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It's a magical story full of adventure friendship love and new worlds. |
The sun gleamed into the entrance awaking Gabby from her dreamy sleep, the fire in front of her had long burnt out, but the day was warm and bright. She sat up and twisted around to find no evidence of Warrien being there. Gabby thought to her self. Why did he leave with out saying goodbye? Was it all a dream? Does Warrien really exist? What am I thinking of curse he does, he saved my life, how else would I have gotten in the cave! Then she felt the warmth of the gorgeous blanket Warrien had given her and that quieted her thoughts. Gabby was upset to lose the good company, but besides they had to go there separate ways eventually. She collected all her goods into her stiff dry bag and packed to leave. Before she left she patted her robe pocket searching for the hair clip, and she found it, but something bulged in her other pocket so she cautiously slipped her hand in and smiled with relief. Warrien, He’s such a show off with his magic! Pinched in her fingers, Gabby clutched a beautiful exotic white rose. She placed it in the scrolled map and sighed at the new long day ahead of her. As she skipped out the entrance she was grasped by the warm breeze and stared off at the misty mountains towering high above her. Before leaving she refilled her canteen of fresh water from the newly calm river. The sky and land showed no sign of there ever being a storm, it surprised Gabby of how you can never anticipate what the land and sky are going to do, you just have to pray its in your favor. She once again stood in the face of the mountains and hesitated going in; you never know what’s going to happen next. She began to climb the big rocky mountain, covered by green trees and random hard rocks. She admired the beauty of every thing she saw and soaked it all in. She just wished she had someone to walk up hill with as her legs already began to tense. It was nearly midday and she had already drunk half of her water canteen. Her legs were aching from all the climbing and she had already become bored after seeing the same scenes, tree after tree and rock after rock. When she finally reached the bare top her heart jump as she saw the tallest widest mountain stretching out of the middle and she knew that was it. That was Mount Orek. But there where to big dark creepy mountains blocking her way and she figured the only way to get to Mount Orek was to go between them. She gulped at the thought, but decided it was necessary. So she began climbing down the new side, enjoying the walk because it was mostly running and not so intense. When she finally reached the bottom and looked up at the sky the sun was already sinking down behind the mountains and every thing fell dark, even though it wasn’t yet nighttime. The mountains took what was left of the day. She looked out at a misty swampy marsh, as moss dangled from the thick trees of emerging roots. When the fog subsided she glimpsed up at the two dark mountains and in-between them was something like a huge dark crack, with just enough room for a few people to fit. As she stepped into the sinking mud and became entangled in all the rooted plants and floating weeds, she stumbled to the great dark slit. When she got to the entrance she wondered whether she should stay or go. The eerie silence could be a warning to leave but Gabby took it as a curious awakening. She began creeping threw the tunnel wondering were the mystery would lead to. She tiptoed with her hands brushing up against the rock walls, which were covered in sticky spider webs. Something didn’t seem right it was too quite; she could hear the light swoosh of her robe as she walked. She felt for her bag and pulled out her dagger, clutching it tightly in her hands. After walking for what seemed like hours in the dark, she noticed the walls getting farther and farther away. Soon she could stretch her hands out to her side with out touching stone. Then She stepped out in to a really wide area that was freezing cold and a tingling chill ran down her spine. She stepped a few more steps and bumped into something with a loud thud, something like a big box. That’s unusual! Then she walked around it and found her self-surrounded by these strange contraptions. Then as her eyes adjusted to the surroundings she gasped and realized she was standing in the middle of a circle of coffins. She twisted back around to the coffin she had bumped into and froze to find it gapped open. That definitely wasn’t opened before! As she stood there in shock she felt a light breeze as if someone had just walked past her, then she felt the horrible feeling of hot breath on her neck. She realized something was clutching her shoulder, as her body went limb not able to move, then she couldn’t think straight as if under some seducing trance of magic, and she dropped the dagger to the floor. When she twisted her neck around the hairs on her arms perked up as she starred into big familiar silver eyes. Then the figure with a deep handsome voice whispered by her ear, “oij’i b’usra.” Then as his words echoed the area was lit up by fiery torches spread out on the walls. And she was able to see everything clearly; on the ground was the circle of coffins all different designs, yet they were all dark and gloomy colors and the same strange symbol was engraved on the top of each one. The dirt floor was stained with maroon blood and a pile of jewels sat in the corner. Then she noticed the area broke out with different tunnels and she couldn’t tell which one lead safely out. She turned back around to see who the figure was and winced to find the same wide chinned face, long pointy nose and shaggy silver haired man from in the strange shop in Garosia, but this time he had a fierce looking face and two long sharp fangs sprouted from his lips. He spoke to her in a load voice this time yelling, “You seem to have a nag for walking in to places you shouldn’t be. What were you thinking walking up on the most powerful vampires off all the Daesheom Clan, and while they are at rest? But little do you know the sun has gone down and its now time for us all to arise.” As he spoke she heard a load screech and turned to find all the coffins hinged open and fierce vampires climbing out. There were five in all and two of them were ladies somewhere around Gabby’s age. He was interrupted by one of the other vampires yelling with excitement, “whom are you talking to Zrog, a new victim.” “Sure,” replied Zrog with a grin. Then turned to Gabby saying, “now that you’ve met me the great leader meet the rest of the clan.” He pointed to one of the ladies in a short black skirt that had been ripped and frayed reviling long attractive legs and a red corset with black lace saying with a snarl, “this is Oneisa, don’t be fooled by her vague look she’s a vicious killer.” She looked like just a regular lady with dark bold hazel eyes and long straight chestnut hair. But from her intriguing smile extended two long fangs for brutal bits. Then he pointed at the other lady in a short white corset and long tight black pants, “ this is Mercia, are newest member, she was shy when brought to the clan but that’s changed quite frankly.” Mercia had long orangish red hair, pale skin and a unique surprisingly intriguing face. She grinned with sharp fangs at what Zrog had said nodding with agreement. Then he pointed at a younger man with short spiky black hair and black piercing eyes saying. “Meet your new best friend, Oiji.” He was wearing only black breeches and his body appeared petite and lean, yet he had abs of steel bulging from his gut. And Gabby noticed dried blood resting on his chin. Then he gestured at an older white haired man in a long black robe saying, “And are oldest member to the clan, Mophabio.” “Now that you’ve met everyone, wouldn’t you like to be one of us, all it takes is a little…” He stopped as he kissed her neck with his hands embracing her shoulder and side. “Bite.” She felt the trance taking control of her again but this time it was stronger. She limbed up unable to move but she fought it and would not let it take over her mind. She pretended to slowly fall to the ground from the strong trance. Zrog laughed snorting, “You have a weak spirit young one, but we can fix that.” The rest of the vampires starred with anticipated snarls, their mouths shook as they wished to have Gabby to themselves. Gabby had fallen to the ground with the dagger beneath her and she had slowly ceased it in her fist. Once and for all Zrog bent down to bite her neck, so Gabby decided what was best and jammed the dagger into his heart, as his body turned to ash and withered to the ground. She jumped up still holding the dagger dripping with black blood, and staring boldly at the rest of the clan. Onesia winced with fear yelling, “She has the Lihebro Dagger.” And they all fled with fright in the form of large black bats down a small crack in the top of the wall. Why did they call my dagger Lihebro and how did it kill Zrog? Wondered Gabby with excitement. She took off running down the tunnel ahead of her hoping it would lead her out of this nightmare. She raced down the tunnel with caution. And jumped as the cat from the woods bounced in front of her and crept the other way glancing back as if telling her to follow. With the best interest Gabby followed running to keep up. He led her back to the coffin area and down a different tunnel, not even slowing down a bit. Gabby caught up and ran as fast as she could with the cat, as they were making there way down the never-ending tunnel, Gabby was out of breath and her whole body ached from the long day. She smiled when they reached an opening in the tunnel. When she stepped in to the open air she was happy to find Mount Orek towering up into the sky right in front of her. She smiled at the cat that was resting on a limb starring at her with a pleased manner. She yawned with drowsy eyes and searched for a place to sleep for what was left of the night. The sound of fresh running water brought her to a small stream running between the mountains and she jumped across to the other side now with nothing in the way of her and the great mound. She filled her canteen with more water, drinking most of it then filling it back up again. Finally she found a really big dead log that was missing one of its sides and decided it was the perfect shelter. Then she climbed under the ledge followed by the anxious cat and pulled out some bread and sweet honey, then began devouring it with no hesitation. She even put some down for the hungry cat that ate it happily. After they had all they could eat Gabby pulled her blanket, which Warrien had given her, over her cold body. Then fell fast asleep with the cat snuggled closely purring in her arms. |