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It's a magical story full of adventure friendship love and new worlds. |
oh yeah, please forgive me for any bad grammar or mess ups I'm still proof reading it! thanks now enjoy! Philmar was thought to be only a place in a story; something made up to intrigue little children. Many people, not just children, believed that this magnificent place truly existed, however. Some spent their whole lives searching for it, but magnificent mountains and a stretching dark, evil forest surrounded the great kingdom; they made Philmar remarkably hard to reach. It was once a domain full of enchantment and wonder, ruled by the great King Philius. Many believed he was a great sorcerer full of unimaginable powers. If he had these powers, though, they weren't enough for the unbelievable number of dragons that appeared. Cold winds blew that night in the towering trees of the Rdoni Forest. Hidden in the eerie dark stood an anticipating figure. He could have easily been mistaken for a man, but his lengthy ebony hair, white demonic eyes, and long black fingernails marked him for what he was - a shade. Demon blood boiled in his veins. In his hands he gripped a sword. The sword guard was formed like silver bat wings. The handle resembled a black demonic figure with red ruby eyes; a long silver blade extended from it. The creature waited. Suddenly, a vile whisper was heard on the wind. “R’tu… zza.” The shade, Ergonie, received the signal and jolted from the trees to an opening that revealed a kingdom too magnificent to be ruled by such evil. He lifted up his hands towards the castle, shouting with a smirk, “roco’ja lestan’ie.” Out from his hands came a crimson glow; at that precise moment the wind stopped and everything fell silent. The sky filled with fire and a multitude of dragons emerged from the flames. They were Spinyblood Skull, the worst you could ever come across. Long, muscular bodies with maroon and black scales ended in spiked tails with blade-like extensions for brutal slashing. Long limbs ended in sharp claws, and their wings were bony, black, and rigid. The head of the Spinyblood Skull itself caused deathly scares; it was web shaped, with piercing yellow-hue eyes, and a single horn projected from the chin. They surrounded the castle, devouring everything in sight with the fire from their breath. The furious beasts sent everyone fleeing for their lives. Faint screams and cries could be heard from the Oniant Mountains that day. Philmar tried to fight back, but the dragons were too strong. Men in silver armor with swords, bows and arrows tried facing them, but it all ended in defeat. The town of Philmar was in ashes and blood covered the ground. Just when they thought all hope was gone, from the high tower of the castle Philius appeared in robes of colorful jewels. Out from his hand extended a blue ray of light that expanded and covered the front of Philmar. The dragons were no match for his powerful magic. All was crushed, however, when Ergonie appeared from behind. He pierced Philius through the shoulder with his demon sword and the magic shield was gone. Philius vanished in a cloud of smoke, leaving his kingdom in the hands of Ergonie, to never be seen from again. All that Philius had achieved was lost, and Philmar with it. The great kingdom of Philmar lay in ruins. Inside the huge castle walls, upon unimaginable amounts of treasure, slept the many dragons. When people heard the legends of what happened to Philmar, they went out to search for the ruins, spear Ergonie and the dragons with him, and reestablish Philmar. There was one good and noble knight who did just that. Philmar wasn’t the same with out Philius, however. It was all a mystery, a place full of mysterious enchantments and unknown magic. He did manage to reestablish Philmar, to everyone's surprise, and became known as “Avin the New King.” It all comes back to the beginning, now, with this question: Are the great legends true? Does this magical place truly exist? Well, I can say that this fantasy place called Philmar does truly exist, because I live in that fantasy; there is much more to tell of such a magnificent place. The story of the foretelling is the beginning of the many secrets of Philmar: When King Avin married and brought a new queen to Philmar, the whole kingdom was filled with rejoicing. What really brought happiness to Philmar, though, was the announcement of two new members to the royal family. They were twin girls named Princess Gabriella Adelaide Octavio and Princess Alea Guinevere Octavio. One night, the king and queen were awakened by a scream from one of the maids. When they reached the room of the sleeping babies they were horrified to find a dark figure straddling the crib. At that moment, the moonlight shown through the window and revealed a pale face and solid white-eyes which would never be forgotten. Everything went black and a deep voice filled the room, exclaiming: “Because of pride, there will be hatred between shared blood. It will all lead to corrupt acts ending in murder by the good and noble and begin a much greater evil. It will try to take over from below only for dark deeds, but it's destined that two will come and conquer. For these two there is a lot in store, good and very bad. Though they are very much alike, they are very different. They will rule very different worlds. It won't be the end, but a great beginning." No one quite knew what the foretelling meant, or if it even meant anything at all. Soon it was forgotten and Philmar began to prosper once again. Philmar castle was made of ancient silver stones and there was something about its enchanting massive walls and high towers that made one want to stay forever. The castle sat upon the gorgeous Hills of Nimm. The hills were full of rich, bright grass and an abundance of colorful flowers. They were also home to the little fairies, though it was rare to ever actually see one. Below the majestic hills was the friendly town of Amosville. There were several towns and cities hidden across Philmar, full of secret magic and ancient legends. Many wealthy farms crowded together across the land. Best of all there was the Aror River that flowed from the Great Lake Tilidoson and all the way through Amosville. The water was clear blue and the grassy banks held pebbled rocks. All of Philmar was beautiful. As for the twins, they, too, were beautiful. Gabriella and Alea looked identical, but their personalities differed greatly. They had a bond like no other, closer than any lovers could ever be. Gabriella, whom everyone called Gabby, didn’t want to be a princess; she was more of a leader. She fantasized about being a great knight and leading Philmar into a victorious battle. She was a mystery to everyone, just the way she went about things, but when it all came down to it she was very bold, always fun and always adventurous. As for Alea well, she was Alea. She could be sassy, giggly, crazy and dramatic all at the same time. Unlike Gabby, she was a true princess;she loved to dress to impress. They both had auburn wavy hair and big chestnut eyes, though Gabby’s were darker and bolder. Their round faces were known for having cheerful smiles and defined rosy cheeks. Their best features were their noses, unique and cute, round yet slightly upturned. Their skin was nice and bronze from long days out in the sun because, when they were younger, they would spend all of their time outside the castle walls. The twins would wander through the towns to a spot by the river. A beautiful spring bubbled there, full of numerous rocks and mystical caves. Alea and Gabby have grown up since then. At sixteen, it was rare that they could sneak out of the castle; schooling and lessons kept them busy. Gabby and Alea were the only heirs to the throne. Gabby, as first born, was to be the future queen of Philmar. As for Alea, she was to meet the prince of Dumond, to marry in the future. Dumond was a long way from Philmar and the Rdoni Forest, and a dangerous desert stood between the two. Only a crazy man would go through those woods. They were possessed, dark and consumed with violent creatures, and the desert was just as cursed. The royal family decided to head for Dumond by ship. It was going to be a long journey. Alea and Gabby had no idea that this ship ride would forever change their lives and be the beginning of a great adventure. |