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Exploring the future through the present. One day at a time. |
I made a huge mistake. Even in my brain’s current sluggish state I knew better. I should have kept my mouth shut, but noooo, I spilt the news. I told my parents Dave and I needed to replace my Jeep Wrangler with something more family friendly. Now Tom has wrangled me into allowing him to buy me my new car. Dang him. Seriously, I didn’t want him to. It’s a matter of pride, I admit. After all I’ve lived on my own for almost 20 years, I think I can take care of myself now. At the same time, he wants to do this. It gives him a measure of joy to be able to be generous to his daughters. He gave my sister some money to help purchase her house, so it’s only fair he help with my new car. I made him a deal, though. He could buy the car if he lets me trade in the Jeep. Saturday he and I went to check out vehicles. I made another boo-boo there by not bringing any water with me. It was hot, and after three hours in the 90+ heat I soon got a massive headache. When we returned home, I drank two huge glasses of water. Another boo-boo. A few hours later, the water I drank wanted out – and I mean out right now! I realized then I didn’t merely get a little dehydrated, but had a slight case of heat-stroke. Yippee. Having a worse case of it as a teenager, I knew then the only thing I could do was sleep it off. No supper for me. I was bummed, too. I made fajitas, one of my favorite meals. Monday, it was Dave’s turn to make a mistake. He may have sold my Jeep to a fellow employee. When another employee found out we’re selling it, he also expressed his desire to buy it. Why is that a mistake? I know Tom. He won’t accept the resulting check from the sale to add to the purchase of my new one. He’ll tell me to save it for the baby. Grrrr. Part of this is tongue-in-cheek. I truly am grateful for Tom’s generosity, and it’s quite possible I’ll need the cash in the future. Having been poor enough I lived on Raman noodles and didn’t know how I would make my rent more than once, I don’t want to go through that again. Having a bit of a cushion from a car sale gives me an extra measure of peace. Plus, I can use the money to start a college fund. Considering how much we’re getting for it, I’m glad I bought the Wrangler. They hold their value better than most. Around here, no one can keep them on a car lot. When Dave looked around yesterday, he saw only two for sale. Test driving a few cars last night (made sure I had plenty of water this time), I decided on a 2004 Jeep Cherokee. It’s the perfect size, rides and drives real nice, and the price is reasonable. However, in cleaning up my Jeep to show off to the potential buyer, both Dave and I no longer wanted to sell it. It looks sharp! I will miss it, too. It’s one fun vehicle to drive. Oh well. Baby comes first. Speaking of Baby, I got a few minor updates. I’m starting to show enough, people are noticing. I realized it’s the only time in a woman’s life where a protruding tummy is something to brag about. I also have no more queasiness. However, when I get hungry, it’s a feed me now feeling. I also can’t stuff myself silly anymore. When I’m full, my tummy let’s me know it won’t take another bite. Good thing, or I’d be protruding in other areas besides my stomach. I still get tired easy, and my brain is mush, but other than that I feel pretty good. In a word, I’m content. At night when I go to bed, and again in the morning before I get up, I poke around to see if I’ve grown more, and to feel for any movement. At 14 weeks, I shouldn’t expect any, but still, it’s fun to try. |