Printed from https://writing.com/main/books/entry_id/523805-Part-Six---Richards-request
Rated: 13+ · Book · Ghost · #1294788
not the book of your death,actually.It's a ghost story.
#523805 added September 9, 2007 at 10:35am
Restrictions: None
Part Six - Richard's request
Julie and Brian looked at the wardrobe, from where the voice was saying those thongs. They were both shocked and confused.

"How... Beth! Not a funny joke!!" said Julie after a while.

"It's true, Julie"

"But Edward Death must be dead for AGES!" said Brian exasperated.

"Yes." said kindly the voice. "Have you ever heard about... about reincarnation, Ed... Brian?"

"Julie, are you sure this is Beth?" asked Brian in a whisper.

"Well, is her voice... " and then added to the wardrobe : "Beth, what is your favorite color?"


"And mine?"

"You don't have a favorite color. Black is not a color. And what's with these questions?"

"I'm sure is her." said Julie to Brian.

"And you know her for how long?"

"Since I moved in. About eight years ago."

Brian turned to the wardrobe.

"And you're trying to say",he said, feeling silly because he was actually talking to a wardrobe, "that I am... I'm-"

"You are Edward Death,"  completed Beth. "And Richard doesn't want to lose you again. He planes to take you."

"How'd know about him?"asked Brian deranged, "And how could a ghost take something??"

"I talked with him."said Beth. "He's happier that ever... And he can't, physically take you, but he can take your soul."

"What?"asked Julie, shocked. Brian was shocked as well :

"How on Earth can he do that??"

"By making you accept the deal/:

"What deal?"asked Brian, violently.

"He takes you..." said Beth sad, "or your family."

Julie and Brian were once again hit by a shock.

"How do you know that?"

"I told you! I talked with him."

"How are we going to stop him?" asked Julie, with tears in her eyes.

"Well, that's his house, you can't stop him. He can do whatever he wants in his house."

"Julie, are you home?"asked a voice behind the door.

"Oh,no, Eileen!" said Julie.

"What?"asked Brian confused. "You can't bring friend at your place? For God's sake, you're sixteen!"

"I know" said Julie, "But, she doesn't let me."

"Julie?" asked again Eileen.

"Quick, there's my room, hide in the wardrobe."

"What?" said Brian, who felt very uncomfortable hiding in a wardrobe, after one told him he would be kidnapped by a ghost.

"Just do as you're told!" said Julie, with her confident tone that was driving Brian mad.

She pushed him in the wardrobe, closed the door and rushed to Eileen.

"Coming, Eileen! I was in the bathroom."

"Well, you really scared me, young lady!" said Eileen upset. "I thought you were still in that Pricket's house, doing God knows what! I was worried... after Ryan's terrible accident... Now, I'd like a coup of coffee, please."

"Right, just a minute."said Julie, thinking about Brian.

Brian didn't feel very well. He was hiding in a girl's wardrobe, surrounded by skirts, shorts, pants and a school uniform.

"Hope Julie has a plan."thought Brian. "I hate her wardrobe!"

And Julie was indeed thinking hard.

"Erm... Eileen?"

"Yes, Julie?" asked Eileen, tasting her fresh cup of coffee prepared by Julie.

"I was wondering... wouldn't you like to go at a restaurant? You know, just the two of us, like mother and daughter?"

It was the first time Julie used the term "mother and daughter" for her and Eileen, and Eileen looked very touched. She really wanted to get closer to Julie.

"Okay..."she hesitated, and added,"honey. But I hope we'll be back before John comes home."

"Don't worry, we will be." smiled Julie."Now, if you excuse me, I'm going to change my clothes."

Meanwhile, Brian was thinking hard about Julie.

"Beth said Julie's favorite color is black" he thought, "and she was right, because Julie didn't disagree.And Julie said she moved in like eight years ago... But... all this time... and... I am her first friend? She must be very cold... And what's with that portrait in... um.... Beth's room?The boy... that boy looks just like me! :| "

Then, Julie came in.

"Brian,"she whispered, "I managed to persuade Eileen to go out with me. That gives you a little time to get out". She opened the wardrobe's door, and looked down at Brian.

"You look like a mouse in a trap." she giggled. Than, she picked a blue dress a closed the door. "Remember that you don't have much time."she said,"so get out of the wardrobe as soon as you hear me saying 'we're going to have so much fun!', all right?"

"Right," answered Brian, slowly. "D'you think mom's still at the hospital?"

"I guess"answered Julie. "If not, she would've call us to check if you are here/"

"Right. Um... What's with that portrait..?"

"What portrait?"

"From... -er- Beth's room... it looks just like me."

"I know" said Julie quietly.

"And why do you have a portrait with me?"

"It;s not you!" protested Julie."You don't have green eyes!... It was Beth's... It's... It's Edward Death."

This really shocked Brian.

"Okay, Brian, I must go now." she said. "Remember the sign. Bye!"

"See ya", whispered Brian, not sure if she'd heard him.

"But she had. And after a while, he could hear her saying loud:

"We are going to have so much fun!"

"Yes, but why are you yelling, Julie?"asked Eileen, deranged.

"Oh, I'm just very excited."

Brian waited a second or two, and then he got out of the wardrobe and rushed home, not before saying "Good bye and thanks!" to Beth.If his mother wasn't there, then he would go to the hospital. He wasn't really sure he wanted to be alone in the house, not after he had found out what was the "not-so-friendly" ghost from his house up to. There must've been a way to stop Richard. But what way?

"Mom?" said Brian as he entered the house. "Are you home?"

No answer. Brian was scared. What if Richard wanted to kill his mother too, even if he,Brian, accepted the deal?

He rushed at the bathroom.Apparently, no one was there. Apparently.

"Son..." said a happy, but dead whisper from the bathroom. "You must come with me... or I'll take Caitlin and Ryan."

"NO!!!" cried Brian.
© Copyright 2007 Alyssa DarK (UN: alyssa_dark at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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