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Rated: 18+ · Book · Fantasy · #1293061
A traveler finds his way into a meadow that is the home of a family of divine beings.
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#522046 added July 18, 2007 at 5:27am
Restrictions: None
Stranger in The Meadow
The late dawn light filtered through the lifeless trees. Once grand, emerald, and thriving from roots to canopy. A spectrum of birds and a myriad of wildlife. Now only the skeletons of grand flora and fauna remain. Dust kicks up with every step and carrion birds follow the beaten path. I had began walking the dead and dusty path when I was years younger and less wise than I am now. I was a thief, a liar, a cheat, and a coward. All along the way of the dead and dusty path were predators waiting to pounce upon me. Thieves took from me my gold and food. Liars led me astray with false shortcuts leading to thieves. Then, when the thieves were to cowardly to steal from me with a knife to my throat, they would con it out of me using games of chance or convincing lies. It was this path I chose when fleeing from those whom would have me no longer. It was this path that I was meant to walk for my sins and walk it I did.

Walking along this dead and dusty path one day I heard a soft voice in the distance accompanied by a small gold light. Thinking it may be another predator laying a new trap for me I crept through the skeletal trees to hide myself from they eyes whom hunted me. Upon investigation I found a grand Meadow that reached toward the light pinks and blues of a forgotten sunrise. Thousands of hills corralled a forest and was only stopped by a lake that reflected the sky without flaw. At the center of all of this beauty there was an oak tree that I could not see the top of. It seemed as if the tree grew down out of the sky and into the ground.

Surveying The Meadow I begin to hear a soft and bell like voice laughing off in the distance around a massive hill. Plodding along the slowly rolling hills the voice began to drift closer and was now accompanied with a soft gold glow. Stopping to squeeze a drop of water from my wineskin the voice and gold glow drifted down next to me at the bottom of a hill. It was an angel of indescribable beauty. Soft gold hair fell in curls around her shoulders and her white silk wings reflected her heavenly glow. Freckles were painted across her slightly tanned skin and cherubim cheeks. Her eyes shone gold with the radiance of the dawn sun. Looking down at my dirty feet and making her way up to my filthy face she asks with cheer in her voice. “Where did you come from Dusty Dreamer?”

I pointed to the Dead and dusty path and sighed at my empty skin.

“Where did you intend to go on such a lonely path?” she boldly inquired.

“ I do not know little Angel. Perhaps this is where I was headed. Maybe beyond your Meadow and beyond that still. I do not know my path until it touches my feet.” I replied softly with a dry voice.

The Angel reached a hand down and helped me up to my feet. “Come with me and meet my family. They have water for you to drink and good times for you to have until you know your path.” Her glow began to shine brighter and was almost overwhelming to my eyes. “You will love my family, I know I do.”

At that she drifted up into the air and began to fly toward the massive hill she had come from. Finally cresting the hill into The Meadow I seen that the hill I had seen from the distance was not a hill at all. In fact it was a man of such immense size that he cast a shadow night onto the land around him. The Angel flew to him and began to tickle his neck and ears letting loose peels of laughter into The Meadow. He began to chuckle, his soft laughter rolled over the hills like water from this Great Buddha. The Angel and The Great Buddha’s laughter brought life to the land around them. The trees grew and flourished. The grass was so soft, healthy and so green it was almost blue. Walking down the hill to The Angel and the Buddha, I find that their happiness and laughter had not only brought forth life and beauty in their Meadow, but it had brought them offspring. Children ran around The Great Buddha’s feet pinching his toes and laughing. He playfully swats at them only to have them run back laughing harder.

The Angel drifted down next to me and smiled. “You are thirsty Dusty Dreamer?”

“That I am and then some.” I hoarsely spoke back. The Angel looked over her shoulder into the woods and sang out in a voice that sparkled on the breeze and danced like tiny bells in the wind. Out of the tree line a rambunctious giggle raced across the Meadow followed by a dark haired and slight Changeling. Half dancing, half running The Changeling made her way over to The Angel and I. The grass and flowers shifted colors when her bare feet raced across the top of them leaving a living rainbow in her wake. She was holding a small wooden cup that spilled crystal water with every step, but she was laughing all the way. Slowing to a walk she greeted The Angel and I with a smile and thrust the cup up to me. “Drink!” she chirped.

Taking the cup I look into it only to find an empty vessel save a drop. The Changeling smiles wider and pushes the bottom of the cup to my lips "Drink!" she insists.

I lift the cup to my lips and let the single drop of sweet wonder be swallowed up by the dust and desperation in my mouth. I smile at the young fae despite the grit in my teeth only to see that she is on the verge of tears. Distraught I look to The Angel and find her smiling at The Changeling and I. "Why is this young fae saddened dear Angel?"

"She is saddened because the water that was meant to wash the dust from your lips has been spilt." she cooed. I couldn't help but to smile at The Changeling and leaning to her ear I whisper.

"Do not fret the water spilt. It has made me happy to know that you care for me without knowing who I am." My soft words comforted The Changeling and she took off dancing over her lawn of rainbows toward The Great Buddha.

The Angel laid a soft hand on my back and began to guide me toward The Great Buddha speaking softly “You are still dry and dusty, come with me and relax. Meet my family.”

Walking upon the giant I can see The Changeling curled up on his neck napping easily in the late morning sun. Walking upon The Great Buddha I see that the offspring have now come to rest upon him and are relaxing with him and their friends.

On his left knee there sits a young man in wild clothes and shifting hair. His eyes are bright with goodness and joy. There is a soft silver glow around the boy that seems to make him larger than he really is. Around him are a group of young men around his age dressed in similar ways, but there are two that hold fast to his side. On The WildOne’s right side sits what seems to be an ox-human creature. Huge and jolly, gentle and strong. Yet in his eyes you could see a great burden lay on his immense shoulders. On The WildOne's left side there sat a Jester who wore bright clothes covered with silver and platinum, bells and charms. This Jester sat to his left passing jokes and wit into his ear.

On The Great Buddha s right thigh leaning on his gargantuan belly resting was The Nymph. When I saw her my breath ripped at my throat to escape. Raising a hand quickly she gave a short wave. My heart beat at my ribs and I became woozy. The Nymph smiled at me and grabbed a silver jar and began to climb down The Great Buddha’s leg. The Nymph’s smile was so radiant it would compete with constellations and could only be described as celestial in origin. I could barely keep my eyes from her wonder as she approached The Angel and I. When I could see her eyes clearly I became shy and began to look toward the ground. The Nymph stood looking up at me with eyes the color of moss, though, they seemed to shift ever so slightly when she spoke like sun beams reflected off of a placid pool of spring water. I believe it was the light of the sun captured in her eyes in the moment of her birth. No other reason I can think of could explain her shocking beauty. Her auburn hair was twisted and braided with crystal and silver beads dangling, reflecting the sun. Her dress flowed around her voluptuous body like water flows over rocks in a creek and seemed to be made from mother-of-pearl. Everything about her was breathtaking. She was beautiful in ways that every word known to me would simply fail to describe even a hair on her head.

Upon meeting this divine beauty I was struck dumb. I stuttered my words, I choked on air, and my palms went icy and wet. Attempting to hide my filthy face and hair I lifted my gaze and looked her in the eyes. Giggling at my awkward actions The Nymph spoke to me

“Hold out your cup Dreamer so that I may share my sweet water with you.”

Even her voice carried the type of beauty that would send most men into a lustful fit and women into jealous rage. I became so nervous I dropped the Wooden Cup into the blue grass at my feet. Apologizing for my awkward nature I reached for the cup only to grab the cool porcelain hand of The Nymph. Shocked I pulled my hand back again and began to apologize for letting my filthy hand touch her innocent beauty. The entire Family began laughing long and hard and my awkwardness. Though it was not a mocking laughter. It was a laugh that could only be shared with family and friends. A laugh that brought a smile to my face and I found myself laughing at the absurd way I was acting and quickly joined in with their heavenly, musical laughter.
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