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It's a magical story full of adventure friendship love and new worlds. |
Together Urnada and Gabby made there way threw the under water town trying to reach the towering castle of silver stone and colorful twisting coral built in to the other side of the wall of rocks. She couldn’t believe what she was seeing. Gabby glanced up at the ceiling to find it made of pure rock; the whole civilization was hidden inside this huge cave like mountain with few ways out. That must be why its never been discovered. The walls were traced with small faded blotched of rainbow colored light barley lighting up the place, but casting an even more mystical appearance. It was night now so most of the mermaids were fast asleep hidden in their dwellings. The cave floor was just like that of the ocean floor, covered in blotches of sand and tall sea grass. Gabby noticed little caramel colored sea horses clinging to the swaying grass. She so badly wanted to touch them but decided not to sense she knew nothing of what was appropriate of the mermaids, for she was now one of them. Even groups of colorful fish sparkled as they darted around, they must have found there way in here out of pure luck. As Gabby walked she admired the dwellings, or their homes, made of rocks and stone. Yet they were decorated with beautiful shells and swirls of colorfully dyed high twisted coral making the civilization look of pure fantasy. One house had a gigantic clam sitting up next to its walls. As it slowly opened she noticed a young merboy peacefully resting inside its clasp. She stared hard at one house, which Gabby soon realized had once been some ones royal ship, but now it’s the dwelling of a mythical Agias family at the bottom of the sea. As she continued swimming she pondered on how the ship could of sank and who possibly could have been in the grand ship when it misfortunately went down. What a sad day it must have been. Then she noticed many other houses also made of ship parts and the sight caused her to bow her head respectfully for the innocent victims. All the dwellings were different, some bigger than others, but every single one was decorated beautifully like royalty, with accessories from the sea. There was a huge tent like coral structure hanging from the top of the ceiling covered in fishing net to hold in what ever was inside. As they went by she noticed it was filled with arms full of all the many kinds of seaweeds and sea flowers. “What is that for,” asked Gabby curiously? Urnada proclaimed, “ That is next years food supply, everyone helped gather. You see unlike your kind we work together and are all like close family.” Gabby just kept admiring the new sights with out a well-wanted comment. Urnada then exclaimed, “we need to go faster, the Talith Council is waiting for us, along with our great King, Feken. So with that they both took faster towards the castle. Gabby felt suddenly nervous. Why am I going to meet the king and council? They’re obviously of high authority. They would only be summoned for very urgent situations. Why would I be part of such a meeting, all I want to do is get Alea and go home! But where is Alea. Once they reached the castle, she noticed how much more beautiful it was. The walls were decorated with hundreds of different shades of pearls, jewels, gems and even gold and silver. “Where did they get all the gold and silver? Even the gems, there not from the ocean,” asked Gabby at a low whisper. Urnada spoke quietly back, “We have found hundreds of ships filled with gold and anything else you can think of.” Then they soon came upon a big stone door, which opened even before they had reached it. As they walked in a youth mermaid approached them saying, “what took you so long the council is becoming inpatient.” Go ahead of us and tell them were here, and to be more like that of the honored meek.” Snapped Urnada. Before the girl took off she finished hurriedly but politely saying, “How rudely of me for not introducing my self, I am Princess Selena and welcome to Agias.” When the girl had rushed away Gabby whispered unsurely to Arnada, “If she is the princess, then… doesn’t that also make Selena your daughter.” “Yes, Selena is in fact my daughter.” “So, will she be queen some day.” I’m afraid not, although she would be a great queen, but I have an older son and in time he will take King Feken’s throne. Selena looked nothing like Arnada it was hard to imagine them as family. Selena had long stringy nutbrown hair and a long skinny torso. Nothing compared to her moms ebony hair and warrior body. Also her tail was much brighter and vibrant glistening with scales of yellows. They began swimming down a long tunnel or maybe it was a hallway, where Gabby admired the royal grey walls lit by green magic glowing, seaweed torches. The walls were decorated with thousands of shells dyed and constructed in to precise patterns to form huge morals of paintings, such as athoritive mermaids and sea creatures. They were amazing and must have taken years to create by very skilled masters. As they swam down the tunnel Gabby noticed carriage sized conk shells randomly tracing the walls, sealed on to the stone. What are those for, decoration? “Are we almost to were ever it is were going,” asked Gabby nervously. “Yes the chamber is right up ahead.” After swimming for almost seconds Urnada made a quick stop right in front of a giant conk. “Go ahead go in,” said Urnada. Go inside where, there’s no opening?” “Are you senseless, just push on the shell.” So Gabby did as she said with a sour embarrassed expression. And to Gabby’s surprise as she pushed an entrance appeared as a square of the hard shell hinged aside. They swam threw a small curve then found them selves in a lit chamber. At the fare end of the large chamber, upon an extending platform with fat stairs leading down, two pure gold thrones stood boldly shining in the dim light. There was a serpent like triangular symbol carved with diamonds and gems over the top of the throne high above the heads of the honorable royalties. A broad merman was occupying one thrown with long white flowing hair, yet his face was young and there were no signs of aging. Then she noticed Urnada was now sitting tall and straight in the other thrown with a look of high authority. To the right there was a tall long stone table carved up from the ground and four mer-people were lounging behind it. All male and one female, whom she seemed to rule all the others by the way she spoke to them and how she looked down at them in a hidden rude manner. Like she was better than everyone else. They all seemed to ignore gabby but the man on the throne stared straight into her eyes. He proclaimed towards Gabby saying, “welcome Gabriella, I am King Feken the ruler of the Ar’edon Sea.” And then he pointed a fat finger towards the stone table announcing, “ And this is the honored and respected Talith Council. But we need to get started, do you know why you were brought here?” Gabby exclaimed, “I’m searching for my sister Alea. Queen Urnada said that she new where she was.” The King looked over at Urnada with a serious face and nodded. After sitting extra tall in her throne she began telling Gabby everything. “Yes, Gabrielle we do know where your sister is. We found her floating at the bottom of the ocean, only seconds after she went unconscious. So she was quickly taken to our great Talith masters. There the stone was placed around her neck by a chain releasing a powerful spell. She was put in to a blank state of mind and being. She is not moving nor breathing. She would appear to be dead but she’s not. She’s just there. But there is much more to the complex spell. Now on the last day of this new month when the sun fully sets Alea will awaken and if she’s not above water she will drown.” Then Gabby butted in confused not knowing how to react. “How long has it been and...What is this stone that you speak of?” This time the King answered saying, “thousands of years ago, with our ancestors no one had the magic we have now. It all began when an Agias family found a merbaby hidden in a cave. No one could figure out what happened to the child’s parents. So the family willingly took her in and she was raised up in Agias as Sililo. But soon we found out that she was no normal child she had a special magical power. When she was older and married her kids inherited her gift. Within hundreds of years half of Agias had the power but it became a real problem. Then so that everyone could be equal all of the power was placed into a gemstone and then from the stone the magic was dispersed to everyone into his or her arm. Strangely a serpent symbol appeared, its still one of the many mysteries of Sililo. But with all of the power united together threw the stone, yet still connected to everyone it became even stronger and everyone became as one. So know everyone in Agias has the gift from Sililo.” Then Urnada interrupted rudely yelling, “ speaking of the talith she has the symbol on her arm. But I don’t understand how.” Urnada’s words caused a great commotion with in the room. Load bickering and whispers made Gabby uncomfortable. She new they were all talking about her. Gabby then yells, “ Okay now that I now all about the stone would you please take me to Alea… But wait why would you even go threw the trouble to help Alea. How is she important to you?” Urnada says, “ Oh, she is very important. You see are worst enemy, actually every ocean kingdoms enemy is Damen. And he would have done anything to have Alea or even you. So having her was a real threat to him. Gabby’s face showed true bewilderment. She then muttered, “ But why us?” “I can not tell you this, you will learn on your own in time. Gabby looked frustrated saying, “ Okay so were is Alea?” “When Damen learned of us having Alea he brought with him a small but very strong army and they killed many as they intruding into the castle. He took Alea and the Talith Stone that hung around her neck. But before he left he appeared before King Feken and dared to say that he was going to come once again and when he did he would bring a huge army to take over the Ar’edon Sea. Not only did he wish to do that but also he said he was going to take over all of the Talith power for himself and become the most powerful man in all the sea then soon the world. Gabby then whispered Hopelessly, “So you mean to tell me that monster has my sister. Has he killed her or will he?” He most likely wont until he also has you or figures out how to get the talith power from the stone.” “What so now he wants me.” “ Yes.” Then the King exclaimed with true hatred, “when he comes back there will be war. He will not take this kingdom from me. ” “The reason we have brought you here is for this reason, if you want Alea back you will have to help us win this war. Are you willing to do that? Even though you are no longer safe anywhere in the ocean. Are you willing to fight for your sisters life?” With out hesitation gabby shouted, “ Yes, of course, so what is it you would have me to do?” “Damen has a very powerful army of betrayers and creatures under his control. So in order of having a chance at winning, we need are secret weapon… you and Prince Warrien are going to retrieve it.” Then from the corner of the room a merman stood up with a tall and strong stature. He then bowed honorably at Gabby. Where did he come from, I never noticed him there before. Gabby tried to get a glimpse of the young mans face but he kept his face hidden in the shadows. But why would he be hiding his identity from me. Then the King with a new respect for Gabby in his voice proclaimed, “Princess Gabriella, Queen Urnada will take you to your room. Where you will be fed and rest for your journey. You will be awakened by the morning charms and then prepare to leave because as soon as you awaken the prince will meet you at your door. Go with him. He will explain to you all the plans and anything you don’t understand.” Then the prince bowed to Gabby a fare well for now. Then Urnada lead her back to the door. They pushed back threw the giant conk. They could no longer hear the new talk of war that had begun in the throne room. As once again they began swimming down the long hallway as Gabby asked excitedly, “Why would you want just me and the prince to do such a task? Why not a true warrior?” “ The prince is one of the best warriors in Agias but his father would not let him lead the war. But he wanted to help somehow so that’s why he is going on this mission. Besides none of the stronger warriors could go because they are need for the war and you’re stronger than you think the task I had you do proved you strong. You made it safe threw the Rdoni forest and the Oniant Mountains. That was a dangerous task. And to people going is better than one.” Gabby just nodded that she understood but her head was so deep in thought about everything. Am I dreaming has this all really happened? I’m a mermaid. Soon Urnada gesturing towards another door interrupted Gabby’s thoughts. “ This is your room. Good luck with the mission and I’ll see you soon enough.” As she slipped threw the swirl of the door she found herself in an elegant misty room. The walls were covered in vines of seaweed were ocean flowers blossomed. Up against the middle of the room was a giant clam, with its shell opened wide. A light blue blanket was glowing across it. Next to the bed was a tower of fancy coral with a flat stone surface were she saw a wooden bowl full of slick mushy purple seaweed. Am I supposed to eat that? She grabbed a handful and shoved it in her mouth hungry from the long day. To her surprise it was quite fulfilling. It was like eating sweet slimy raspberries. Then she noticed that next to the bowl of food was a big bubble of water. She sucked it down and was refreshed to be slurping down cold river water. As she ate she noticed tiny fish darting around her room there presence made her less lonely in the new strange world. Once she was full she slumped in to her bed and pulled the covers over her new body. She felt snug to find the blanket comfy and warm by some magic spell. She could even fill its cotton texture, it made her feel at home like she was in her own bed. She quickly fell asleep thinking of the long day she had ahead of her. |