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"We will now move to step two" said Coty helping Jason to his feet "Uh step two I thought that as soon as I made contact with my dragon I could use his power"said Jason. "Well sorry to disappoint you but there are actually four steps in total"said Coty "Four steps that will take forever"said Jason. "Na,actually if your any good it will take you about three days"said Coty "Three days how is that possible"said Jason "We are in an alternate dimension time moves differently here like inside the dragon seal"said Coty "Time go's faster here than it does in the real world"said Jason. "Exactly"said Coty "So what am I suppose to do now"said Jason. "Simple"said Coty he then created a none-elemental orb then dispelled it "I have to create a none-elemental orb"said Jason. "No, only I can make one of those no you are to channel your dragons power"said Coty "How do I do that"said Jason. "You must find the answer to that on your own"said Coty he then created another clone and he went back to fighting himself.Coty and his clone then froze "Don't you think you could give him a little hint"said the Divine Dragon "I'm only teaching him the way I was tot"said Coty. "You tot yourself"said the Dragon "Exactly"said Coty.He was then back in the real world facing his clone who had the same blank stare he did. "Uh Coty how do I do this"said Jason getting frustrated Coty dispelled the clone then turned back to normal He then walked over to the young Dragon Lord then he.Looked into his eyes and saw them as green as the grass. "Well like I said you have to figure it out for yourself"said Coty "Could you at least give me a hint"said Jason "Figure out what makes you channel your dragons magical energy"said Coty "What makes it happen for you"said Jason. "I summon the power of my dragon with my anger"said Coty "What thats the big secret the Divine Dragon Lord gets angry and he transforms"said Jason. "Oh no there is much more to it than that"said Coty "What do you mean"said Jason. "I get angry to unlock the power of my dragon yes but thats not all I can summon its power when I'm calm too. It just makes it easier for the dragon to come out because he was forged by anger and hate .So you must find out the power that drives your dragon then master it in yourself that will allow you to become a dragon at will or to channel its power."said Coty "I don't understand"said Jason. "Uh the first time I unleashed the power of my dragon I was about six years old my master and I where walking in a forest. Known for having werewolves inside it but nothing prepared us for the first werewolf. Cerberus came out of no where with his werewolf minions and attacked me and my master he managed. To seal him,but it cost him his life after that.Cerberus's remaining minions came after me I was so upset over. The loss of my master that I lost it and in a blind rage I transformed into the Divine Dragon and wiped out all of the werewolves in the forest."said Coty "Wow the Divine Dragon is really that powerful"said Jason. "My boy you have no idea the power that the dragons sealed inside us poses"said Coty he then smiled did. A little hand movement and the seal on Jason's shoulder started glowing then it stopped. "Hey what'd you do"said Jason "I loosened the seal so that your dragons power could leak out a little bit"said Coty. "So I can summon his power now"said Jason "Maybe I'll just sit back and watch you try"said Coty. He then sat Indian style on the floor of the dimension and watched as Jason concentrated. He started glowing purple "Anything"said Coty "No thats my usual aura"said Jason. "Hmm what is it that drives his dragon"thought Coty "He's my brother"echoed the Divine Dragon voice in the back of his head. "Hey Jason you ever been angry before"said Coty "Yeah when my parents where killed by the one who put this dragon inside me"said Jason. "What happened"said Coty "Well that night was when my dragon appeared Lantos had just transformed and he had no. Remorse for my loss he crushed them in his dragon form then he sealed the Time and Space Dragon inside me. With that shotty seal then a few days later it broke I was still pretty upset and then the dragons power. Turned me into that creature you saw before you improved my seal"said Jason. "Ah ha your dragon is just like mine"said Coty "Eh what do you mean?"said Jason. "Well kid to be perfectly honest with you your dragon is mines baby brother"said Coty. "What he's your dragons baby brother"said Jason "Yeah, doesn't surprise me in the least"said Coty. "What do you mean"said Jason "Well my dragon may be the strongest in the world but that doesn't mean the he was the only one in his clutch of eggs to survive"said Coty. "Any way I want you to think back to when you first changed into the half dragon form"said Coty. "Ok"said Jason he closed his eyes then started glowing purple then a bright sea green he opened his eyes and they where glowing bright blue with vertical slits for pupils. "Ha well done"said Coty walking over to congratulate Jason on a job well done. "Stay back human"said Jason in a deep thunderous voice "Hmm Wraith I presume"said Coty "Yes, how do you know of me"said Jason Coty made his eyes go dragon "Your a Dragon Lord too huh"said Wraith. "Yes, I would suggest you let Jason have your power with out you inter fearing"said Coty. Jason started to. Change his skin turned a bright sea green and grew scales and wings then his hair twisted into two bright. Yellow horns his face became a short snout and his teeth became fangs. "I don't know nor do I care who you are or weather or not what low level dragon you have sealed inside you but if you. Tell me what to do one more time then I will have no choice but to kill you"said Wraith "Hmm half dragon huh boy he wasn't kidding when he said you where around equal footing with him.But your aura isn't anywhere near his"said Coty "Who are you talking about I am the strongest now that my big brother got himself killed twenty-five years ago"said Wraith "Funny I was born twenty five years ago"said Coty. "So whats that got to do with anything"said Wraith "You still haven't figured it out yet"said Coty. He started glowing green then it turned snow white his skin turned snow white and then he grew scales and wings his hair curled into two golden horns. His face became a short snout. "Figure it out yet"said Coty "Y-your aura is the highest I've ever seen what are you"said Wraith. Coty smiled "Wraith you disappoint me I can't believe you've forgotten his magical aura"said Coty he then created a none-elemental orb. "W-what is that what element is it"said Wraith "I don't believe it has an element"said Coty "None-elemental energy there was only one dragon that ever achieved it"said Wraith. "Ding-ding he's solved the puzzle what do we got for him Draco"said Coty "D-Draco?"said Wraith "Yes, that is the name of your brother the Divine Dragon"said Coty. "H-how he was destroyed"said Wraith "Hmm no Wraith I wasn't"said Coty in a deep voice "Draco"said Wraith. "I was sealed inside this rather talented boy and have been alive ever since"said Draco "I-I can't believe it how can you the greatest dragon in all of the magical world let a pathetic creature control your mighty power"said Wraith. "Because he is my vessel he protects me and so I him I submitted my powers to him,and this boy came up. With some of the most incredible ways to use my power that I have ever seen.Including a way to combine are powers"said Draco. "Yeah,yeah every dragon knows that when the planets aline just right every dragons aura increases ten fold"said Wraith. "No, that isn't what I meant my vessel has found a way to combine are magical auras without waiting for the planetary alinement's"said Draco "Hmf well maybe I'll get as luck as you did bro I submit my powers and form to this human"said Wraith he then changed back into his human form as did Coty "Uh what happened"said Jason. "Nothing everything is going just as I planed you have successfully completed part two and three of your training"said Coty. |