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Enga mellom fjella: where from across the meadow, poems sing from mountains and molehills. |
The little boats are coming home to bed for Dan Fye The little boats are coming home to bed, the waiting heron on the pier reflected in the shimmer of their wake. Gulls watch this silent motion of small clouds floating on the sound. The islands in the distance seem so still and dull. Shrieks pierce the lull of ripples lapping against the shore, diving for the bread that's thrown. The little boats are coming home to bed. © Kåre Enga 2007 [164.260] 2007-09-27 Everett, Washington. My sister's chicken's: Buff Orpington, Silver laced Wyandotte, Black Australorp, Ameraucana, Barred Plymouth Rock. My sister likes chickens but won't get any breed that is mean. She collects about 7 different colored eggs a day. IMAGES: yellow: apples, buttercups, hawkeyes, tuliptree leaves, big leafed maple, clanedula, a bucket, the house, sunflowers, dandelions, zinnias, chrysanthemum, dahlias. red: rosehips, holly berries, dahlias. m = molehills, mushrooms and moss. grey: the cloudy overcast, the gravel driveway. Note: green is a neutral color here in the North-West. Me: got a wash done, although it didn't dry before it rained again. Noticed droplets on the clothesline (don't always see the 'little' things). Hontas has the sniffles and I need to pack to leave on Tuesday morning back to Kansas where the temps will be in the 80s instead of the 50s. Monroe, Washington: 51º and damp at 9 p.m. 200 |