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Rated: 13+ · Book · Fantasy · #1213567
The Legend of the Eyebright was thought to be just a myth...
#557134 added May 3, 2008 at 9:47am
Restrictions: None
Chapter Twenty-Three: Party at the Lé Estate
"Please behave, Kasity," whispered her stepmother as the carriage jolted out of Sea Grass Circle.

"She will, won't she?" said her father jovially, and pinched Kasity's cheek.

Kasity giggled, ignoring her stepmother.

"Now, I've heard rumors of just the most delightful things about this party," her stepmother continued. "Lady Fé informed me that Lord Lé has been hosting lovely get-togethers ever since his son began at the Academy."

Kasity wondered how Lady Fé knew about Lord Lé's parties if she herself didn't have any children at the Academy.

"Now, Kasity, try not to utilize that nasty habit of dropping your title. All the High Lords and Ladies will find it most offensive if you do so, and all the Low Lords and Ladies will be sure to scoff, and that will reflect so very poorly on our family. Now say your name, Kasity."

"Kasity, middle Ké," Kasity grumbled.

"Harriet, isn't this a bit much?" Kasity's father said, grinning.

She turned toward him, nostrils flared. "Be sure not to call me Harriet, Karston," she warned. "You'll have people thinking I'm Hé!"

Her father shuddered. "Kaethe! I don't know what my father was thinking when he gave you that name."

"It was his sister's name," her stepmother reminded. "And don't be too hard on your father, bless his soul."

"He told me you would have my mother's name before the wedding," he said, smiling. "And then he pulls Kaethe out in the middle of the ceremony."

"I like family names," said her stepmother. "You should have named Kasity Karla instead. It's been in middle Ké for generations. I don't even know where Kasity came from."

"We'll name this one Karla if it's a girl," her father promised, laying a hand on her stepmother's stomach.

Kasity fidgeted. It made her feel uncomfortable that they talked in front of her as if she wasn't even there.

"Don't fidget," her stepmother said automatically. She reached over and smoothed out Kasity's green dress. "And try not to spill anything on this. It's satin and brand new."

Her stepmother continued to fuss the entire way there, and it wasn't soon enough that they arrived on the Lé Estate, which was even further from Veruna than their home. Kasity pressed her nose to the glass as they drove up the magnificent circle in front of the Lé Mansion, which was larger than any house she had ever seen. Its' navy blue exterior was impeccable and the windows glittered in the moonlight. From the carriage she could hear the sounds of talking, but there wasn't anyone outside, for a chilly winter sea wind blew briskly, buffeting the carriages and ruffling dresses. They waited for a while as each carriage dropped off its inhabitants right in front of the grand entrance, which was lined with marble statues of various Lé ancestors, most of which looked a bit foreboding to Kasity, though one had Lander's open, teasing grin.

Once inside, the first thing Kasity noticed was a magnificent chandelier with at least a hundred light baubles, all hanging from intricately designed silver threads woven together to create a glowing masterpiece. She gaped for a while before she realized she was being herded elsewhere - down another hallway, this one lined with portraits of relations, and into a ballroom, which was full of people. Women wearing dresses of all different colors chatted with each other; men dressed in their best escorted wives across the room, which was tiled in navy blue and black crystal. On one side of the room a chamber orchestra played, filling the room with the dulcet undertone of a waltz, and some others - older Academy students, no doubt - danced together, smiling and dressed up and looking completely different from how they usually did.

Kasity spotted Synnove toward the far side of the room. Her shining blonde hair was combed and neatly arranged for once. Kasity self-consciously patted her own mass of frizz, which Malise had spent all afternoon arranging into a graceful up-do.

"Kasity!" hissed her stepmother, and Kasity jumped.

Her stepmother indicated to Lander, accompanied by his father, whose bushy eyebrows were furrowed. Lander looked bored.

"Hi, Kasity," he said as Lander's father and Kasity's father shook hands.

"Kasity, middle Ké," she introduced herself when her stepmother poked her in the back.
"Kasity," boomed Lord Lé. "Kasity, middle Ké. I am pleased to make your acquaintance."

"The pleasure is mine," Kasity mumbled.

"Lander mentioned some of his friends new to the Academy," Lord Lé said, folding his hands behind his back.

Kasity thought it odd that now she and Lander were friends, but back at the Academy he was her leader, completely superior.

"Well, go on and take your little friend around," Lord Lé told Lander, and he nodded.

"Come on, Kas," he whispered, and they headed across the ballroom toward Synnove, who smiled and waved at them.

"We invited Calixte, but of course she couldn't come," Lander said. "Aidan's coming with Adely's family, but they'll probably make a late entrance; they always do."

Synnove squealed and hugged Kasity as they met.

"Mother's talking with Darin's parents over there," Synnove said breathlessly. "Lander, is it true that Eunae will be here?"

"Well, her sponsor said she would be bringing her," Lander replied, shrugging. "Really, we wouldn't have invited them at all except for the fact that Lady Xé is just so influential in Veruna."

"You sounded absolutely horrendous right then," Synnove said, making a face. "Who cares about some Lady Xé anyways? I want to see Eunae. Is Calixte coming?"

"She never comes," answered Lander.

"How about Karynn?" asked Kasity, looking around eagerly.

Lander frowned. "Kas, Karynn is from Cynarris. Father never would have heard it."

"Well, you tried for Rissy," added Synnove slyly, and Lander turned bright red.

"Well, she was in the area," Lander mumbled as Synnove sniggered.

"I can't believe you invited all the Wyverns, though," said Synnove. "Sariel glared at me in the hallway, and I swore I saw Morwenn with some man out on the terrace."

"We should report her," Lander chimed, seeming relieved at the change of subject.

"Yeah, to whom?" Synnove said while rolling her eyes.

"The Lady High Xé!" announced the same loud voice that had introduced Kasity's family.

"That would be Eunae," said Synnove.

"High Xé?" asked Kasity, frowning.

"Yeah, sponsorship is totally random," muttered Lander. "I'll be right back. I probably have to say hi..."

He hurried toward the Lady Xé, who was talking with Lord Lé. Eunae was with them, wearing black dress, her hair tied simply on top of her head.

"Let's go say hi to Eunae," whispered Kasity.

"No, we should wait," said Synnove back. "Wait until Lady Xé takes Lord Lé off somewhere. Then Eunae'll be free."

And, sure enough, Lord Lé and Lady Xé swept off somewhere, leaving Eunae and Lander alone. They headed toward Synnove and Kasity, Eunae chatting with Lander eagerly. As Eunae came closer and Kasity got a better look at her, Kasity realized Eunae had a set of very expensive looking pearls in her hair and equally lavish set of pearl jewelry.

"Nice pearls," said Synnove after hugs and greetings had been made.

"They're not mine," Eunae explained. "Lady Xé insisted."

"Where are you guys staying?"

"Hotel Veruna."

Lander coughed. "Most expensive place in town, I see. So the rumors about Lady Xé are true."

"She's very generous," muttered Eunae. Then, changing the subject, she said, "I see a lot of people around her I don't recognize. Is this all Academy folk?"

"Actually, I think year father decided to combine this particular social event with one to do with a bunch of Companies he's involved with. I thought Mother might have a heart attack with having this many people of common blood in one room, but I think she's holding up alright. Actually..." He frowned, spotting his mother across the room. "I think that she's with one of them Company folks right now. That's weird."

Kasity glanced at the young man speaking with Lander, and then glanced back at Eunae with surprise. There was something odd about Eunae's expression, which was an oddity in itself - she hardly ever expressed emotion she didn't feel like expressing. But a moment later the expression was gone.

"Will you excuse me for a moment?" Eunae said suddenly. "I need to find Lady Xé. I just realized I forgot to give her her special toothpicks...they're in my pocket right now and she won't be able to use her dentures without them..."

Lander and Synnove both simultaneously shuddered and waved Eunae off. Kasity, however, watched her go with curiosity.

Eunae felt as if she was some sort of exquisite show dog, herded from one location to the other so that all of Lady Xé's noble friends could ooh at her.

"Say something in Serentanian," they would request.

"I'm bored out of my mind," Eunae would say, to ferocious clapping.

As she polished Lady Xé's statutes for the millionth time, she wondered once again why she even put up with this. Then she remembered that Lady Xé was her Irinifan sponsor, her only source of livelihood in a foreign country - not that Lady Xé ever let her forget it.

"You joined the Sensory track, eh?" Lady Xé said one evening as they headed to Lander's party. "I never got the point of that particular branch of Aé. It never struck me as particularly useful."

Eunae glanced up at Lady Xé. Was she trying to bait her? Because it wasn't going to work.

"Lord and Lady Lé have an exquisite mansion right in the outskirts of Veruna. Everyone who's anybody in the city will be there." Lady Xé took out a little diamond-studded box. Inside lay a dozen or so metal toothpicks gilded in gold. She picked her dentures, watching Eunae with beady eyes. "Of course, you're not anyone in particular, but you're associated with me. Remember that you only get your standing because of my grace."
Eunae didn't reply. She knew instinctively Lady Xé was the type of person who lived only to satisfy herself, and that nothing would give her more pleasure than to see Eunae lose her temper.

"You're very quiet today."

Eunae was always quiet. Today wasn't any exception.

"Take my toothpicks." Lady Xé shoved the jewel encrusted box into Eunae's hand. She repressed a shudder and placed the box into her pocket.

Things got infinitely better, however, once she reached the party. She was amazed to see how refreshing it was to see all their faces - Lander, Synnove, Kasity, even Morwenn.
"Nice pearls," said Synnove as a way of a greeting.

"They're not mine," Eunae explained. "Lady Xé insisted."

"Where are you guys staying?"

"Hotel Veruna."

Lander coughed. "Most expensive place in town, I see. So the rumors about Lady Xé are true."

"She's very...ah...generous." Eunae grimaced. How was she to describe Lady Xé? "Is this all Academy folk?"

"Actually, I think year father decided to combine this particular social event with one to do with a bunch of Companies he's involved with. I thought Mother might have a heart attack with having this many people of common blood in one room, but I think she's holding up alright. Actually..." He pointed at his mother, a tall, slim woman across the room. "I think that she's with one of them Company folks right now. That's weird."

Eunae felt something catch in her heart as the man Lander's mother spoke with turned toward them. It was Tegan Callon.

"Will you excuse me for a moment?" Eunae made up an excuse. "I need to find Lady Xé. I just realized I forgot to give her special toothpicks...they're in my pocket right now and she won't be able to use her dentures without them..."

She made her way across the ballroom, weaving in between different people until she was sure she was sure her friends wouldn't have followed her with their eyes any longer. She crept closer to the talking couple. She could see Tegan Callon's back, and Lady Lé's face.

"Mr. Callon, if I had known how charming my husband's Company friends are, I would have had them over quite a years ago!" she said.

"You flatter me, Lady Lé, with your generosity." Mr. Callon bowed gallantly.
Eunae shifted a bit so she could get a better view of Mr. Callon's face, but a passing couple thwarted her efforts.

"...be turning twenty-two in a couple months, Lady Lé," Mr. Callon continued. "And I've been involved with Belay Company ever since I graduated from the Academy."

"So you must be able to empathize with the children here, then," she cooed. "I swear I don't even know my own son half the time; he's always at the Academy or doing something for the Academy..."

"It is a sacrifice, Lady Lé."

"So tell me about your latest project at Belay, Mr. Callon."

He smiled a little. "I've been chasing a bit of a self-perpetuating Aé machine, if you know what I mean. Those elusive portals -"

"Don't tell me you're involved with the ancient magic research, Mr. Callon!" cried Lady Lé. "I thought you too sensible for that type of nonsense."

"Belay places a great stock in their Ancient Magics Research Department. Myths like Aelt's Comet and figures like King Aleron hold such a weight in our folklore that it is hard to take any of that as a serious science. But I do try."

"Of course you do, Mr. Callon. I suppose some of us must. So you do research on these tales, do you? Well, you must come by soon and tell us all about it. How about some time next week?"

"Ah," Mr. Callon said dramatically. "I wish I could, Lady Lé. Nothing would please me more than experiencing your wonderful hospitality again. But I am afraid I will be in Ailsa for the next three weeks."

"Ailsa! Whatever for?"

"Research, of course, and other assignments of a top-secret nature. However, I will, Lady Lé, let you know about one of them..." He leaned in toward Lady Lé and whispered something into her ear. She giggled, and Eunae suddenly felt very conscious of the fact that this woman was Lander's mother.

"Well, I shan't keep you then," Lady Lé said, fanning herself and blushing.

Mr. Callon swept up Lady Lé's hand and kissed it. "Thank you, Lady Lé. Until our next meeting."

He walked away, and Eunae caught a glimpse of his young, handsome face before he disappeared out of the ballroom.

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