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You supply the reading. I'll supply the writing. |
Yippee ki yah. With Christmas only five days away, I'd normally start off this journal entry with a great big Merry Christmas, but I'm not sure if saying Merry Christmas is politically correct anymore. How sad is that...not wishing you a Merry Christmas at Christmas time? Would you rather have me yippee ki yahing to you instead? I feel it just doesn't have the same ring to it. I heard on the radio about a teacher changing the words of "Silver Bells" in a school concert because she wanted to make them more inclusive. Silver bells, silver bells It's holiday time in the city Ring-a-ling, hear them sing Soon it will be festive day Isn't that's great? You've already frigged around with colourizing A Christmas Carol. Keep your hands off my silver bells. ![]() Intent...a little, often overlooked word. It wasn't my intent to write a journal entry about any of this stuff. It just sorta happened. I'd much rather focus on other stuff...like promises for example. I realize I must be more careful when it comes to making promises in the future. I can't promise more than I can deliver...so don't ask me for the stars coz they're not mine to give. A promise is a bond of trust between you and someone, (or something). I wonder if the world would unravel if no more promises were ever made? Probably. What a sad, lonely world that would be. Okay that's enough of that. That wasn't Christmassy at all was it? How about something about voodoo curses then? Nothing says Christmas like voodoo curses right? I happened to see this written on an internet advice page today... This woman at work put a voodoo curse on me! Any way to get rid of it? Don't you just hate it when someone at work puts a voodoo curse on you? ![]() ![]() Creativity...(what a stupid mood I'm in)...I find I'm usually most creative just before going to sleep and especially just after waking up. It's true. I kid you not. When I first wake up I'm often in a semi-dream-like state. (I love making hyphens...and strings of little dots...) ![]() I've often felt sleeping is a waste of time. Yes, it feels good, and as far as I know, every single organism on the planet sleeps, from bumble bees to blue birds to begonias, (except possibly for bullfrogs. Apparently some people feel bullfrogs don't sleep. I can't see how that's possible. Do your bullfrogs sleep? The ones around where I live spend the majority of their lives burried in the mud at the bottom of ponds, only becoming active for a few brief months during the summer) Okay, so let's say every single organism on this planet...with the possible exception of bullfrogs...sleep, hibernate or are dormant for at least some of their lives. My point is, it seems like a waste of valuable time. We all take sleeping forgranted, like breathing. It's just something everything does, but what would aliens from some far off distant planet...a planet where nothing sleeps...think about sleeping? I'd bet they're find us curious...laying down for eight hours or so each and every day...with our eyes closed...but rapidly twitching...and our mouths sometimes wide open...and drooling...making all kinds of unitelligible noises...while we toss and turn and pull blankets off one another. Yeah, I'm sure they'd be impressed with sleeping. Maybe bullfrogs are smarter than I thought. I'm going back to bed now. I think I've been cursed. Bah humbug. Thumb PS...I'm still getting my mail quota messages, (thank you mail quota message writer). I've deleted hundreds of emails now. Surely I must be well below the email quota limit by now. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |