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It's a magical story full of adventure friendship love and new worlds. |
The next day Gabby was awoken by her new steed the cat, pawing at her arm. She arose out of the log to find the sun high in the sky and luckily no storm clouds in the air. She couldn’t wait to get to the sages cabin. After a quick snack of honey bread they headed up the gigantic mountain. The cat seemed to glide up the rocks and limbs but for gabby it was hard and she had to take each step little by little, holding on to branches to stay balanced. Mount Orek was much higher and steeper than the other mountains, but Gabby kept on going out of pure determination. Once they were about half way up the mountain Gabby had to have a rest her whole body was shaking weak from the intensity and she was breathing in gasps. See pulled out her canteen and drank until she felt sick, dripping some in her hands for the cat. After a short rest Gabby felt much better and they began up the mountain once again. As she was climbing she realized she needed to name her new friend, the cat. And she hoped it would take her mind of the hard walk. There was something about him that wasn’t like other cats. When Gabby spoke he listened as if he understood her. And Gabby felt like his expressions showed he was hiding something. As if he had a secret, yet he just wouldn’t tell. Gabby exclaimed felling slightly dumb, “Cat, there is something strange about you, you’re a special feline aren’t you.” He glared in to her eyes as he crept, as if he was agreeing to what she said. Then they began trudging again as Gabby whispered, “Well do you have a name, I feel rude to be calling you cat.” Then he lunged in front of her starring hard in to her eyes. Gabby felt a weird sensation as if something had just torn into her mind and then a strange word lingered in her thoughts. Mortaug. Once the feeling had subsided Gabby whispered with dismay, “Did you just reach into my mind and tell me your names Mortaug, or have I just gone ballistic.” When she said the name the cat strangely nodded smiling with rows of sharp teeth. “Ok Mortaug, how did you do that?” Then the cat just scampered up a log, as if not willing to let out his secrets just yet. Gabby thought, we should have made it to the top by now; I don’t think I can walk any longer. Finally the only thing in the way of her and the top was a high thick boulder. Mortaug simply jumped over it, but Gabby stood there wondering just how could she get over, how to begin. She began climbing jamming her feet into small holes, foot by foot. Slowly making her way to the top. Once she could see over the top she grinned with overwhelming pleaser to find a small wood cabin hiding among the trees. She quickly slung her feet over, slumping on to the dirt ground. She jumped up and trotted to the old oak door, with a wrought-iron knocker. She slung it up against the door three times anticipating meeting the great sage. Then she looked around, Mortaug was no were to be found. The fourth time she knocked the door slightly creaked open. Gabby cautiously pushed the door the rest of the way. She was over whelmed with curiosity as she glanced around the dimly lit room. The room was covered with shelves and fine carved tables holding hundreds of ancient items. Each exotic item was hiding a great history and how important it truly was. One shelf held beautifully hand threaded dolls and strange sewn creatures such as a fierce dog with three heads. She noticed the walls were painted with stories of castles, knights, dragons, unicorn’s, fairies and anything else you could imagine. Then she noticed one specific painting of an elegant floating ship, but it was entangled in the grasp of a giant octopus, and the ship was slowly submerging to the ocean floor. Then she noticed a merman carrying a lady to shore from the shipwreck. He looked familiar to Gabby but she just shrugged it off. Wow the merman saved her life, I thought that mermaids hated humans and they wouldn’t dare help one or they’d be rude about it like Urnada? Thought Gabby to herself. As she was walking down the side of the room she saw a shelf indulged with colorful bottles and jars of strange potions and substances. Then on the next shelf carved with dragons and gryphons, her eye caught the most amazing merchandise. Sitting there was a gold egg shaped container decorated with gems and diamonds. It resembled something like a jewelry box, and it had four stubby stands, carved in the shape of an enticing creatures bold eye, ejecting from the bottom holding it up straight. There were other ones but her eyes stayed on that specific on. There was something enchanting about it, and she wanted it all for her own. She bent down brushing it gently as a big ruby gem lit up to her touch, she tried to open it but it just wouldn’t budge. Then Gabby jumped to hear a loud feminine voice behind her, “Don’t touch that it’s very delicate.” She turned around, apologized embarrassed asking,” are you the sage?” “Yes I am, but please call me Sage Anya,” she replied. The sage was much younger looking than Gabby expected with beautiful silky silver hair that hung down to the floor. Gabby smiled surprised to find Mortaug purring sweetly in Anya’s arms. “I see you’ve met Mortaug.” “In deed I have,” Then Gabby changed the subject to her curiosity on the beautiful egg case. “What is this,” She asked gesturing towards the egg case resting on the shelf. “So you like it, do you?” “You would like it ever so much more if you truly new its history… and what’s inside.” Gabby’s eyes grew big with curiosity. “Oh please tell me.” She stopped in deep thought then whispered with a face of seriousness, “You’re not yet ready for that story, but do remember this; magic is unexpected and does strange things. No one truly understands it completely. It’s a mystery everyone wants to solve.” Then Anya suspiciously asking, “wait a second, who has sent you or what do you want,” broke the new silence. “I’m not sure what I want, all I know is that Urnada the queen of the Ar’edon Sea has asked me to come here for a favor… oh and I have a hair clip to show you. She told me you’d know what to do if I showed it to you.” Gabby spoke as she fiddled awkwardly in her pocket. Then sighed with relief as she pulled out the gleaming hairpin. “Awe in deed, I do know what to give you,” she spoke with a suspicious grin. Then pranced over to the shelf of strange potions. Starring at them with her finger swiftly stroking her chin. She grabbed a small pouch handing it to Gabby excitedly speaking. “Well you must go know and fulfill your sweet favor. Be sure to keep that pouch very safe, it is very rare and hard to find. Take it straight to Urnada.” Gabby gently placed it in her robe pocket. Then Anya strolled down the row squawking, “Follow me, if you wish for a easier journey.” Gabby obeyed trudging behind as she followed to the corner of the room where a grand wooden body mirror stood. Held up stiffly by an oak stand with carvings of mountains, trees of fruit and bloom, deserts, and landscapes and such. Gabby stood in awe of its ancient beauty. Anya then whispered into the air with an exotic language, as she starred into the reflection of her self in the glass. Gabby glanced into it hoping to see herself but she only saw a black haze. “What is this…thing?” Anya answered with a straight face, “awe you see it’s a gonvadie transporter, it will take you anywhere you wish to go.” Stand straight in front of it and say were you wont to end up then jump threw the glass. Gabby did as she said. As she whispered, “Egan Cove,” the blackness faded to a ray of light. When she stepped forward threw the mirror, expecting to slam into the glass, instead she began free falling threw a whirling rainbow of colors. She felt a strong wind blowing at her face then as she winced her eyes open she saw the rocky surface below her. She screamed as she hit the ground hard, flat on her face. Mortaug fell gracefully on all four feet right beside her. “Oh good I was hoping you would come, I enjoy your company,” proclaimed Gabby happily. |