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Exploring the future through the present. One day at a time. |
A quickie before I get to the main subject of my entry. I want to thank all of you for sharing your thoughts and stories of parenthood throughout these last few months. They've helped me -- grow up is one way of putting it. You've given me perspectives I never would have considered before. My child will be the greatest beneficiary of your wisdom. Yesterday I went to my monthly appointment. It wasn’t supposed to last long, and I didn’t expect much beyond peeing in a cup (I’m getting good at that), meet with the doctor (for the first time), have my uterus measured, and give blood for the genetic tests I wrote about earlier. After the nurse took my blood pressure and weighed me (I only gained 2 pounds!), she checked for the baby’s heartbeat with the doppler listening thingy. This time she found it, and did I get giddy hearing the little one’s heartbeat for the first time. It was oddly synchronized with mine, and reminded me of percussion music. She measured it at about 160 bpm, a normal heartbeat. The doctor came in a few minutes later, a tall Texan with white hair, and don’t tell my hubby, but handsome, too. What I liked most about him was his focus. He asked me lots of questions, but he kept everything quick and to the point. Snappy is the best way I can describe him. He also agreed I didn’t need the amniocentesis. He said these days blood tests and ultrasounds can find much of what amniocentesis can, so it’s unnecessary in normal circumstances. He then measured my tummy and said, “Hmm. You’re much bigger than you should be for sixteen weeks. I would guess you’re closer to twenty.” I giggled at this, because I had been complaining for the last week I didn’t think I was growing enough. He then scheduled me for another ultrasound to measure the baby to determine for certain. If I was at twenty weeks instead of sixteen, then they would have to adjust my appointments, etc. This ultrasound lasted a lot longer than the first one. The technician measured the baby's head's length, width and circumference, checked the spine, the skull's structure, and innards. What thrilled me was watching the little one move around, and it moved a lot! I'm convinced now I have been feeling the baby move, and it wasn't just gas. At one point the technician was looking at the front of the baby, and I saw between the legs a white bump. I knew immediately what it was, but it disappeared before I could say anything. The technician asked, “Did you want to know the baby’s sex?” “Yes, we would like to,” Dave said. Without skipping a beat she said, “You have a boy.” Yep, that little white bump was what I thought it was. She then looked for other things, saved each view, and printed four of them for us. We also saw some terrific views of the spine, his tiny bladder, his beating heart, and his round little tummy. She also determined by the size of the skull I’m indeed at 16 weeks. Afterward they took blood, but I won’t know the results for a while I’m sure. I’m not concerned about any of them, though, so I can wait. Aside from watching him move, seeing he has all the right parts in all the right places thrills me to no end. I told Dave later at lunch I wouldn’t get any work done because I’d be too busy grinning. I decided then to invite my mom to my next ultrasound four weeks from now. I know watching her grandson in vitro will excite her as much as it did Dave and I. We went over last night to show her and Tom the latest baby pictures. I thought she was thrilled to see Little Kidney Bean from the first ultrasound, but she fell in love with her grandson last night. She refused to part with the pictures, though she did allow Tom and Dave to glance at them for about 30 seconds apiece. No longer than that, though. At one point I asked, "You're not going to sleep with those, are you?" She didn't say no. When I invited her to go to the next ultrasound in four weeks, she was beyond excited. So, ya wanna see the pictures? I know, dumb question: ![]() ![]() Profile view ![]() ![]() Cross section view of his pelvis. Follow the arrow, and you’ll see his, um, winky. I add this only so I can embarrass him when he’s older. ![]() ![]() Front view of his skull. ![]() ![]() Closer view of his skull. "Little Kidney Bean" doesn't quite fit anymore, does it? |