Printed from https://writing.com/main/books/entry_id/531329-A-TOUGH-ONE
Rated: 13+ · Book · Romance/Love · #1311106
Trying something different, a work in progress -
#531329 added August 29, 2007 at 5:17pm
Restrictions: None
Colin drove his mother to the hospital early the next morning. The surgery had been scheduled for seven, and they wanted a chance to see him before he was sedated. Chauncy Carriel was no ordinary man. He sat up in the bed, reading the morning paper, and making a few choice remarks on the world events. He put the paper aside as Meredith and Colin walked in. "We really should have had more children, Meredith!" he said as his wife's face turned pink. "We have a strapping, healthy, good looking son and it is a fine state of affairs that there is only one like him."

Colin smiled at his father, knowing he was simply trying to get Meredith's mind off the upcoming surgery. Seeing that devilish twinkle in his eyes, Colin knew he was also having a bit of fun at his mother's expense. "Now, Da" Colin said, "when you got perfection the first time, why try to duplicate it?" Chauncy laughed, and nodded his head. "Enough out of both of you!" Meredith said. She sat down by the bed and took Chauncy's hand. "I'll never be forgiving you if you don't get this over with and get home where I can give you some proper food." Chauncy knew she was worried, and he was worried a bit himself, but the surgeon was a good one and he expected to fully recover.

"I hear that your Elizabeth was called home - her son had an accident. How is he doing, and how is she doing?" Colin told his father that he had spoken to her on the phone last night, and she was doing well. Her son would be in the hospital for awhile, but he would recover. "Good. I expect to sit through a wedding when all this is over, and dance with your wee bride."

A nurse came in and told them they would have to wait outside. It was time for the medication and prep for the surgery. "You can see him again once he is in recovery. In the meantime, you folks should get some breakfast. We'll take good care of him." She smiled and waited until they had said their "love you's" before ushering them outside.

They went down to the cafeteria and sat down at a table overlooking the green hills beyond the hospital. Colin got up and got tea and toast for he and his mother. In truth, they were too nervous about the surgery to be hungry.

Colin reached into his pocket and brought out a packet of photographs. "You might enjoy seeing these, Mother" he said. "Elizabeth took a lot of pictures, and there is one of the two of us together by the Blarney Castle." Meredith took the packet and studied the pictures. A radiant Elizabeth and a smiling Colin were among them. He looked happier than he had in all the years since Rebecca had died. Sad that there was an ocean between them now, it was a time when they needed each other. "She is beautiful, Colin. There is a sparkle in her eyes, and the love between you shows." Colin smiled. "She took endless pictures of scenery, a typical tourist, but everytime I got the camera it was aimed at her." Colin excused himself to make a phone call to his office. It was too early to call Elizabeth, but not too early to order her a dozen long-stemmed red roses. He gave instructions to Elsa and told her to be sure to call the hospital if Elizabeth tried to get through to him.

The time seemed to drag on, an hour passed so slowly. The surgery would take at last four hours. Checking in at the desk, he told the nurse there that he and his mother would be taking a short walk outside. They would get them if need be and it would do his mother a world of good to get outside in the fresh air. It was much too hard on both of them to just sit inside and wait.

The sky was a delicate shade of blue, not a cloud in sight. They walked along the front of the hospital where the flowers bloomed in an array of brilliant colors. The frangrance filled the air. They sat down on a bench, content for a moment just to breathe the air and savor the beauty.

"Colin" his mother said, "will she becoming back to Ireland? She and her children would be welcome to stay with us. There is plenty of room in the old house and if the children are as delightful as Elizabeth, it will bring Chauncy and I some happy moments."

"In time, perhaps," Colin answered wistfully. "Once da is better, and out of reach of any complications, I may fly to the States to see her. I'm scheduled for another trip to Boston in two months for the Tours anyway, and even if I wasn't - I would want to go to her."

Meredith squeezed his hand and nodded. "That would be good. Perhaps by then you can talk them all into coming back."

"It's a hard thing to pull up your roots. The children are pretty much on their own, but Elizabeth still has her home there. I can only hope that she will be willing to make the change. Time alone will tell"

"Perhaps Chauncy will get to dance at your wedding after all", his mother said.

"A little early to think about that." Colin said. "We've only just met a few short days ago, but she has grown into my heart and I feel lost without her. I think she feels the same way, but it's too soon to tell whether or not there will be wedding bells ringing. She is the one woman I've met since Rebecca that I could even think about spending the rest of my life with."

Meredith smiled. "It will work out, Colin."

They got up and walked back into the hosptial. No word yet, Chauncy was still in surgery. Meredith sat down and picked up a magazine. She tried to read, but the words kept blurring, her thoughts were with her husband.


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