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You supply the reading. I'll supply the writing. |
Hi little Thumberoos. I've been thinkin' 'bout yoooos. Do you feel loved? I hope so. I know I do. ![]() I just found some of my recent trip photos. (We took over 1,000) I was worried I'd lost them. For the most part, I dislike photographs of myself. I seem to have a knack for getting my photo taken while making the most stupidest expressions. Thank goodness I'm a nobody and don't have hordes of paparazzi swarming around me, snapping my photo, and publishing my most embarrassing, unphotgenic likenesses. If I was upgraded I'd post some pics here. (That's NOT a hint requesting an upgrade. I prefer being a free member) I don't think I'll post any to my Yahoo360 account because it appears no one but me can see my photos there. ![]() Moving on then...I forgot to mention in my last entry that I dislike hot n' spicy chip dips. I wish I had mentioned that last entry because it probably would have prevented me from buying any hot n' spicy chip dips...which I did. My poor tongue is still sore. See if you had known that I dislike spicy dips you could have been waiting beside the chip dip section of my local grocery store and warned me when you saw me putting the dip in my grocery cart. You best start hanging around the sauerkraut and turnip sections too, as I also dislike them. (The spicy sauerkraut section...I don't mind mild sauerkraut) I forgot to mention we got a GPS thingy for the car just before we left on the trip. I was skeptical about it at first but it quickly won me over. I would HIGHLY recommend one if you plan to go on a road trip or need to find obscure addresses. It was VERY helpful. It was a breeze when it came to figuring out which roads or exits to take, especially in the larger cities, (Chicago would have been a nightmare without it).Not only did it verbally tell which road or exit to take, but also it gave lists of the nearest hotels or gas stations or even where to go/call for help, depending on your location. We used it to find buisnesses and off the beaten path addresses too. I was able to whiz around the backwoods of Pennsylvania and Wyoming like I was a native. We never got lost once, (although we often got off course but that wasn't a fault of the GPS). I had to laugh when I came upon a "past lives" quiz online recently. Now I do believe in reincarnation, but I don't think the quiz I saw was going to accurately tell me who I was in a past life. No quiz can tell you that. This quiz only needed one piece of info to tell me what past lives I've had...what time of day was I born!?!? Morning, noon or night? I played along anyways and was told in 506 BC I was an Eygptian artist/sculptor, in 54 AD a pirate and in 1954 an astronomer. Okay, so I admit I wasn't taking this seriously at all and I immediately found fault with these three "past lives". I take it the dates were when I had previously died and not when I was born, otherwise the 1954 astronomer wouldn't leave much time between then and 2007. What if I had been born before 1954, (I wasn't), but what if I had? I thought the 1954 astronomer past life was either gutsy or foolish on the part of the quiz makers. The Eyptian artist/sculptor and pirate lives made me smile. I AM an artist/sculptor, and people often confuse me for a pirate, (maybe it's the eye patch and parrot), but I immdeiately thought, "Not very likely. The chances are if you lived back in 506 BC Eygpt or 54 AD wherever, you'd likely be a dirt poor peasant or slave." So just out of curiousity I retook the quiz, (like answering one question was a big deal to retake the quiz), and then got these three past lives... 264 BC: Wise Nomad 761 AD: A lady in waiting 1651 AD: Royalty Yeah right. I was pleased to see "the lady in waiting" past live meant the quiz wasn't totally male biased. I hope I was a pretty lady in waiting. I hope I didn't spend a long time waiting though. I wonder how I amused myself while waiting? Maybe I had a pet gerbil? Now those are the tidbits of info I feel this past lives quiz was saddly lacking in. They did say I was a wise 264 BC nomad. I guess that's something. I could have been a fidgety 264 BC nomad or a constantly itching and scratching 264 BC nomad...or even a homeless 264 BC noamd. (I know what you're thinking...nomads don't have homes...but that's untrue O' unlearned one. Nomads do have homes. Transportable, moveable homes they pack up and take with them when it's time to move on) I could have been a homeless nomad, forced to tag along with the other nomads, but I'd be sleeping outside their huts and begging until it was time for everybody to pack up and move somewhere else. The royalty thing pissed me off. Everybody who's told about their past lives seems to have been royalty, or a famous outlaw or military leader. They're not told they were the villiage pervert...1195 AD: Castle Moron...You lived in a castle moat. People in the castle used to dump buckets of slop onto you. The highlight of your day was when the drawbridge was lowered and you got to hide under it. Now that's more believeable than "you were once royalty". I found myself retaking the stupid quiz simply to see what other past lives they could come up with for me... 1504 BC: A Peasant 292 AD: A shipping merchant 1862 AD: A corrupt politician 125 BC: Egyptian Slave 621 AD: Some forgotten prophet 1987 AD: A failed artist 1936 BC: Roman Gladiator 489 AD: A monk 1787 AD: A nun 1722 BC: Wise Nomad 1227 AD: A monk 1917 AD: A transsexual prostitute Okay, the slave, peasant, merchant, monk, nun, corrupt politician and even the forgotten prophet, (guess I wasn't too convincing huh?), were all more believeable than the transsexual prositute. As far as I know, the first sex change operation occured in the 1950s, well before 1917. I do have to hand it to whoever had written these past live options, transsexual prostitute is pretty imaginative. Not as good as castle moron or fidgety nomad, but it's still good. ![]() ![]() Okay, that's enough drivel for one entry. Let's Pretend... That smiles are free and leaders are wise That cutting down trees means less room for the sky That dreams are respected and value doesn't mean money That pop up ads aren't expected and pain isn't funny That butterflies commit and wandering no longer exists That you lover means it when they give you that kiss That wishes are real and buffaloes roam free That it's peace that you feel when you dream of me Oops. I guess there was a bit more drivel afterall. Sorry. Take care all you fidgety nomads. ![]() Thumb "Invalid Item" ![]() "Invalid Item" ![]() "Invalid Item" ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |