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Bare and uncensored personal expression. Beware!!! |
I've been wanting to post a blog entry for ages now but could never really think of anything to write about. Thanks to the beautiful ♥~HermyKitteh~♥ ![]() ![]() ![]() (001) Your gender: Female (002) Straight/gay/bi?: Bi (003) Single?: Physically yes, emotionally no. (004) Want to be?: No I don't want to be single. I'd rather traverse oceans and be with my trid. ![]() (005) Age?: 25 *grimaces* Gosh that number keeps creaping up. *frowns* (006) Age you wish you were?: I don't mind being 25 really, I just don't like how each year I have to add one. (007) Your label?: *frowns* What's a label? (008) Your height?: 5'2" (shorty) (009) Your eye color?: Blue (010) Any piercings?: Ears. ![]() (011) Any tattoos?: No DO YOU... (012) Smoke: Not since I was 15. (013) Drink: These days I tend to avoid alcohol. I LIKE to drink, especially red wine or vodka cruisers BUT... alcohol always affects my bipolar so I completely avoid drinking now. (014) Do drugs: No, I tried marajuana (sp?) when I was 14 with no effect so I haven't bothered since. I don't see the point. Reality is enough of a trip. (015) Read the newspaper: Rarely (016) Talk to strangers who IM you: It depends how they address me. Most of the time they'll get a brush of since generally people who IM me out of the blue are only interested in getting laid. (017) Like to walk in the leaves: Um... Maybe this is some deciduous tradition. We don't have many trees here that dump piles of leaves everywhere so the opportunity for playing in leaves isn't there. Still, I don't think I'd be too keen on it anyway, leaves = bugs to me. *shudders* (018) Take walks in the rain: Frequently *chuckles* Sometimes it's because I don't have a choice, other times because I've taken the kids out to jump in puddles. Rain is wonderful and cozy fires and hot chocolate after is even better. ![]() (019) Drive: Yes and these days I rather enjoy driving. That feeling of getting away from my normal day to day life even if it's just a short trip. I don't have a car however so I don't get to drive very often. (020) Like to drive fast?: Nope, I'm a strictly speed limit kind of girl. Cars are dangerous enough without risking lives going even faster than legally recommended. (021) Hurt yourself: Probably, who hasn't accidentally bashed their knee into something at some point? But I've never hurt myself just to feel pain. (022) Have a job: Self Employed, Freelance copy writer/editor. (023) Like who you are: On a good day. (024) Consider love a mistake: I've gone through stages when I DID think loving was a mistake. At the moment, although it aches tremendously to be so far away from the man I love I don't regret loving and I'd never give up the love I have for my family. (025) Base your judgement on looks alone: No. (026) Do you like/love someone?: Well DUH! HAVE YOU EVER... (027) Been caught doing some thing your weren't supposed to be doing?: Actually I haven't. Been caught that is. (028) Been in love: Ok, get over it already. Too many love questions that all equal the same answer. YES! (029) Done drugs: Opps, I answered this one earlier too. Yes, when I was 14. (030) Gone skinny dipping: No, I'm not confident enough in my body to do that, yet... (031) Had a surgery: Yes, when I was a child. (032) Ran away from home: No, but I moved out when I was very young. (033) Played strip poker: Alas, no although I would. ![]() (034) Gotten beat up: No (035) Been on stage: Yes, school play. But hated it. (036) Slept outdoors: Yes, used to tent it sometimes, slept on the trampoline a couple of times in the past too. ![]() (037) Pulled an all-nighter: *chuckles* Often. (038) Talked on the phone all night: Yes I have. (039) Had an X-ray: Yes, dental x-rays. I don't think I've had any bones x-rayed however. Ultrasounds too which is kind of like an x-ray. (040) Had detention: Actually I don't think I ever did. *tries to remember* I can't be sure but I don't remember being in detention. Then again, that's probably because I was never 'caught' doing something wrong. ![]() (041) Been suspended: No (042) Been Expelled: No (043) Slept all day: Never ALL day but I do sometimes sleep on and off through the day if I'm sick. (044) Killed someone: Ok, does anyone admit to this in these things? Unless they've already served time I don't think they would. Still, I'm not withholding truth when I say that No, I've never killed anyone, yet... (045) Made out with a stranger: Alas No. One of the many wild adventurous things that just isn't something I could do. Strangers might have cooties. (046) Had sex with a stranger?: No. Sex should have an emotional attachment. You don't get this with a stranger. (047) Kissed the same sex: No (048) Done anything sexual with the same sex? Um... Does cyber sex count? (049) Been betrayed: Yes, is there anyone who hasn't? (050) Broken the law: Actually yes. I'm a goody two-shoes these days but in my youth I did a little shop lifting. (051) Been arrested: Never. (052) Been on radio/TV: I don't think so. My brother was on TV (news) when we were younger but I don't think I was included in that or in the magazine articles that went with it. (053) Been in a mosh-pit: No (054) Had a nervous breakdown: Daily. (055) Been criticized about your sexual performance: Yes (056) Had a dream that kept coming back: Yes (057) Seen your favorite band play: No. (058) Owned a pair of big sunglasses: No (059) Worn a huge hat: No (060) Judged other people by their clothing: Well, I'll sometimes cringe over someones clothing choice. Obese people wearing clothes that are sizes too small or teenagers showing their underwear etc. I guess that counts. (061) Been told you have good taste: No (062) Been romantically attracted to someone and physically unattracted?: Not yet. (063) Been used?: Probably. (064) Been in an abusive relationship?: Emotionally abusive, yes. That's why I dumped him. ![]() DO YOU BELIEVE IN... (065) Life on other planets: Yes! Only a complete egotist could believe that out of the billions of planets in the universe ours is the only one with life. (066) Miracles: Kinda and kinda not. I believe that miraculous things can happen but I also believe in fate so while it was remarkable it was all part of the cosmic plan. ![]() (067) Astrology: Yes. BUT... That doesn't mean all horoscopes are legitimate. They have to be done correctly. (068) Magic: I'm not sure. I'd like to believe in magic. I wish I could perform magic. I used to try and move things with my mind like Matilda but, alas, I can't and I've never seen magic so I struggle to believe it is real. (069) God: Depends on your definition of God. I believe there is a cosmic energy but I don't believe that some old guy with a beard sits up in the clouds casting lightning bolts and non-believers. (070) The Devil: Similar to God. I believe there is the darker reversal of cosmic energy, a way to go backwards to the lower planes of existance instead of ascending but I don't believe some guy with a pitch fork goes around burning people. (071) True Love: Yes, but not necessarily ONE right person for everyone. (072) Ghosts: Yes, I see dead people. ![]() (073) Rebirth: Yes, reincarnation. (074) Love at first sight: I don't know about that. I can believe in impulsive and instinctual awareness of each other and physical attraction. I think love is something that develops and deepens over time. (075) Ying and Yang?: Well, a sense of karma and balance yes. Is that what ying and yang is all about? (076) Witches: Well I believe in people who believe in Wicca which would be considered witches. Pagan ritualists which would also be witches. I don't know about broomstick flying black hat wearers however. (077) The Easter Bunny: No. I aint never found no eggs I didn't buy myself. ![]() (078) Santa Clause: Um, same as The Easter Bunny. I have to buy the presents from Santa for my kids. LAST PERSON... (079) That you laughed at: At? Um... I don't remember. I had a chuckle when an online friend mentioned they were dancing and singing while baking but I wasn't laughing AT them. (080) That laughed at you: Don't remember this either. (081) That hurt you: Physically? Probably my cat. He's always digging his claws into me. Person... Um, baby boy might have trod on my foot this morning. Emotionally? Myself? Does that count? (081) That turned you on: My Trid but shhh don't tell him. ![]() (082) That kissed you: Baby Boy. ![]() (083) That hugged you: Baby Boy too. (084) That you went shopping with: Accompanied my mother clothes shopping the other day. Ohhh but I went shopping this morning and baby boy came with me. (085) To disappoint you: Um... My Trid. But it's not really his fault. Perhaps that means I disappointed me. *sighs* I just get disappointed because we're so far apart and I want to be with him NOW. Waiting sucks. (086) That made you cry: A person? Um... I can't remember the last person to make me cry but I've cried alot because of movies lately. ![]() (087) That brightened up your day: My kids are the LAST persons to brighten my day but My Trid always manages to when we talk. ![]() (088) You saw a movie with: Well baby boy is often around when I watch a movie but I'm not really watching it WITH him. Last person I did watch a movie 'with' was my mother. (089) You talked to on the phone: My sister, making plans for getting together tomorrow. (090) You talked to on text message: Probably my mother. 091) You talked to on IM: HERMI!!! ♥~HermyKitteh~♥ ![]() ![]() (092) That made you smile: Baby Boy. ![]() (093) That made you laugh: Hermione. (094) That saw you cry: Saw me? Um... I don't know. Might have been baby boy, he's around a lot. Maybe my mother. I tend not to cry when others can see me. (095) That bought you something: Myself. ![]() (096) That danced with you: Baby boy again. *chuckles* Yesterday actually. ![]() (097) That you have a crush on: Oh Heath Ledger is single again! TOTALLY CRUSHABLE! ![]() THE WHATS... (098) What do you find romantic?: Time to just BE together. (099) What are your turn-on's?: A great sense of humor, a good laugh, a great smile, chocolate and imagination. (100) What are your turn-off's?: Too much kink, crassness, kids, and politics. (101) What is best about the opposite sex?: Um... Their attachments? ![]() (102) What is best about the same sex?: Women have fabulous bodies. Why can't a naked man look as beautiful as a naked woman? (103) What is the last present someone got you?: Um... I can't remember the last thing, that would have been for my birthday and not particularly memorable. But the last gift I got that WAS memorable is this beautiful dragon necklace, bunny earrings, and dragon goblets. ![]() (104) What makes you happy?: Loving and being loved; Hearing my baby boy talk or sing (Spiderman, spiderman); Seeing my daughter after a long day at school (soon, yay); Spending time out of the house; A wild thunderstorm; Spring sunshine, birds and butterflies; A great love story (book or movie); The final page of a fantastic novel; LOTS OF THINGS!!! (105) What is your B-day?: June 5th (106) What is your favorite movie?: Um... Um... I can't pick a favorite. I love lots. I've got a thing for movies based on books lately. (107) What is your favorite band?: Yes, I'm with Hermi, Evanescence is great. I've also fallen for Josh Groban's beautiful voice too. (108) What is your favorite type of movie?: Well I want to see more fantasy adventure type movies but it's not really a movie genre. ![]() (109) What is your favorite season?: Winter (110) What is your favorite month?: Probably December/January. The Christmas/New Year cusp. ![]() (111) What is your favorite Holiday?: Christmas/New Years? *chuckles* Probably Christmas mostly because it's all about family and gift giving. New Years tends to be a mixture of excitement and melancholy. Especially since I've been bringing it in alone for so many years now. (112) What is your favorite language?: English. But I love the sound of Italian, French and Spanish. ![]() (113) What is your favorite thing to do?: Write, and read. (114) What is your favorite color(s)?: Purple! THE WHO'S... (115) Your best friend(s): My Trid. ![]() (116) The one person you can trust with any thing?: My Trid again. (117) Your favorite singer?: Amy Lee or Josh Groban, can't decide. Probably Josh. (118) Your favorite Actor?: *ponders* I've been in an Angelina Jolie mood lately, also really taken to Alan Rickman. Always adore Heath Ledger and Matt Damon. (119) Your favorite Actress?: Opps, Um. See above? *chuckles* Sorry, I forget about gender bias sometimes. To me Actor is gender neutral. (120) Your favorite President?: None. I'm an anachist. We should do away with all forms of government. *~* Ick! What a terrible question to end on. Well, there you go, 120 things you may or may not have known about me. ![]() |