What a lazy day today has been for me. Ron went riding with his buddies. I stayed home and did practically nothing, but change the bedding on our bed. From the sheets to the duvet cover, putting a warmer one on for colder nights here. Aside from that really nothing much else was going on around here. My son Patrick tried to call me all morning, but all he got was a busy signal. I was not on the phone either. We have a phone line on the blink again. The phone company came out about a week ago and replaced the box out at the side of the house. Problem fixed..or so we thought. Now this. So tomorrow we have to call the phone company again. Patrick invited me to come and stay with him and his kids this Friday evening through Sunday. I think I'm going to. I miss all of my kids and grandkids down in Port Orchard like crazy! So I will take the Edmonds to Kingston ferry on Friday evening and then we will all meet at a restaurant for dinner(my treat), and catch up on the latest. I can hardly wait. It's always so much fun and laughter when we get together like that. I will stay untill Sunday when he takes me back to the Kingston ferry. |