Printed from https://writing.com/main/books/entry_id/525208-mistakes
Rated: 13+ · Book · None · #1289876
For the Poetry Challenge by Ter
#525208 added August 1, 2007 at 7:47pm
Restrictions: None
in the words of my Grandmother
"nothing's deader than yesterday's mistakes"
i'd like that to be true
i know it would be better
if everyone believed this phrase

if we wouldn't be so quick to judge
if we tolerated one another
if we did our best each day
if we could let go and forgive
if we could let the past lie dormant

but we admonish ourselves
we berate each other
we nitpick small errors
we blow them out of proportion
we never let them die

i remember a woman
who always saw the good
she focused on the positive
she found beauty in everyone
and everyone loved Grandmother for it

but often we tear others down
when we could help them out
easier to rub your face in the mistake
easier to make oneself look better
difficult to accept the blame

in memory of Grandmother
i accept my flaws
i admit when i've done wrong
i attempt to make it right
and i want others to do the same

Author's note: capitalization as printed is intentional.

Prompt Subject: Your Two Cents (Give me your opinion on any topic)
Word(s) to use: quick
Word(s) not to use: opinion(s), opinionated, think(ing,s), feel(ing,ings,s)
Other requirements/restrictions: Pick something you have a strong opinion about and make sure you state your opinion. At least 15 lines.
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Printed from https://writing.com/main/books/entry_id/525208-mistakes