Printed from https://writing.com/main/books/entry_id/526248-The-council
Rated: 13+ · Book · Action/Adventure · #1301826
The story of Tanis, a young elf in the possesion of one of the lost elf crystals.
#526248 added August 7, 2007 at 11:34am
Restrictions: None
The council
Even with such a late bedtime, Tanis was up before dawn. He packed his clothes and possessions in one of the magically enhanced packs supplied by the village provisions. It was enchanted to hold much more that its size would seem to permit. Putting on his sword belt and quiver, he grabbed his bow and took one last look around him. This was probably the last time he would see this room. He then climbed down the ladder to look for something to eat.

As his companions were likely to be a while, Tanis decided to head out for a hunt. Hoping to catch a hare for breakfast, he quietly slipped into the meadows surrounding the village. This area was cultivated as perfect breeding grounds for hares and other small woodland creatures. Most of the village's meat was supplied from these meadows and the surrounding forests.

Spotting a grey hare, Tanis expertly strung his bow. With almost perfect marksmanship, Tanis had no doubt in his mind of missing the hare, less than one hundred yards from him. With one arrow to the head, he easily slayed the poor creature. Retrieving his meal, Tanis took it back to the village. Impatient to eat, he used a roasting spell on the hare, so that by the time he reached the town gates, the meat was well cooked and tender.

Upon entering the town, he spied Fealthor and Kreija leaving his housing.

"Thor! Kreija!" he called. "Come over here, I've caught some wonderful hare for our breakfast."

Sitting down together at one of the public tables spread throughout the town, the three dined on delectable meat. "Mm, delicious." said Kreija, sampling a hot bite. "Could use some more flavor though." Saying that, she withdrew a seasoning packet from her pack and sprinkled it over everything. Sinking it, the mouth watering aroma drifted upwards.
"Much better!" Fealthor exclaimed. "Now, we're all packed and ready to leave. We're meeting with the council at midday and we'll depart after that. What route were you planning Tanis?" When Tanis hesitated, he added, "Or haven't you thought about it yet?"

"Of course I have!" said Tanis, glancing around. "I just wasn't sure about talking about it with all these youngsters around. We should keep to populated regions as much as possible for the safest journey. As you know, Alfheim is across the continent." Indicating the east, he continued. "To reach it we'll need to travel through many of the kingdoms of this land. We shall have to be wary of the creatures we may meet, as not all races are as fair and kind as the elves.

"We will be able to keep our direction easily by the sun during the day, as we will be headed constantly east." When he reached for another chunk of meat, Kreija cut it for him.

"We want to avoid Nidavellir, the dwarf kingdom, and Svartalfheim, the land of the dark elves. Jotunheim, land of the giants is traversable, but giants can cause dangerous accidents due to their sheer size. Muspell is inhabited by fire dragons and chameleons. The drakes of Nidhogg should present no blockage to our journey.

"I plan to travel first to the mapmaker Audmila in northern Utgard for a magical chart by which we can track ourselves."

Kreija agreed with this decision but Fealthor felt it would merely waste time. "It's not as if we're in a time crunch, Thor." said Kreija, trying to convince him. "We don't need to be there for another season. Anyways, this chart should more than make up for the time it takes to acquire it, because we can more easily chart a direct course and avoid unlikable situations."

"My thoughts exactly." said Tanis, his eyes twinkling. "Now we best head back to the hall to pick up our passenger. It's almost midday already."

This said, they packed the remains of the meat and walking to the council hall.

Entering the hall together, they walking to the center of the council for their verdict.
Tyras stood and, glancing in the direction of a figure, spoke. "We have agreed that this journey is necessary in our quest for the methods of old. We have also selected your companion and warlock from among our members. I present to you Ymir." As he said this a very large elf stood forwards.

Hearing this, Kreija shoved Fealthor, whispering "I told you he would pick Ymir! It's to keep you in line."

"Ymir has been chosen by this council for his immense abilities both magically and physically. He should provide formidable protection in the event it is required.

"We also grant each of you a veralis cloak so that you may hide well. You shall also receive commorbs, so that your communication will be unhindered by separation. And last, you shall each receive a quiver of plenty, so that you will never be at loss for arrows.

"These precious gifts are imparted on you with the expectation of results. Should you not choose to return, these gifts will dissipate after exactly three seasons from today. This should be ample time to complete your task.

"Last, we believe that to accomplish this task, you must have in your possession the dormant elf crystal. We give this priceless object to you with full confidence in your loyalty and ability to protect it.

"You may receive your items from the armoury before you depart. We all wish good traveling and successful ventures to you and your companions.

"You may depart." Tyras dismissed the council and returned to his quarters.
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