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Bare and uncensored personal expression. Beware!!! |
Hands up if you're ever attempted to toilet train a three year old boy... Ok, well, if you HAD attempted this miraculous feat you might understand my present dilemma. I'm busting, bladder-bulging kind of busting for the loo (a pommy [English] term for lavatory or toilet that Australians sometimes steal). Alas, there is NO TOILET PAPER!!! Because some little brat seems to think every toileting occasion calls for the use of an entire roll. I, in my usual budget conscious unpreparedness didn't think to buy extra this week and the last roll disappeared in the murky waters early this afternoon. With no car and stormy weather outside I was not about to venture out with two children (despite their desire to jump in puddles) to go get some. I mean in this rain the stuff would be soggy and useless by the time we got it home. An hour in the gusting wind and rain trying to keep both kids from running under cars in their desire to make the biggest splash was not my idea of fun. Of course, that's a decision I'm swiftly coming to regret now it's bed time and my neithers are conspiring against me. If I were a guy I could get away with a good shake but those of the female persuasion, such as myself, have to resort to alternate means. You know, I never understood how hard it would be to toilet train a boy. How do other mothers do it? If he'd had a male role model around it would be easier. But he's never seen someone stand up to pee. All his nearest family are female. We're all squatters. So, he always squats and he wipes and doesn't shake. I can't seem to get a grip on the explaination or charades actions required to instill the stand and squirt concept into my toddler. *chuckles* I just had the idea of googling up some images of guys squeezing the weeze as teaching aids. lol No, I think I'm not THAT desperate, yet... Anyway, off to use a tissue and then hopefully I can sleep without having an accident. |