Printed from https://writing.com/main/books/entry_id/551353
Rated: E · Book · Personal · #1350241
Fragments, pieces, and random gibberish I couldn't quite throw away.
#551353 added November 28, 2007 at 3:25pm
Restrictions: None
From the Rasta-Man
"If you can't make a penny, you won't make a dime,
If you can't make a dime, you won't make a dollar,
And if you can't make a dollar in this world we made,
you don't make no sense!"

I never would have thought, before listening to the Rasta-Man, that rain is made like body heat rises and combustion engines work.  It's all natural; everything in this world.  Nothing is wrong with the world, but a lot of people are confused.

Human kind is such a small portion of the life on this planet.  We are outnumbered by insects a million to one, but look at what the small number of us have done.  We put pesticides and smoke in the air, and it kills the insects.  When they're gone, the flowers don't get pollinated, so new ones can't grow.  Birds and frogs have nothing to eat, so they go away too.  That pattern continues on.

Bees, even when their home is on organic land, can fly 6 miles away, pick up pesticides, and kill the hive because they all work and live together.  Their wings beat something like 600 times per second, which is why they buzz.  It's not their wings making the sound, but the air particles vibrating from their movement.  That's like how a clap makes sound; the air gets compressed between your hands.  That is how a thunderclap makes so much noise. 

Water rises into the air when it's hot from the sun, and the wind blows it around with dust and pollen and smoke, making it into clouds.  When the water starts to cool down again, it condenses around those particles of dust and pollen and smoke, and falls again.  Then it starts all over again, a cycle.  Your body makes heat with motion, like the sun and wind moving water.  Your heart pumps blood to feed oxygen and nutrients from food into your muscles, then flows through veins close to the skin, cooling down before going back to the heart to start over. 

It's the same reason coolant flows around an engine, to keep it from getting too hot.  That engine starts with a spark, when you turn the key.  Vapors from the gas are compressed, like air between hands or clouds, which that spark ignites and keeps burning.  That's what moves the car.

Heat is the energy that moves everything, and coolness brings it back.  The circle of life, in everything.  There is nothing unnatural.


This is a transcription of a conversation; mostly me listening from behind the coffee shop counter, as Ezra drank his "vaneela saya mo-cha."  There was more details than I could remember before getting home.  I only wish I could write with a Jamaican accent - the flow of thought and speech are wholly mesmerizing.
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