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What's on my mind.... |
7/27/07 I didn't feel like blogging for a while. The routine got to me, and I started feeling pressured to do it, so it wasn't fun at all for a while. I'm better noe, so I'm giving it another try. I was in the car today, on the way to meet the girls for lunch. The sun was shining, the day was warm, I didn't have any immediate cares. I've been off work since school let out in May, and I haven't done a lot of anything other than enjoying each day as it comes. Today was no different. I felt good, and it was a wonderful thing to be alive and healthy and happy. Tooling along the busy road, singing along with Cissy Houston who was elooquently crooning the 23rd Psalm, (I'm not particulary religious, but I do love the words of that psalm and her rendition of it.) I ended up stuck behind one of those people who insist upon doing the speed limit in the left lane rather than going with the flow of traffic or moving to the right. In middle of "He resotoreth my soul, he restoreth my so-o-o-oul" I yelled at the truck in front of me, "Will you drive the F&@* up!", and went right back to singing. The irony of my incongruent actions struck me a few minutes later. I really need to do better. ![]() ![]() |