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Who am I, Where am I Going, and Where have I been? The story of my life! |
July 3, 2007 And I don't mean fireworks! I don't mean to complain..I really don't...life is Good...God is very good...and I'm just honked off. Let me explain. Back in late April or early May, while at a 4H meeting at our local community center...the director told us about a camp-free camp for those who qualify-through the Salvation Army. There were 2 dates that Cassy qualified for..one back in June...the day after ball season ended....and one that starts July 5th...it goes until the 14th and is a music camp-it also falls right at the begining and during our 4H fair (which she's involved in) and our church's vbs (which she generally enjoys). Because of this we coudln't decide whether to do it or not...it meant missing most of the fair-and not entering as many projects because of the dates they are due and requirements....in the end she decided that 10 days at a music camp outranked 4H....she can still enter projects just not all that she would have. Cassy loves music..loves to sing, can't wait for next year when she gets to be in band and choir. The application was completed and sent in before the cut off....I have confirmation from the lady that sent it..that it was in fact received before June 11th. Which brings me to where I am now...very frustrated, aggrivated and upset. Why you ask? Because I don't have confirmation that she's been accepted..and camp starts in 2 days..tomorrow is a holiday so no one will be in....I've talked to the lady I gave the application to a couple of times in the last 2 weeks and she was trying to get ahold of someone. I had pretty well given up...figuring we didn't qualify or something...and they just hadn't sent out a decline letter. This morning...I decided to try again to find out what was going on..we have a lot going on in the next few days and company coming as well....so I need to line up my ducks (not chickens..lol). I made 3 phone calls and wrote 2 emails before I finally got a phone number of someone who "should" be able to help. She was not a pleasant person and was not overly happy to help. She informed me that if I didn't get a letter it meant my daughter had been accepted but that she'd call and check if I'd like...however the last child she'd checked for that had been the case. I requested she verify for me, gave her my name and phone number....I got no call back. Since then I've emailed someone else...made a few phone calls...and at least now know the registration times....and what to take... I can't take my 10 year old daughter to a camp...without some kind of verification....and have her possibly heartbroken because she cna't stay....let alone the gas for the 2 hour (almost) drive there. I want her to be able to go....I think she'd have a lot of fun....but I'm pretty ticked off....did I ever tell you that one of my BIGGEST pet peeves is lack of communication? GRRRR. Somebody save me .....I just don't get it...I know absolutely nothing..times, location, what to take (ok, I do know that now..but) I don't have confirmation we are supposed to be there...the paperwork I finally got faxed to me is very confusing about how drop off goes....AHHHHHHHHHH. Why in all the people I've talked to do only a few seem to understand my hesitency? What do you think? Would you take off to drive there ...and possibly have it blow up? Would you even have confidence in the camp at this point? She goes to church camp June 29-Aug3 ...it's not like she won't get to go...I just was trying to give her experiences and enjoyment....and time where she gets to be her, do her thing....music is so her thing...though now she's a little unsure too..not because of htis..but becasue her best friends' family is coming Thursday..and will be here through the weekend....she doesn't want to miss out....I think, though I need to talk to Mike....that if I don't get a definite that she's registered..and how it's all supposed to take place and when and where. (I get lost easily ..I need directions) that she probably won't go...though I'm still torn. On a side note..she's now quite giggly....and grinning....There are 2 new boys in the neighborhood...they are 10 and 11....The 10 year old likes her, she likes him....he's supposedly now her boyfriend...though he has another girlfriend he's going to break up with...tried to warn her if he'd do it to someone else he'll do it to her..but she believes his story that the girl wants to date his brother anyway...OMG>..drama central. This is the first boyfriend she's had-or been allowed to have....for the most part we have not allowed it....not wanting to distract from school and such...she's such a drama queen anyway......but all of her friends have had boyfriends...and it's not like they are going anywhere but the front yard....lol...that I keep a pretty close eye on....and she knows if it interferes with school or anything else it will be the last time for quite a while that she will have a boyfriend. Another new experience....gotta love it... Ok, have to go peel potatoes....figure out what veggie to have with the beef roast in the oven talk to you people's later..thanks to all who have stopped by ..and to all those who are keeping us in your prayers. hugs and blessings Vicky |