before it gets too out of hand. |
A lot has happened since April, and it has affected my anger. I opted for other, because in a way, all the original topics will be touched upon: triggers, factors, obstacles, progess and effects. I've moved to Boynton Beach, which has largely halped reduce environmental stresses. It's a much smaller place, which means less traffic. There's also fewer issues with language barriers, which takes a load of stress off my mind. On the other hand, it has also exacerbated triggers that are related to women. This post really says it all. "Invalid Post" Women in general have made my anger management a real exercise in endurance. They have challenged me in every aspect of life: school (namely in the form of an aggravating professor), work (customers and co-workers) and online. I have tried my best to try to convert my angry frustration regarding the site into something constructive. "Cross sections and what not" "got ideas?"
But sometimes it gets the better of me. "Digital turf wars" It's really hard to say if I've made any progress this year. I suppose it's progress that I've been trying to find ways to try to convert my anger into something else (since humans are wont to compare emotions to energy, thus applying one of the basic laws of physics to something biological). On the other hand, the triggers are shifting, which leaves me dealing with curve ball after curve ball. So, I'm going to say I'm at the break even point. There is one plus, though. The kinetic energy I generate when I'm angry has gone down. I think it might have been due to being without AC for a while, which makes me sluggish. Let's see if AC affects my kineticism. With my luck, it does. In that case, bring on the ultimate stress reliever: Heroes! |