Printed from https://writing.com/main/books/entry_id/523804-Part-Seven---Deathly-end
Rated: 13+ · Book · Ghost · #1294788
not the book of your death,actually.It's a ghost story.
#523804 added September 10, 2007 at 11:16am
Restrictions: None
Part Seven - Death[ly] end
Brian didn't really care about Ryan, but Caitlin was his mother, his life!

He ran to the hospital as fast as he could and told his mother everything he knew about the ghost. Everything, but the fact that the ghost wanted him.

"We must call... someone!!" said Caitlin scared. She knew Brian would never lie to her. "Let's go to Father Harris'!"

After several minutes, they were knocking at Father Harris' door.

"Yes."he said,opening the door. "How can I help you?"

Father Harris was a very old man, with grey beard and no hair. He was quite fat, and small.

"Father Harris!" said Caitlin. "We need help! Our house is in... well. trouble..."

Father Harris looked suspicious.

"The Deaths' house?"

"Well, yes." answered Brian.

"Come in."said Father Harris. "And please, take a seat."

They all say at a little round table.

"So," said Father Harris,"What seems to be the problem?"

"There's a... a spirit, in our house." said Caitlin.

"Mmmm.... you know, several years ago, the Carter family,-your neighbors, " he added,with a cute smile, " -called me for the same reason. They told me then that they heard noises in that house. I tried to get rid of all the spirits - it was a whole village, I guess, you know the story of Mr. Death's curse - and I succeeded. But one spirit, Mr. Richard Death's, said he wouldn't leave without his son."

"And what you're saying is - " said Caitlin.

"That I cannot help you." completed Father Harris. "I guess the house will be haunted forever.... anyway, the ghost stays only in the bathroom, so it can't possibly hurt you, or anyone from the house."

Caitlin and Brian looked at him doubtfully.

"Well, thank you for your help." said Caitlin.


"We must go... now..." said Caitlin, feeling useless.


"Good bye, Father."

"Good bye." said Brian.

After they left Father Harris' house, Brian said:

"Mom, there is another way to get rid of the ghost, We must go at Julie's. I just hope she's home."

“But how could she help us?”

“She knows this old lady, Mrs. Fire who deals with this kind of stuff.”

As they were heading to the Carters’ house, Caitlin asked:

“Are you sure this is right, honey?”

“Yes, absolutely.” said Brian. “If we really want to get rid of Richard, our ghost, then we must contact this lady.”

“But how do you know about her?”

Brian hesitated. He didn’t want to tell his mother that he already contacted the old lady.

“From the library, of course.” Hr told her, and knocked at Julie’s door, as they reached her house.. She opened the door.

“Good evening, Mrs. Pricket, Brian.” said Julie, smiling [as usual]. “Is there something wrong?” she asked, seeing Caitlin’s tears and Brian’s face, and her smile flying away.

“Julie, we must go to that Fire lady.” said Brian, almost adding ‘again’. “Richard” he completed.

Julie said only “Eileen, I’ll be right back.“ and then asked Caitlin, after she closed the door: “Mrs. Pricket, do you have a car? It’s a little far.”

“Of course,” said Caitlin, feeling a little ashamed she moved in a week before, but she’d never used the car.

After a few minutes, Julie and Brian were, once again, at Mrs. Fire’s house, introducing Caitlin and begging for her help. She accepted.


In the Pricket’s living room, Miranda said:

“Here, we must contact this Richard of yours. And, if I understood well, Julie is related to the spirit.”

“Yes” said Brian.

“Then she must stay too.” ordered Miranda. “Now, everybody, a circle, grab your hands.”

Nobody really understood what was Miranda muttering, but they sat on the floor, and grabbed each other’s hands.

“She is probably calling Richard, “ thought Brian, as Miranda muttered again something not understandable.

And he was right. The chairs, the wardrobe and everything inside the room started to shake, and a powerful voice said:

“Are you coming with me or not, son?”

Hearing that, Brian answered with a scream:


“Actually, I’d say FOREVER!” said the powerful voice and laughed.

“What’s happening?”

A little ‘click’ announced them that the doors were locked. The house was shaking dangerously.

“Stay in the circle!” cried Miranda. “It’s the only place where you’re safe!”

The powerful voice laughed again.

The house started to crumble.

“LET’S GET OUT OF HERE!” cried Julie, with tears in her eyes.

“There’s no way you can get out!” said Richard Death’s powerful voice…

The house disappeared in a cloud of dust and it burst into flames, transforming everything into ash…
© Copyright 2007 Alyssa DarK (UN: alyssa_dark at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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