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Bare and uncensored personal expression. Beware!!! |
Yeah, so that time of the month has come and gone but I saved these wonderful, insightful and always entertaining and informative Odd Spots for you all. ![]() #390 - The Eiffel Tower has 1792 steps. #111 - If you attempted to count the stars in a galaxy at a rate of one every second it would take around 3000 years to count them all. #92 - Just 20 seconds worth of fuel remained when Apollo 11's lunar module landed on the moon. Wow, they'd have been fucked if they'd missed. #157 - The Mona Lisa has no eyebrows. I always thought she looked like a freak. #173 - Elephants are the only animals that cannot jump. *ponders* Really? That's pretty weird. Why can't they jump? Surely there are other animals that can't. Fish have no knees so I would assume THEY can't jump... #223 - Animals that lay eggs don't have belly buttons. Yeah, eggs don't have placenta's, duh! #391 - Slugs have four noses. Poor little guys. Itmust suck to come up against some dog poop. #334 - Flamingos are pink because they eat shrimp. Actually, PINK flamingos are pink because of the melanon in the pink fish and prawns/shrimp they eat. There are other kinds of flamingos that are not pink. #218 - Camel's milk does not curdle. This makes me wonder at it's accuracy. Because, if it were true, milk manufacturers would surely have done research into the exact property IN camel's milk that preserves the milk and reproduce it in other milk. Either that or there is such a conspiracy that this fact should never be known because producers WANT milk to curdle. I wonder if non-pasturised milk would curdle. AND... do they mean the milk doesn't EVER curdle, what if it was left a few years in a bucket out in the sun? #392 - A quarter of the bones in your body are in your feet. #233 - The tongue is the fastest healing part of the body. Because it's in your mouth you know, that's why Mummy's kisses have healing properties, we aren't really KISSING the booboo, we're spitting on it. All other animals lick their wounds as well. Saliva has restorative and germ fighting properties. #120 - Strawberries contain more vitamin C than oranges. But orange juice companies won't admit that. These days orange juice tends to contain added vitamin C. Why don't they make strawberry juice? Still, all the more reason to eat lots of strawberries. #28 - A one-day weather forecast requires about 10 billion math calculations. There you go My Trid, you should be a weather forecaster, then you can really use that brain of yours. ![]() #67 - The bird that lays the largest egg in relation to its own size is the Kiwi. OUCH! #237 - The average person spends two years on the phone in his/her lifetime. ![]() #393 - August has the highest percetage of births. That's cause a lot of people are having sex during the Christmas holidays... #90 - Google is a number (1 followed by 100 zeros). pfft here is proof that Libra don't know what they are talking about. Google is a kick ass search engine that can find anything on the web you could possibly want with a few specific keywords and clicks of the mouse. #118 - The average person's left hand does 56% of the typing. lmfao OK, the AVERAGE person doesn't type two handed... Therefore this is bullshit. The average two-handed typer would use the left hand for 56% of the typing, the rest of the world uses only the right hand (or only the left if they're left handed) for 100% of the typing. #388 - There are 293 ways to make change for a dollar. More math geek trivia... I bet you'd spend hours working out every single different way, wouldn't you? Eyes the Mr Math carefully... #293 - Rubber bands last longer when refridgerated. *ponders* Now that's good to know. Let us all keep our elastic bands in the fridge from now on, ok? #389 - The toothbrush was invented in 1498. Really? *ponders* I wonder where the record is that states who first decided to put hair on a stick and chew on it... Didn't people used to use some form or other of something similar long before then? When was it officially a tooth brush? and why? #341 - Mageiricophobia is the intense fear of having to cook. I frequently have Mageiricophobia right around dinner time. But it's not the really fear of cooking, it's fear of having to clean up afterwards... #26 - Peaople do not get sick from cold weather; it's from being indoors a lot more. Ok, I have a COLD! And I haven't been inside more than usual. Infact, I've been inside LESS thatn usual which just goes to prove this entirely inaccurate. I got rained on, then I got sick. Thus, colds are caused by rain. *pouts at the rain* #100 - The Guinness Book of Records holds the record for being the book most stolen from public libraries. Ok, that's seriously lame people. WHY would you steal the Guinness Book of Records? There are so many books much worthier of stealing. Who would actually WANT to own the book? #139 - On average, a four-year-old child asks 437 questions a day. OMG!!! Baby boy will be four next year. Maybe I should have his vocal box removed now... I don't recall my daughter asking so many questions. Maybe they mean they THINK of that many questions. I certainly didn't ever ANSWER that many questions. Besides, she, at seven asks more questions than she did at four. Who tests these sorts of things? How do they prove it? Do they sit and count every question? What size is their target group? #291 - The bullfrog is the only animal that never sleeps. They don't sleep? *frowns* Ok, so why do they croak at night but not during the day? Must be some pretty good frog parties going on. I wonder how much speed and caffeine they have to consume. I wouldn't want to have a very long life if I would be a frog. I'd die of exhaustion if I could never sleep. Ok, now you've all increased your potential knowledge. I make no claim to the accuracy of these statements and lay all blame on the probability of their being entirely made up at the feet of the wonderfully Odd Spotted people at Libra. |