the Air Force Chief of Staff and just glares. The General nods affirmative and shrugs. PRESIDENT FOREST (Shouting) This can't be left in private hands any longer. We have to study something like this in Nevada, using our own people. This could give an advantage to maintain the power we have to keep the peace in the world. Here he's giving it to everyone and I want it stopped and stopped now, even if I have to declare martial law! Bill Murraugh stands up. BILL MURRAUGH The only way to stop this is to take out his satellites. They're his only link to get a signal back to Earth that anyone can pick up, including the Internet. We have our own satellites up with that capability. PRESIDENT FOREST Then give the order! Murraugh leaves the room. PRESIDENT FOREST (CONT'D) Now, how do we take him down when he returns? GENERAL APPLEHOFF I frankly don't see how we can, short of using a nuke. In addition, I can't guarantee even that would work. Nothing we've tried has been able to penetrate the shield around the house including a laser. He was right, the house just increases the density of that thing, and the laser bends around it. Same with concentrated microwaves, which says that an electro-magnetic pulse wouldn't work from above. Right now, our best tacticians are at a loss. If you miss with the first shot...well he showed us in New Mexico what he could do if we back him into a corner. GENERAL APPLEHOFF (CONT'D) If we could fine-tune the HAARP array, we might be able to attack him from underneath by bouncing the signal through the Earth. NATIONAL SECURITY ADVISOR At the moment, his discovery is not a threat to National Security. His ship and his machines are. We should have stopped him months ago. Unless he comes up with detailed plans for a doomsday device, I don't see where he can be any greater threat than he already is. The only thing so far that is on shaky ground is organized religion. The President winces at that. PRESIDENT FOREST (wincing) I know! I've already gotten calls from a dozen Cardinals, several dozen Rabbis, miscellaneous leaders from the Christian Coalition and SCLC, a threatened march from the Southern Baptist Convention, a couple of American Mullahs, all were screaming for blood. I haven't heard from the Buddhists or Hindus yet, but I'm sure that's coming. (beat) I'm also getting pressure from Wall Street because this guy won't take any of his companies public. I only hope that Puchinskiy is getting as hard a time as I am! Murraugh returns looking pale. PRESIDENT FOREST (CONT'D) What is it Bill? BILL MURRAUGH We just lost six of our biggest birds. Almost a hundred million apiece, not to mention they were also surveillance satellites. We lost a lot of our best eyes. GENERAL APPLEHOFF How? BILL MURRAUGH Just when they were approaching firing range, they were knocked down. Literally. Just knocked out of orbit and burned up. SCIENCE ADVISOR Was there any nuclear material on any of them? BILL MURRAUGH All of them, you know that. We use a plutonium power source instead of solar so that they have a greater life. PRESIDENT FOREST (Looking pale) Jeeze. When word gets out that we just spread several hundred pounds of poisonous plutonium throughout the atmosphere, every missile on Earth will be targeting Washington. What do they have to lose now? NATIONAL SECURITY ADVISOR Nobody has to know a thing. It's not like we're going to say anything, right? (looking around the table) Unless a big fragment hits a populated area, there's nothing to worry about. Anybody measures an increase in background radiation; we blame it on Angelskov and his machines. It might even turn out to our benefit public-relations wise. PRESIDENT FOREST The world knows he has nothing radioactive and most of it suspects we do. I don't see where that would work at all except to point out his strengths and our deficiencies because we have to rely on fission, while this jerk can get to other planets using electricity without our backing or help. PRESIDENT FOREST (CONT'D) I think it would make us more the laughing stock than we are already. Besides, it wouldn't surprise me if he doesn't have it all on tape. With his propensity for publicity, he'll release those shots as soon as he gets back! BILL MURRAUGH That's almost a billion dollars down in flames, not to mention the blow to our intelligence gathering capabilities. Can't we get him on destruction of government property? PRESIDENT FOREST (Sarcastic) Without revealing what we were doing or even that those offensive satellites existed in the first place? I don't think so. Everyone is studying either their hands or the grain of the table. Not a word is spoken. PRESIDENT FOREST This man is holding himself above the greatest country on Earth and us up to public ridicule. I want the best brains on it now and I want answers or every one of you will be collecting unemployment! CUT TO: INT. TUNNEL IN FRONT OF THE DOOR The archaeologists are using camel's hair brushes to remove the last of the sand from grooves in the surface of the metal. They stand back and Mike shines a floodlight on the discovery. All can see that there are four vertical strips with pictographs cut into them. Two on the left side, two on the right separated in the center by a large circle with more figures. Mike motions for the journalists with the cameras to examine them. MIKE ANGEL (INTERCOM) Are you recording Vesna? VESNA (OS) Yes, and they are being transmitted also. There is silence for several minutes as everyone inspects the panel. VESNA (OS) I believe it's a Rosetta stone, Sir. MIKE ANGEL What makes you say that? VESNA (OS) Even though the dialects are unknown to me, the first three strips contain enough of current languages that I can recognize they all say approximately the same thing. MIKE ANGEL Hold the translation for now, we need to work on a couple more things, and then we'll be back on board. BARISHNIKOV But we could have the translation now, yes? MIKE ANGEL Yes, but I would prefer that she tell the two of you first. You can make the decision what we do with the information. This is much too big for me to make the decision alone. Now the journalists protested. Mike waves them down. MIKE ANGEL You'll get full coverage, but not right now. We will all discuss this aboard Vesna with the transmission off before it goes out to the public. Meantime, any scholar in ancient languages can probably figure it out in a week or two. This is not secret; we just need to come up with the correct venue. They respond with reluctant nods and the archaeologists return to their work. GARAN How is this possible that there is shiny metal here? Surely this is a new construction? Mike turns to the other geologist. MIKE ANGEL Doctor Jameson, what was it that made you first suspect a meteor killed off the dinosaurs? JAMESON It was the K-T boundary, a thin layer of iridium, a rare earth that occurred geologically at the same time. It's found in space, but not on Earth. MIKE ANGEL And what are some of the properties of the metal? JAMESON Well, it's virtually indestructible and doesn't shrink or expand like most metals in heat and cold. It's still a metal, but extremely durable. MIKE ANGEL Correct. And alloyed with another noble metal, Platinum, what do you have? JAMESON Something practically indestructible; that's what the National Bureau of Standards uses in the meter stick they have on display. It remains a constant standard meter. MIKE ANGEL So if you wanted to construct a door that would last almost forever and wouldn't be terribly susceptible to weathering, oxidation, or changes in temperature and would keep a tight seal, what would you make it from? JAMESON/GARAN (Mouths dropping open) Platinum-Iridium! MIKE ANGEL Either of you bring any aqua regia or a test kit? It turns out both had, but Garan has his out first and places several drops of a clear liquid on the base of the doorway. Nothing happens at all; the liquid just rolls off the metal, but starts foaming when it drips onto the iron- rich dirt. JAMESON You may be right. But we won't know for certain until I can do a complete crystallography scan at the lab. MIKE ANGEL Be my guests. The two geologists crowd next to the archaeologists to scrape off some samples of the metal near the floor. MIKE ANGEL (Turning to the Archaeologists) And you, gentlemen, may be able to upstage Howard Carter in one quantum leap. (beat) Sharon, Lana, let's recap what we have so far. What we have discovered is a pyramid, similar to those in Egypt and Central America except several orders of magnitude larger. We have an opening in this pyramid that wasn't created by natural causes. We have a perfectly square passageway behind the opening, again something that didn't happen by accident. Finally, at the end of the passageway we have a doorway made of an alloy that is probably a mixture of noble metals and rare earths - an alloy that won't expand or shrink, but makes and keeps a perfect seal almost forever. SVETLANA Do you mean?... Mike holds up his hand and interrupts. MIKE ANGEL Yes. I think each of you needs to prepare your audience for the possibility that whatever is on the other side is almost a half- million years old and is probably still intact. Sharon gasps and nods. He turns to all. MIKE ANGEL (CONT'D) If Doctors Belisar and Barishnikov are done for the moment, let's return to the ship to study what we have so far. The four young people are at the back of the crowd and start to protest. They want to open the door now and see what was on the other side immediately, even though nobody has a clue yet how to do that. CUT TO: EXT. TUNNEL OPENING Vesna is waiting for them outside the entrance and they all enter. CUT TO: INT. RUSSIAN SCIENCE SECTION Mike has them recharge their suits with air and power, and sends John up to store the shovels and gravity generators. He doesn't believe he will need them again in the near future. Jameson and Garan run off to their respective labs to start analysis of the samples that they brought back. MIKE ANGEL Joe, Igor, why don't the two of you use the lab down here. Vesna can debrief you in private that way. Join us in the control room when you're done. Stromberg, Norodsky, collect whatever equipment you would use in the field to run as full an analysis of standing groundwater as you can quickly and then meet us. MIKE ANGEL (CONT'D) Kitch, Medvedev, check that you have whatever you would need to test for biologicals. I'd like you to test for airborne, waterborne and soil borne microbes and virii. Ladies, you're with me. You can contact your stations after a while. CUT TO: INT. COMMAND DECK They arrive at the control deck and Mike motions the women to a couch. MIKE ANGEL Vesna, give them a good view of the terrain and cut the microphones in here please. VESNA Done. SVETLANA I thought you had no more hidden surprises. I'd call that a surprise. MIKE ANGEL (Grinning from ear to ear) I said no more hidden agendas. I didn't know what we'd find. I had just hoped. Why else do you think I assembled the specialties I did? I have hunches, but right now I'm ad-libbing. SHARON MANSON Then what are you suspecting? MIKE ANGEL On Earth they used to think that the pyramids were burial chambers built for Pharaohs. We've found almost no evidence that any of them were ever used for that purpose in Egypt, and I don't think that's the case here. Nevertheless, they had to have some purpose. MIKE ANGEL (CONT'D) Now that we've discovered a durable metal doorway, my engineering instincts tell me that if I wanted to preserve something for perpetuity in a place with a rapidly disappearing atmosphere and harsh conditions, that's what I would do. Seal it behind something that would make a perfect seal and last as long as my technology would allow. If it had been a stone wall, it would be a different story, but this was something well planned and executed and technologically advanced. There is something behind that door and I am more determined than ever to find out what it is, but I want to do it right. I want to do it out in the open, scientifically, preserving whatever is there. This time the cameras will keep rolling with no interference from me. The two of you will be center stage for six-billion people and I want you prepped for whatever happens. Both women's postures and manner betray extreme excitement. Both appear eager to continue, but it is obvious that each also knows that this would play out on Angel's timetable. CUT TO: INT. GEOLOGY LAB The scientists confirm Mike's suspicion. The door and its casing were indeed a Platinum-Iridium alloy. CUT TO: INT. BIOLOGY LAB The microbiologists have run full tests on their samples from the sand and the rock walls of the tunnel and again found absolutely nothing. CUT TO: INT. ARCHAEOLOGY LAB This is a different story. Vesna has produced printouts of the inscriptions on the portal to each of the archaeologists and is explaining her attempted translation of the contents. VESNA (OS) I have said before, whatever the exact dialect these are in, I am unfamiliar with it. However, the symbols are close enough to what we know of ancient Egyptian, Sumerian, and Hindi that I can draw references between them and extrapolate meaning for the rest. The fourth set of symbols is completely unknown to me and I can find nothing similar in any database with the exception of ancient Incan or Mayan. I don't know for certain, because we have never had a good translation of either. None of these are known exactly, but close enough. BELISAR And the symbols in the circle? VESNA (OS) I think Mr. Angel wants to discuss those later. Barishnikov is getting impatient, his own knowledge of linguistic anthropology was limited, BARISHNIKOV And what of the translation you have so far? VESNA (OS) It would appear a simple door sign denoting the function, the same as the signs on each of your doors showing this is the Russian Archaeology lab. BELISAR Yes. What does it say? VESNA (OS) As far as I can tell, and some of this is conjecture, it reads on each panel, 'Hall of the Ages; Joining of the Four, Priests Alone'. BARISHNIKOV (Looking puzzled) But, what does that mean? VESNA (OS) I do not know. I can only translate. BARISHNIKOV What are the four? VESNA (OS) I can only speculate that would be the four races or species that used the languages on the sign. BELISAR Priests Alone? VESNA (OS) I think that a more modern translation might read 'Authorized Personnel Only'. CUT TO: INT. COMMAND DECK The scientists are all gathered on the command deck and take places in the chairs around the room. Mike is sitting in the center chair in front of the console, flanked by Sharon and Lana who are wearing microphone headsets so they can give their own accounts of events as they unfold. The transmission resumes and Mike is ready for the open briefing. MIKE ANGEL I think it's time we shared all of our findings with those back home and come to some decisions what to do next. First, I apologize to those of you on Earth for the brief blackout. I thought it best for us up here to get all of the pieces together so that it would make some sense before giving you just half- information and supposition. (beat) I know the majority of you understand that we have found an artifact up here that is totally anomalous and anachronistic...it shouldn't be here. MIKE ANGEL (CONT'D) We may now have some better- educated guesses as to what it is and what we need to do to solve some of the mysteries. Vesna, would you please tell us the translation of the inscriptions that you and Doctor Belisar and Doctor Barishnikov have decided on? VESNA (OS) First, the inscription is repeated in four languages that we believe are pre-cursors of ancient Egyptian, Sumerian, Hindi, and possibly Mayan. It also appears to be more of an identification sign than something ceremonial or historical. It is more along the lines of a sign saying 'Anthropology Laboratory' than a prayer or invocation. It appears to be in very ancient dialects of the languages, but close enough that we can draw some linguistic parallels, similar to being able to read Arthurian texts knowing only American English from the 21st century. By comparing the bits of the languages that we can interpret with the symbols in the others that are unfamiliar, we have come up with a translation we feel is close. MIKE ANGEL (chiding) You want to put that in plain language? The computer ignores him. SHARON MANSON "Yes! Don't keep us in suspense. Tell us what you have come up with. VESNA (OS) The literal translation is something like 'Hall of the Ages; Joining of the Four, Priests Alone'. SVETLANA And what would be the meaning of that? VESNA (OS) In modern terms, 'Medical laboratory for the four peoples, authorized personnel only'. FADE OUT: Ben W. Gardner Sedona, Arizona "I do not fear computers. I fear lack of them." --Isaac Asimov http://ca.geocities.com/vladilyich/ In The Beginning - ISBN: 1-4116-3848-4 Just In Time - ISBN 1-4116-3851-4 Ad Astra - ISBN: 978-1-84728-518-8 In stores and at Amazon.Com http://www.amazon.com/s/ref=nb_ss_gw/103-1761779-3946261?url=search-alias%3Daps&... |