Printed from https://writing.com/main/books/entry_id/522080-The-Shadow-Rage-Chronicales-prologue
by 7Zedd
Rated: 13+ · Book · Action/Adventure · #1293142
a story about a boy with strange powers and a half demon
#522080 added July 18, 2007 at 11:07am
Restrictions: None
The Shadow Rage Chronicales: prologue

The Shadow Rage Chronicles: Prologue

      Ten year old Lloyd Indell walked silently through the throng of people gathered throughout the square. Merchants called out to people trying to entice them into buying their wares, men and women stood in small groups talking to each other, and children played innocently oblivious to the rest, well most children played innocently. Lloyd noticed one little girl crying with two other girls and a boy standing over her, one of the two girls kicked the crying girl in the face, knocking her into the dirt.

      He walked over to the group of children silently, as the boy raised his foot as if to step on the girl on the ground Lloyd drew the curved dagger attached to his tattered robe, held it by the blade and said “if that foot touches her then my blade touches your throat.” The boy immediately stepped backwards away from the girl and the other two did the same, when Lloyd sheathed his dagger the three ran off as fast as they could.

      Lloyd walked over to the girl and offered her his hand, she took it and as he helped her up his joints grew stiff for a second, he felt red flicks run across his brown eyes, he had been born with a unique gift, he could sense the presence of demonic beings, both the corporeal and the non-corporeal, he could see those that all could see and the ones that most people couldn’t see.

      He turned and looked into the girl’s eyes, she opened her mouth and started to say something but he asked her instead “have you ever gone somewhere where strange things happen? Like people that aren’t there speaking, or things moving on there own or something” the girl went wide eyed and asked “how did you know, um, in my room I sometimes hear a man’s voice, I can’t understand what he says though because it’s really quiet, and sometimes books fall out of my shelf and, it scares me, but no one believes me, you don’t really believe me either do you?”

      Lloyd did his best to smile and answered “I do believe you, in fact if you will show me where your room is then I will get rid of the scary man for you, so you won’t be scared any longer.” The girl brightened and then smiled “that would be great, you’d really do that for me?” He nodded and she began leading him through the streets, “thank you for saving me from those bullies earlier” she added as she walked “it was nothing” Lloyd responded.

      She led him into a small house and into an even smaller room with nothing but a straw bed, a bookshelf with four books on it and five others scattered onto the floor, and a wooden bar with two small dresses hanging from it. When Lloyd first entered the room he knew right away that his eyes had  turned completely red, he saw what he had come for, a shadow stood beside the bed, it was garbed in a robe of darkness and its face was black as night.

      “Youu see meee” the thing rasped in a voice barely understandable as words, “yes I do” Lloyd responded as he drew his dagger once more, this time wisps of red energy swirled around the blade, they allowed him to cut through those without corporeal bodies. Lloyd could see that this demon was not dangerous yet, it had not developed a face yet which meant it barely had the power to move things, of coarse it couldn’t kill anything, yet. Lloyd stabbed it through its black heart before it had a chance to react, a black glow filled the room, draining the light from it, the girl behind him cried out in terror as the shadow evaporated into nothingness.

      “I-is it gone” the girl asked timidly. “Oh yes, it’s gone now, you are safe” the girl smiled though she still looked frightened as she said “my name is Laura, what is yours?” Lloyd sighed and responded “you may call me Lloyd” she smiled again and asked “where are you going to Lloyd?” Lloyd shrugged and responded “to the Terithial grave lands” the girl gasped but before she could talk anymore he left, running past people in the streets, he was through talking to her and had no desire to tell her why he was going into a treacherous land filled with demons, it was not anything she had to know.

                                                Prologue: part 2

      Epheil watched his older sister Sarapheil as she sat and cooked the meats of various animals over a fire, his claws glinting with the light of the fire, his half demon sense of smell allowing him to smell each individual piece and all the living creatures that surrounded him for miles around.

      His older sister was also half demon, although her looks all came from her human mother, while Epheil had fangs and claws from his demon father. Epheil despised his older sister, and she despised him also, the only reason that the two of them were even working together was so that they could rescue their little sister Umelia, who had been taken from them by the demon servant of a very powerful demon.

      Both of them loved Umelia dearly, and Umelia loved both of them, even though they despised each other, Epheil would never allow a demon to keep his little sister, Umelia was both Epheil and Sarapheil’s half sister, they had the same mother, but Umelia’s father was a human, meaning Umelia was fully human.

      “I heard from most of the villagers in the town we passed today, they also say that the demon’s master is locked away in Terithial grave lands, so I believe that is where we should go now.” Epheil nodded and answered “I don’t care where we go as long as we find her, if it is where we will find Umelia than I will gladly go strait to hell.”
© Copyright 2007 7Zedd (UN: 7zedd at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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