By biggest challenge- My life. Wanna know me? |
I didn't know much about the tagging game before. Learnt it from a dear friend today. How this works: Just list eight random facts about yourself in a blog entry or static item. Give links to eight friends you'll tag, at the end of your post. Tell those eight friends that they are tagged, by leaving them a blog comment or email. I've been tagged by Shannon and twinkledee ♥'s you . Here's eight random facts about me: I love kids, flowers and music. I don't enjoy studying physics, so I changed my major from science to commerce. My favorite book is "Anne Frank's Diary". I sometimes wish I could dance, but I can't. I can sing, though. In the Bengali calendar, Falgoon is the first month of spring. My actual name, Falguni, comes from the word Falgoon. I enjoy learning about different languages and cultures. I spend most of my time looking after my niece and nephew. I love to leave my bed before 8 AM. Now, lets see, whom shall I tag? OK.... jo kiyasama earlybird SHERRI GIBSON GG very happy tayasky GabriellaR45 isiacs_mom Well, gotta think of the others later! Till then, bye blog, see you later! ** Image ID #1309168 Unavailable ** |