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Rated: 13+ · Book · Opinion · #1254599
Exploring the future through the present. One day at a time.
#542871 added October 19, 2007 at 2:47pm
Restrictions: None
Shotgun Blast
Maybe because hunting season has started that I came up with the above title. It also well describes what I’ll be talking about – a little of a lot, much like the shot exploding out of a shotgun and splattering all willy-nilly.

Fear not, though. They’re not high-powered shots. Should you get hit by a pellet, it won’t even break the skin. Eye protection is still recommended.

First off, Voxxylady Author Icon tagged me with the latest “Getting to Know You” survey. Thank goodness I need to come up with only eight random facts about me. Anymore, and my brain might meltdown or explode (more on that later).

Now zee rules:
Link to your tagger and post these rules.
List 8 (yes 8 – the horror of it all) random facts about yourself.
At the end tag 8 other people.
Let them know in their blog comments they’ve been tagged.

1. I like coffee. Tried to give it up, but once the morning sickness subsided, back on the java truck I jumped! I manage to stick to one caffeinated cup a day, then I go to decaf.

2. I’m a Registered Land Surveyor in the state of North Dakota.

3. I’ve been married 15 years, but even more astonishing I still like my husband.

4. I have a paper and pen fetish. Keep me out of an office supply store lest you want me to spend too much money on what I already have too much of.

5. Ditto to book stores.

6. For some reason wireless mice don’t last more than six months for me before they die. It doesn’t matter the brand, either. Maybe I’m feeding them too much cheese? Not enough? Maybe it’s the type of cheese? Is Roquefort bad for wireless mice?

7. The human brain fascinates me. It’s the one organ that still confounds doctors and scientists.

8. No promises on tagging 8 others. It’s a combination of laziness and lack of brain power.

Well, what do you know? I survived. How ‘bout you? In need of bandages or a hospital? The bandages I got. The hospital, you’re on your own.

I can tell I’ve reached the third and final stage of pregnancy. As predicted, the second trimester was a cakewalk. I felt good, had lots of energy, and the little guy didn’t give me too much trouble.

Thomas has grown quite a bit, and is quickly running out of room. According to http://www.visembryo.com/baby/28_weeks.html he weighs about 2.5 pounds and is about 16 inches long. I can feel every stretch, punch and kick now. A few times when rubbing my belly I’ve felt his head, a foot and his little bum. Very cool. He’s still small enough to not cause me too much discomfort – except when he uses my bladder as a trampoline. Funny. First trimester I kept in mind the closest bathroom everywhere I went just in case my tummy rebelled. Here I am in the third trimester doing the same thing in case my bladder rebels!

I tire more easily now. The moment I get home from work, all I want to do is vegetate on the couch or take a nap. Even after a nap I’m back in bed before 10pm. That’s the main reason I haven’t been around. I don’t have the wherewithal to turn my computer on.

I’m also more forgetful. My boss had to give me a talking-to, because I wasn’t getting my work done. It wasn’t intentional. I simply kept forgetting what they wanted me to do. An hour later they’d ask me if it was done yet, and all they received in response was a blank look. I had no idea what they were talking about! I’ve done better since then, because now I know I can’t depend on my memory at all. I write everything down. So far I haven’t forgotten I have a list, but one never knows!

From what everyone’s been saying, I don’t look six months pregnant. Mom and I figured it’s due mostly to my protruding gut still overshadowed by my – um – shall we say well-endowed upper torso. No complaints. No one has yet come up to me and rub my belly without permission.

You won’t see me around for the next week, though not because I forgot I’m a member here. This weekend I have to clean my sty of a house to prepare for Dave’s brother and wife’s arrival late Saturday or early Sunday. They’ll spend the week with us for pheasant, duck and goose hunting, and stay through Dave’s cousin’s wedding on the 27th.

Lastly, I plan (and we all know how plans go don’t we?), on nanowrimo beginning November 1. It’ll be a challenge considering my mental incapacity lately, but it never hurts to try. To those also participating, you can find my profile at http://www.nanowrimo.org/eng/user/85916

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