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by Saint
Rated: 18+ · Book · Drama · #1320829
This is a book based on my life. Real characters, real events.
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#536244 added September 26, 2007 at 2:49pm
Restrictions: None
It begins.
"This is really getting to me," Michael thought as he read through his nightly dose of "Strange Love," a novel he'd been reading obsessively since the night before. "Let's check myspace." He logged into his account to find he had a few comments from some friends, a message from some spammer, and a few friend requests. He read the comments and left some back, and promptly deleted the message, but the friend request was interesting. It was from a girl who lived in Philadelphia, PA. He accepted it and went back to the profile to check out some pictures. Almost at once he felt like he somehow knew this girl. After looking at a few pictures and commenting her, he continued his book.

The sound of Tom Sawyer rang from his cell phone.

Michael picked up the phone and checked the caller I.D. It was Tommy.


"Hey dude, what's up?" Tommy replied.

"Oh nothing much, just doing some stuff online"

"Dude what are we doing today?" Tommy seemed excited.

"I am going to work in an hour, I'll be off at 9, so we probably aren't doing anything today."

"Oh, well alright, I guess I'll talk to you later then."



Michael went back to his myspace to check if this mystery girl had answered his question. It was a simple one, "Who are you?" After seeing that she had not yet replied, he went up and got ready for work.

It was another short night at Guitar Center. He'd been working there full time since the summer, but now that he was back in school, he had to switch to part time. It was the best job he had ever had, and the discount that came with it wasn't bad either. It was like a dream for him, a musician aspiring to be great, working in a music store where he could just play all day. It was awesome, except for the occasional shitty customer, that usually ruined his time for a little while, but he just got over it and played his drums until he had to deal with someone else. Tonight though, he had other matters to attend to. A writing assignment from his English class had him writing 10 pages about the subject of writing. He had a lot to say, but he really just wanted to get done. He spent most of his time doing that, while occasionally stepping away to play around and clear his mind.

Nine o'clock already huh? Time to go home.

Later that night, he walked in the door, pretty tired from work, but then again he was always tired of something. Michael walked into the computer room and sat down at the only place that gave him confidence he had full control over any situation in life. He logged into his usual sites, checked his email, hoping he would get a response from his English teacher. He didn't know why, but her opinion mattered to him, usually it didn't matter to him at all what people thought, but this was different. He went through his routine by going to myspace first. That's when he saw his new comment. Apparently she had found him while doing a browse of all the people who had recently logged in. She said he must have logged in at the exact same time as she clicked the button, because he was the first on the list of people that came up. This really didn't mean much to him at the time, but Michael would soon discover the amount of coincidences that would come into play.

He replied with a few more questions, this time getting more in depth with the content. "Why did you request me?" "What are your hobbies?" "Do you have any questions for me?" He quickly typed this out as he wanted to get back to his book. He sent the message and finished up his site checks. He had received that email from his teacher he was hoping for. That made him smile, but he had to hurry up and get back to the book. After a rather long response from his teacher, he decided that he would cut down on the writing, and just say thanks and wish her well. Finally, time to read... His reality was reshaped as he went on to the next chapter. One last thought slipped through as he shut down. "This girl... is special to me somehow." And with that, he dove into the book head first, and had no thoughts until he finished.
© Copyright 2007 Saint (UN: kurij at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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