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Bare and uncensored personal expression. Beware!!! |
Months ago I was doing some writing exercises and I really didn't think too much of what I'd created. They were just exercises, fifteen minute productions where I had some sort of vague goal to produce something coherant but wasn't expecting anything brilliant. So, imagine my surprise when I was digging through my archives and came up against a story that captivated me. I have a shimmering memory of having written those words but it still captured my attention and gave me that rare buzz, "Wow, this is good." It doesn't actually happen very often. Indeed, I have to be in some sort of strange abstracted mood to notice when I've written something well. It is rare moments like these that I think, "I really AM a writer." ![]() Anyway, it made me wonder if I might be able to get this peice published. Of course, it's written to suit a market I'd never considered or looked into before so I have no idea where to start in a hunt for the right person to publish the peice. I'm wondering if I should just put it on WDC and be satisfied others might enjoy reading it here. But I don't know, it seems like a waste of the kind of flash fiction I might be able to earn a couple of bucks from if. Does anyone know anything about flash fiction publishers? Particularly a publication that might be interested in a dark psycological peice in the mind of a terminal patient in his final moments? Perhaps I should just forget the idea of publishing something so out of my normal range. I could post it to my blog here or as a static in my portfolio and get readers. Odds are it's no where near as good as I think it is and if others read the peice they'd tell me honestly that it sucks and isn't a flash fiction story at all. That's my experience with flash fiction. I've just never been able to write short. Everyone always expect MORE from every peice I write short. Even my poetry sometimes gets people asking for the rest of the story. I must have to work on my closures or something. Anyway, it's there, floating in my consciousness, this story I wrote that I think might be good and have no idea what to do with. It would be a shame to leave it hiding there in my archives without a reader until it's dug up after my death by some money hungry person looking to get rich off the unpublished works of the famous novelist, Rebecca Laffar-Smith. ![]() What do you think I should do? |