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#535167 added October 9, 2007 at 4:42pm
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Mission to the Land of Wind
"Hey Coty how you feeling"said Naruto busting threw the door

"Like someone took a two ton brick and just beat the living snot out of me"said Coty.

"Ha!ha!ha that was pretty good"said Naruto

"So whats happened in the last three weeks"said Coty.

"Oh you know the usual missions and odd-jobs"said Naruto

"Huh I wish I was allowed to leave"said Coty.

"Well why don't you use some of that dragon magic"said Naruto

"The dragons energy was nearly exhausted when I changed"said Coty.

"Hmm well looks like your on the way to a near full recovery"said Naruto looking at a chart at the end of Cotys bed.

"I know what it says but as long as the dragons out I'm out"said Coty.

"Well you can move around and stuff can't you"said Naruto

"I can"said Coty

"Then the dragon will be fine just no transforming"said Naruto.

"I guess I could do that"said Coty

"Says here they're going to release you today anyway"said Naruto

"In that case"said Coty as he magicand his robes on.

"Might as well leave early"said Coty

"Do you think the nurses will allow it?"said Naruto

"Can they stop me"said Coty.

"Hmm no"said Naruto close to laughing
Coty put the time shield on and he and Naruto walked out of his room.

"See you later"said the receptionist

"Huh usually they've throne at least one-hundred needles at me"said Coty

"Oh we gave up on that"said a Nurse
Coty and Naruto walked to the Hokages office.

"Ah Coty Naruto good I was about to send Sakura to get you Coty"said Tsunade

"Well what's going on"said Coty.

"The Land of Wind's ninjas are all out fighting the land of lighting and they don't have any protection from a group of rouge ninja"said Tsunade

"So when do we leave"said Coty

"As soon as Sakura is briefed"said Tsunade

"Where is she"said Naruto

"I told you I sent her to go and release Coty speaking of which are you sure you're at a hundred you still look a little ill"said Tsunade.

"I'm fine but the dragon is still a little shaky so I won't be transforming on this mission not past my stage one anyway"said Coty

"Your stage one"said Tsunade confused

"Thats what I call my dragon forms stage one is when I get the dragons eyes stage two is when.
I go half-dragon,and my last stage is my transformation into the Divine Dragon"said Coty.

"Hmm I'm sorry I don't know much about mystical creatures"said Tsunade

"Its ok it happened once in a wile"said Coty

"How long is it going to be before your"dragon is at full strength"said Tsunade

"Another day two at the most"said Coty. The door behind Coty and Naruto opened and Sakura came inside.

"Sorry Tsunade Coty left early and- oh good you're here"said Sakura

"Yes, Sakura now then I've already briefed Naruto and Coty on the situation"said Tsunade

"I heard enough on the way in I thought it was just Naruto in here"said Sakura.

"Oh good then you leave as soon as you've packed"said Tsunade.

"Yes,ma'am"they all three said

Coty opened a portal to his camp sight he then went inside and packed everything inside
a small pouch.
He then stuffed it a pocked in his robes.Then he opened a portal to the gate of the village and waited.
He sat down Indian style and then found himself in front of the dragons pen.

"Hey how you doing"said Coty

"I've been better"said the dragon

"I brought a potion that may help"said Coty

"The Dragonsbain cure"said the Dragon

"No,it's an energy potion that I made specifically for you"said Coty he handed the potion to the dragon and he drank it.

"Thanks that helped some I'm going to be out for about another day"said the Dragon

"Well I won't change into you until then"said Coty

"Your choice not mine"said the Dragon

"What I'm worried about the only friend I have"said Coty

"I've told you I'm an immortal I can't die even if I'm blown to bits"said the Dragon

"I know and because your an immortal I'm also an immortal"said Coty

"Then don't worry even immortals get worn out after a wile"said the Dragon

"Fine"said Coty chuckling.

He returned to the real world

"Naruto and Sakura still aren't here yet" he thought he looked at a shadow on the ground.

"Well I guess I'm early"he thought.He stood up and waited.

After ten minutes Sakura showed up carrying a small pink backpack she was wearing a pink long sleeve shirt and blue pants with a yellow parka over top of it all.

"What are you wearing all that for?"said Coty

"Its suppose to be cold where we're going I think the question is why aren't you wearing heavy cloths"said Sakura

"These aren't just some ordinary bath robes they are magically endowed so that I am always at a constant temperature I never get to hot or to cold"said Coty.

"Thats cool can you do that with my clothes"said Sakura

"Sure"said Coty

"Do what"said Naruto walking up the same road that Sakura took.

"Coty said that he knows a spell that allows the cloths you where to remain a constant temperature"said Sakura.

"Oh cool"said Naruto

"Fine I'll do you clothes too"said Coty

"Oh thanks"said Naruto handing him his bag wile Sakura grabbed the clothes she wanted magically enhanced.

"What temperature do you want"said Coty

"What temperature do you like"said Naruto

"I keep my cloths at around seventy-five degrees"said Coty

"Hmm that sounds about right"said Naruto

"Same for me to"said Sakura.
Coty did the spell on all the clothes that they wanted enchanted including the ones they where wearing.

"Thanks"said Sakura and Naruto

"Yep,"said Coty he opened a portal to there destination and they arived at the gates of a village on top of a mountain.

"It looks just like Konoha"said Naruto

"Who go's there"said a guard wearing an old samurai

"Ninja from the village of Konoha"said Coty

"Oh that heavens you've arrived today that band of rouges said they where going to be here tomorrow"said the guard.

"Is there a place we can stay for the night"said Coty

"Oh,yes, there has been rooms prepared for you"said the guard opening the gate.

"Follow me"he said He led them to a expensive looking hotel

"This is where you will stay"said the guard he left.

They walked inside and saw the entire place was deserted
"Hello,we're ninja from Konoha"said Naruto a receptionist appeared from behind a counter.

"Ah yes if you will follow me"said the Lady

"You, can stay here"said the lady to Naruto

"Ok"said Naruto

"And you can stay here"said the lady to Sakura

"Thank you"said Sakura

"And you can stay here"said the lady to Coty

"Oh a thanks"said Coty.
He walked inside the room it was small with one bed a small furnace and a bath.

"Hmm small but it will do" he thought he then magically unpacked everything. Then he put his pouch into a drawer.
He then walked out side the building and then walked around it putting every type of protective spell he knew.
To then he walked to Naruto's room and placed a spell on it so that only ninja He,Coty and Sakura could get inside it with out.
Coty knowing he also did the same to Sakura's,and his own.

"What where you doing to my hotel"said the receptionist

"I was putting up protection spells to keep my team mates and my self safe"said Coty

"And what does this jutsu do to those that want to stay but don't know anything about you"said the receptionist.

"Oh, no,no, it wont do nothing to anyone it will just let me see everything that is going on other than Naruto,Sakura,and myself"said Coty

"What?"said the receptionist

"It will allow me to see every one that enters the hotel and one of my teammates rooms accept for my teammates I won't be able to see them"said Coty

"Well what if someone disguises themselves as your friends"said the receptionist.

"Oh,don't worry I'll know"said Coty

"Fine as long as my customers aren't scared off"said the receptionist.

"They won't be"said Coty he then walked away and left the receptionist thinking

"Wonder why that receptionist was so interested in your magic spell work"said the Dragon

"I think she's a spy for the rouges"said Coty

"What makes you say that"asked the Dragon

"She seemed a little to worried about my spells and her customers"said Coty

"What's so suspicious about that"said the Dragon

"If you where human you'd know most humans that are like that usually have other things on their minds when they ask you something like that
.We humans aren't like dragons we say something like that ninety percent of the time.They don't mean it"said Coty.

"Well I must say your race is one of the weirdest I've ever seen"said the Dragon Coty then returned to the real world.It was dark outside so Coty went to bed
He awoke to the next morning with a migraine
"Oh,what is this"he thought.

Suddenly a pain shot threw his head like someone was forcing a dagger into his skull.
Sakura came into the room
"Coty whats the wrong"she said

"Uh I have a pain going threw my head like a dagger"said Coty

"Oh you have a headache"said Sakura relieved

"Whats that I've never had one of these accept when-"he stopped in mid sentence looked around the room.
Then he saw it a red thorned plant with purple petals he burned it with a fireball.

"Uh guess I'm not fully immune to dragonsbain"said Coty laughing Sakura hit him in the head.

"Hey what was that for"said Coty rubbing his head

"You idiot I thought you where being attacked"said Sakura

"No,you'd know if I was being attacked because I would probably blown the whole room to kingdom come"said Coty.

Naruto having heard this was on his way to get food stopped and started laughing

"Shut up Naruto I know a few curses that would shut you up"said Coty.

"Yeah right you wouldn't-"Naruto didn't finish because his tung had swollen to the size of his mouth.
He could still breath but couldn't talk Sakura ran out to inspect the damage and screamed.
She then ran back to Coty's room and then she started laughing

"P-p-put him r-right"said Sakura

"Oh fine"said Coty.He undid the spell and Naruto's tung returned to normal

"I hate you"said Naruto laughing again.

"Coty, you've got to teach me that one"said Sakura composing her self

"Sorry I only taught that one because it was either that or I get beat"said Coty

"Yeah, right"said Sakura.

Coty then walked out of his room and out side and explored the village in front of the hotel was a tavern. Coty walks inside and goes to the corner of the tavern

"Can I get you something"said a waiter

"No,thank you"said Coty smiling.
He then looked around and saw the receptionist talking to three men in cloaks

"One of them put something on the hotel so that he knows when someone other than his teammates come inside"said the receptionist.

"Will the spell be able to recognize us if we changed into his teammates"said one of the men in the cloaks.

"I think it does because I asked him about it he said it wasn't any of my business so it might not recognize you if you are in disguises"said the receptionist.

"What do they look like"said one of the men"said one of the men in the cloaks

"Heres some photos I took of them when they came in from a hidden camera"said the receptionist.

"Hmm I think these guys are in for a big surprise all though they are a full day ahead of schedule"thought Coty. He slipped out the doors he then walked around when he found the village leader's office.

"Ah one of the ninjas from the village Konoha having a good day"said the village leader

"Yeah, every things going fine hopefully the rouges will show up soon"said Coty.

"Well good luck"said the village leader

"See yeah"said Coty.
Later that night Coty was in his room when he had a vision of a man in a cloak coming threw the door and heading. To Sakuras room then.He had a flash of another cloaked man heading to Naruto's room.

Then one was heading for his own room
"Ha!ha! their in for a big surprise when they touch the doorknob's"he thought.

There was an electrical surge from his own handle and then he heard

"Ouch! son of a gun that hurt"whispered a voice that sounded like Sakuras

"What he doesn't know is that those shocks won't hurt the reel Naruto or Sakura"thought Coty
"Coty could you open the door please"said the fake Sakura
"Ok hang on"said Coty He cast the spell and the door unlocked and the shock spell dispelled.

"Whats up Sakura"said Coty

"Oh I was just wondering if you want to maybe go to grab a bite to eat"said the Fake Sakura

"Sorry I'm a loner"said Coty

"Oh please"said the fake Sakura in the most sweetest girlish voice Coty had ever heard

"Aint no way Sakura's that sweet ever"thought Coty

"Sure I'll go with you"said Coty he touched the fake Sakura's shoulder and then magically forced the fake to reveal his real form.

"Nice try fake but your informant didn't tell you that I can tell when you where in disguise"said Coty.He created an electric orb and then shocked the ninja.

"Where is the rest of your team"said Coty

"Huh I'll never talk"said the ninja

"Well then I guess I have no use for you"said Coty he created the none-elemental orb.

"W-whats that"said the ninja Coty threw it at the dresser in his room and the dresser was incinerated.

"Its something I save for people like you so unless you want to end up like that dresser start singing"said Coty

"Woe easy there I'll talk just please don't hurt me"said the ninja

"Start singing"said Coty.

"We are a small group of rouges that are here to kidnap three ninjas from the village of Konoha and then we where going to get a big ransom"said the ninja

"Well you plan wouldn't have worked because one there are only two ninjas here and two you didn't capture me"said Coty he cast a spell and knocked the rouge out.
He heard a scream.

"Sakura"he thought
he ran out of his room and out side to see fifty or sixty ninjas each with a different head band and a line threw the village symbol.

"Let her go"said Naruto

"Nice try but you aren't in any position to make demands"said one of the ninjas

"Coty"said Sakura.

"Oh looks like we missed one well I think we can handle you"said the ninja

"Coty quick get out of here and get help"said Sakura

"I suggest you let my teammates go"said Coty

"Like I told the Nine-Tailed Fox boy your in no position to make demands"said the ninja
Coty created the none-elemental orb,and then he threw.
It at a near by ninja and he was blown to bits.Coty then turned to the ninjas holding Naruto and Sakura.

"Unless you want to end up like that guy there you had best let them go"said Coty

"Earth style rock prison jutsu"said a ninja and Coty was surrounded by a solid mas of rock up to his neck

"Looks like we got are selves some captives"said the ninja.
Coty started glowing white the dragons energy swirled around him his eyes where dragon.

"If you don't let them go you will find out what a real monster is like"said Coty

"Cool the Akatski will be pleased two Bujin"said the ninja

"Akatski there gone"said Naruto

"What you destroyed the Akatski"said the ninja

"Yes,"said Sakura

"Good then we get to keep you all"said the ninja he then punched Sakura in the gut

"Sakura!"said Naruto

"Ooh tough guy hit a girl in the stomach wile her partners are trapped"said Naruto

"Oh don't worry Naruto the dragons fully healed"said Coty.

He then started changing his teeth became fangs his hands and feet became hind legs and front legs and feet.
His neck elongated and his hair became two yellow horns that where the length of a small tree.
His face grew into a snout he then sprouted two wings and a tail.He then grew twenty story's high.

"Roar"said the Divine Dragon

"You dare harm a teammate of a Dragon Lord"said Divine Dragon

He charged the none-elemental beam and vaporised half of the ninjas then the other half only three remained.

"Ha you won't hurt us wile we hold these two"said one of the ninjas

Suddenly Sakura turned into Naruto and then both of them disappeared.

"Oh no"said the ninjas the Dragon obliterated the last three

"Hey Coty nice job"said Naruto from the hotel roof.

The Dragon turned to Naruto and Sakura and started to charge the none-elemental orb.
Then it destroyed the two ninjas and the real Naruto and Sakura came from the village wall.
Coty then returned to his normal form

"Huh it worked"said Coty

"Nice work"said the village head walking from his office

"Yeah good job"said Naruto.

"Huh thanks I guess"said Coty

"Hey can we go now" he said again

"Oh no you can't leave yet you still have to join us for your feast"said the village head.

"Sorry I'm to tired to party"said Coty

"Besides we have to get back and tell the Hokage that the mission was a success"said Sakura.

"Good we're leaving"said Coty he opened a portal and then they all stepped inside and where in front of the village gates of Konoha.

"Huh I don't think I'll ever change again"said Coty they all started laughing

"Lets go to the Hokages office"said Naruto after he regained his composure.

"The village is safe again"said Naruto to Tsunade

"Oh good heres your pay"said Tsunade

Naruto then headed off to the ramen shop Sakura headed home and Coty went to his camp. To find it was burned to the ground

"Ah welcome back Dragon Lord I've been expecting you"said a man dressed in blue robes.

© Copyright 2007 The Divine Dragon lord (UN: bull at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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