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Exploring the future through the present. One day at a time. |
Merry Christmas!! Yeah, I know I’m a day late. Sorry about that. Hey, I was busy – gestating, that is. I’m now carrying what could be construed as a basketball, only this one squirms. I forgot how to tie my shoes, and I can’t get out of bed without feeling like a turtle stuck on its back. I noticed the other day I don’t walk, but waddle. Overall, I still feel really good, though. I often giggle at my lack of grace and how my tummy gets in the way of everything. I’m surprised I don’t have scrapes or bruises on my belly for how often I hit a table, doorframe, or try to close the refrigerator door on it. Today I’m at 37 weeks, with only God knows how many days or weeks to go. Do I sound ready? If not, I’m telling you now I am! I’m happy Thomas wasn’t born yesterday, though. I want him to have a birthday all to himself. New Year’s Day won’t be so bad if that’s when he’d like to arrive – like I have a choice, right? Wanna hear something sad? Standing in line at the grocery store, I glanced at one of them National Enquirer type magazines, and it showcased this year’s best and worst beach-bodies. I thought, no wonder so many of our entertainers spend millions of dollars (and go slightly insane) in plastic surgery to look perpetually young and fit. Dave then tells me he read an article in a pregnancy magazine at my last appointment about how some famous people are purposely having preemie babies because they don’t want to look pregnant, or have stretched out tummies when it’s all said and done. Purposely putting a child at serious and permanent risk so they can keep their figure?! Any doctor who allows that should have their license to practice revoked. Or maybe I’m the crazy one. I see today as an important day, because Thomas is considered full term. Now it’s just a matter of time – I don’t have to worry about him not being big enough, his lungs not fully developed, etc when he's born. Tomorrow I go in and they’ll check to see if my cervix is expanding. I have a feeling it’s at a centimeter or two; not enough to think I’ll go into labor any minute, but enough to make me hopeful it won’t be too much longer. Sorry to you fellas if that was too much information fer ya. I hope you had a fantabulous Christmas, and this New Year is full of joy and happiness! |