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Fibro fog, pain, writing sandwiched in between. Quotes. Sermon notes. Encouragement. |
Yesterday, we had our home visit. The worker from the shelter came to see our house and ask a few more questions. She brought Jake with her. He sure is a cutey. He's a mixture of Chiuaua and terrier. Black and brown face, white body with black spots. Karen brought her black Lab with her and he was none to pleased to think he might have to stay in the car. So, she brought Oliver out of the car, while I walked Jake. He marked a few places, then went right up our walkway, on to the porch and pawed at our front door. Just like he knew where he belonged. ![]() Inside, he jumped on the bed to help me waken hubby. He went to the door when he needed to go out again. And he snuggled in my lap and went fast to sleep while Karen and hubby and I talked. Meanwhile, Piewacket hid, although she did let hubby take her on the leash to show off for Karen. And Opera hid under a cabinet in the kitchen, but wanted to play with the big Lab. He wanted to play with her, but she just pawed at him from beneath the cabinet. Soon, Karen and Oliver and Jake were ready to leave. For some reason, Jake's current foster parents have to be consulted about what the shelter worker thought about our home, and us and our current pets. Weird, huh? I'm not sure that makes sense. Letting Jake go bye-bye after bonding like that was difficult. Sure would like him to be a part of our family. I think Tiff will love him! Okay, I admit to being almost old. ![]() Today? How many parents do you know who actually visit classrooms? How many even look at the text books being used to see if there are things being taught that just don't line up with the family's beliefs? How many are curious enough to find out about special assemblies? When I was a kid, there were always at least a half dozen parents at the back of the auditorium at every assembly. I was pondering all of that because I got one my News with Views emails this morning. One of the featured articles is titled, "PUBLIC SCHOOLS - PAGAN RELIGION INDOCTRINATION CENTERS." One of the author's questions is this: "Are state-controlled public schools deliberately trying to cripple children’s ability to reason and deal with facts?" Here's the link for more: http://www.newswithviews.com/Turtel/joel46.htm Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it. Proverbs 22:6 KJV I just discovered this writing by someone who was in high school just a few years back (compared to when I was in high school).
Yipppppppeeeeeeeeeee! We found out we're getting Jake. Now we just have to figure out a day and time. We'll have to pick him up about an hour+ away in Kentucky. |