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Rated: 18+ · Book · Teen · #1359437
Eitak thought she was a normal teen, until Ms. Fraig showed up and changed everythinh...
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#554170 added December 9, 2007 at 12:14pm
Restrictions: None
The Begining

A/N: This is NOT a Harry Potter fanfic! I took J.K. Rowling's idea, and yes also a lot of specific things in which I changed their names. But the story line, plot, and characters [in exception of three] have absolutely no relation to any of the Harry Potter characters! The book is finished, but I have yet to type the rest up. There are 19 chapters in all. Please enjoy :]

Chapter One
The Beginning

To Eitak it was just another ordinary day at Highland High School, but former Headmistress Fraig had other plans……..
“Oh my gosh Eilatan, did you hear about the upstairs math bathroom? Someone like totally trashed it!” said an extremely hyperactive Eitak.
“Yeah I did” Eilatan smiled, “you kind of told me yesterday.”
“Oh” Eitak blushed, “oops.” Both girls laughed, and Naes made some random comment about how dumb Eitak was, they all laughed even harder.
At the front of the classroom Mr. Nolan they study, hall advisor got up out of his chair and made his way towards Eitak. In a low whisper he said, “Eitak please, there is someone outside who wishes to speak with you.” His voice was monotone, and his eyes had a blank sort of look to them. He took a couple of steps back, allowing Eitak through.
She got up out of her seat, bent down to pick up her purse, and flung it over her shoulder. Eitak looked back at her friends and shrugged. They had no idea what was about to happen and neither did she
She left all of her books on her desk and walked out the door. “Huh?” she said to herself. As she looked around, she quickly realized that who ever was out here a few minutes ago, certainly was not here now! “Whatever” she thought. Eitak turned around to go back inside, “AARRGGHHHH!” she screamed at the top of her lungs.
There standing inside the double doors was a woman. This women look at Eitak. Their eyes locked. She had a weird pointed black hat, a pair of dress shoes, a dress that came down to about mid-calf, and a black cloak. Overall, it was one hell of a sight!
The mystery woman opened the doors and was walking to Eitak. Finally face to face, the woman spoke, “Hello Eitak, my name is Ms. Fraig.” She stuck out her left hand, obviously wanting Eitak to shake it.
Eitak just stood there and stared at it. “That’s nice” she said sarcastically. “Who is this freak?” she thought.
Ms Fraig gave a little huff of annoyance, “Uh rite then” she pulled her hand back and stuck it into her cloak pocket. She glared at Eitak, as if waiting for her to say something.-nothing- “Fine let’s get down to business then.”
“Whatevs” Eitak had her arms folded across her chest, tilting her head ever so slightly giving Ms. Fraig a cocky half smile. “Well……” she just couldn’t help herself. She had thing to do. Which she thought was much more important than whatever Freaky Lady had to say.
Another huff, “Do you know why I’m here?”
Eitak shook her head, “No, and I really don’t care.” She was loosing her patience with this woman, and Eitak wanted her to know it.
Ms. Fraig turned around and looked at Eitak, turned around again and began walking away, Eitak followed her. “There is no logical explanation for what I’m about to tell you. There are some things in your world that remain unexplained, like the UFO’s or the pyramids.” she stated.
Eitak had no idea where she was going with this, but nodded her head anyway, pretending to understand.
“Are you superstitious Eitak?” she asked
She shook her head, “No I think it’s a really dumb thing to believe in. Honestly breaking a mirror seven years bad luck…puh-leez! Someone had to have been smoking dope when they came up with that shit!”
Ms. Fraig chuckled “No my dear, not that kind of superstition.”
“I didn’t know there was another kind.” replied a very confused Eitak.
“Well of course there is the magical kind about witches and wizards. I believe you people call it, Ummm what’s the word I’m looking for? Wicca is I right?” it was a rhetorical question. “Yes, Wicca, the noffles way of pretend magic.”
“Noffle?” inquired Eitak.
“Oh yes uh, non-magical folk, anyway, a pity really. Some actually believe in it. Had a friend o’ mine down at the Ministry who worked on a case ‘bout this noffle who dueled her neighbor, needless to say her neighbor hexed two ways to Sunday.”
Eitak looked at Ms. Fraig and laughed so hard her eyes stared to water.
“Excuse me” she said, “but I’m afraid I fail to what’s so funny.”
“The way you talk about witched and wizards with such a straight face. You’d make a damn good poker player.” Eitak calmed down and stopped laughing long enough to ask Ms. Fraig a question. “So, you’re telling me that magic exists beyond Houdini?”
More laughter, only this time it was coming from Ms. Fraig. “Oh Houdini, those were the good o’ days. No my dear, Houdini was a great wizard, far before your time. He was known for performing for the noffles as a so called “magician”. Houdini, what a prankster.”
They’ve been walking for a while when they reached the stairs leading up to the math hallway. Eitak and Ms. Fraig walked up the steps, passing several people along the way. Nobody bothered to say hello, and Eitak found this to be very strange. They now were on the second floor math hallway. Classes were in session, and Eitak could hear her Geometry teacher, Mr. Hus, lecturing his 1st period trig class about the importance of owning a graphing calculator.
They were all the way down the hall when Ms. Fraig said, “We’re here!”
Eitak stopped and looked around ‘What is this lady playing at?’ she thought. She searched and wondered where they were going to end up.
“Just follow me dear, no need to be shy.” Ms Fraig led her to the unused school elevator. Eitak looked very confused and was about to say something when, as if Ms. Fraig could read her mind, laughed at her, “No you silly little girl, we’re going to the Roomy Inn. That is where all the First Years go.
Eitak opened her mouth to protest. The last thing she wanted to do was get into and elevator with this crazed women.
Ms Fraig placed her old wrinkly hand on her shoulder, and spoke in a calm, mother like tone, “Oh not to worry hun, you’ll be placed with all the others Third Years your age. I just need to take you to the student orientation.” She pushed the elevator button.
Eitak looked around for someone, anyone that could help her, but it was just her luck, no one was in sight. The old woman literally pushed her through the small doors, and as they shut, Eitak began to think of ways to escape. Ms. Fraig reached into her cloak pocket, ‘Oh no’ thought Eitak ‘a gun, now I’ve got to do something!’
“Help me please someone HELP ME!” she screamed at the top of her lungs, banging on the elevator doors.
What are you doing child?” Ms. Fraig grabbed Eitak’s arms, and pulled her away from the doors. She turned her around to face her. Once again, she reached into her cloak pocket. “You really are a weird one.”
Eitak opened her eyes, and noticed that Ms. Fraig was not holding a gun, or any type of weapon for that matter. Instead she had a rather shinny looking stick. Ms. Fraig tapped it on the emergency exit button. A voice filled the elevator.
“Hello, please state your name and wand number.”
“Cathy Fraig, number 180463.” The elevator started to make weird noises, “oops I almost forgot, Eitak Sitzes, currently wand less at the time.” Ms. Fraig looked at Eitak, giving her a completely warm-hearted smile.
The strange voice returned, “Please state your location, and business for travel.” said the voice.
“Location: Roomy Inn, Business: Student Orientation.” Cathy seemed to be talking to herself.
The strange voice scarred Eitak a little. Where was it coming from, and why was it in her school elevator?! She had so many questions, but dared not ask them.
Then all of a sudden, the elevator started moving. They seemed to be going sideways instead of up and down. Eitak fell over; the elevator had made a very sudden stop. Apparently, they were “there.”

Kays McDillen*Kiss*
© Copyright 2007 Kays McDillen (UN: hooks at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
Kays McDillen has granted Writing.Com, its affiliates and its syndicates non-exclusive rights to display this work.
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