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Rated: 18+ · Book · Writing · #464720
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#545067 added October 28, 2007 at 2:17pm
Restrictions: None
Seven Passing Thoughts
WARNING...This entry contains various personal, private, passing thoughts. No telemarketers, circus clowns, suicide bombers, sock puppets or ugly people allowed past this point...I don't want you distracting my readers.

'ello, 'ello, 'ello. It's been awhile. I've been very busy and I also haven't felt like writing lately. I intend to do more writing after I get back from my trip. I noticed I have a journal entry I've left unfinished which I completely forgot about it. Bad Thumb.

Thought #1...I happened to be clicking through someone's TV channels and came across something interesting. (I don't want cable TV. I'd spend way too much time watching it if I did) I could tell right away it looked like a low budget, community program. Normally low budget, community programs wouldn't get my attention but this one did. There were two attractive women in a park doing what looked to be very slow motion martial arts. (I think it's called tai chi chuan)

**** Note to local, low budget, community programers **** Using attractive women is a great way to lure guys into watching your low budget, community programs.

The two women, (dressed in track suits), were obviously following along to the female narrator's instructions. My first impressions was I was watching a how-to program teaching pretty lame martial arts. The narrator instructed them to "Raise left hand", "Open palm" and "Tilt head'. Stuff like that. I was about to continue channel surfing when they warped to another location. This time there were three different women, also attractuve. (Gotta remember to include attactive women if ya wanna keep my attention. Those crafty low budget community prorgamers) This time they were wearing T shirts and jeans and were in a warehouse setting doing more ultra slow movements along to the narrator's instructions. Different locations followed, different women, different clothing, different slow motion movements. Eventually it dawned on me they weren't teaching viewers how to do slow motion martial arts but belly dancing. *Bigsmile* I never realized there are actual moves and "dance steps" for belly dancing. I always thought they pretty much made it up as they went along. To be honest I wasn't that familiar with belly dancing aside from seeing it briefly portrayed in movies and the odd sit-com. I never realized how intricate and sensual it actually is. It's damn sexy! *Bigsmile* Seeing it broken down and the "steps" preformed in slow motion made me realize that a LOT of thought has gone into those moves...the way the hands frame the face, or focus on the hips, or all the other moves that seem to flow effortlessly into each other. Gals if you want to have your guy's undivided attention...learn to belly dancing. It seems like not only a great way to seduce your fella, but a good way to burn some calories and encourage fitness. *Bigsmile*

Thought #2...Belly dancing is a purely female only dance. To my eye, no guy should belly dance. I don't even want to imagine that. *Sick* Somethings are definitely not unisex and I think belly dancing is one of them.

Thought #3...Pink is a "female colour". Possibly the only "female colour". Is that a sexist comment? It wasn't meant to be. I think it's cool gals have claimed pink as their colour. I can't think of a "male colour", one guys have claimed as their own. I see some guys wearing pink. I say good for them but it's not for me.

Thought #4...I just noticed the new season of The Amazing Race is starting Nov 4th. Unfortunately I'll be away then. Crap. I always try to tape the episodes. I'm hoping I can get it recorded while I'm gone.

Thought #5...One of the new Amazing Race competitiors describes himself as mean, rude and enjoys talking trash to people. I'm surprised he also didn't mention bed wetting and torturing little animals. He's proud of being mean and rude? I try not to be judgemental but I dislike him already. I find it sad these are the characteristics he seems to value. He is only 21, so hopefully he'll be less mean and rude as he matures. Hopefully he won't raise his children to be mean and rude. This world has more than enough mean and rude people.

Thought #6...Are food packages getting harder to open or is it just me? Time was I could pop open a bag of chips or twist off a pickle jar lid with only one hand, now I have to contort my body in unnatural positions, swear, grunt and make unflattering faces before I can open stuff.

Thought #7...You may think this last thought isn't worthy of a think but I happened to think it's interesting. Twice this summer I notice wasps with most of their wings missing. These weren't hornets, (which are more aggressive), but wasps. (I just wanted to point that out to the bug lovers out there who appreciate the difference between hornets and wasps) Both times I noticed the wingless wasps on my back deck. You may say "So what?", (you're really not a big bug lover then are you), but I can't help but wonder why the wasps wings were gone. I could see one wasp's wings were missing close to where they attach to it's body while the other one still had some of it's wings left, (mostly just the stalks). I can't see the wasps losing their wings from some kind of fluke accident and I also doubt it was due to a fungus infection or disease. They appeared to me to have been cut or bitten off. If so, I wondered what could have done it. I believe it was other wasps. I've seen ants fight and they'll rip off each other's legs, head and antennas. In those cases the violence doesn't seem selective. The ants simply tear each other to bits while in this case only the wasp's wings were missing. If it was wasps biting other wasp's wings off then I find that fascinating, (as well as sad). It means the wasps knew what they were doing. They weren't trying to kill the wasps, only prevent them from flying. That suggests quite a bit of intelligence to me, especially from an insect. They would have to realize wings are used for flying and without them you're grounded. I'm not sure why exactly they would want to prevent other wasps from flying but I do know the wasps around my place don't always all get along with each other. (Same as ants) Whatever cut or chewed off the wasp's wings must have known what they were doing. Who knew bugs could be so smart.

Well that's all for now folks. Hope to write more when I get back. Take care.


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