Printed from https://writing.com/main/books/entry_id/517057-Iron-ghost-Chapter-Thirteen
Rated: GC · Book · Thriller/Suspense · #1181513
Dr. Josef Mengele seeks to succeed where Hitler failed and become "The Devil Himself "
#517057 added June 24, 2007 at 11:03am
Restrictions: None
Iron ghost Chapter Thirteen
Chapter 13
FBI Cadet Lecture Hall
August 18th A.M.
Dawn tears off the poster-board sized post-it sheet reading NAZI MIND CONTROL AND APPLICATIONS IN TODAY’S ENVIORNMENT OF TERRORISM;  DAY THREE and tosses the crumpled ball into the hallway trash bin.
Dawn peers over the class noting all cadets silently waiting for her to begin.
“Where did we leave off?”
One cadet raises his hand.  “NASA?  Why NASA?”
“Yes, good question…the depth of which will be explored  in another lecture.  For now…I’ll start you with the following…listen up.” 
She turns the projector off erasing vague shadows within the room.
“Quantum Physics…consider sub-atomic particles within every single atom…hurling at astronomical speed across the plane circulating around charged particles…” 
She pivots off the ball of her foot throwing a sheet of chestnut hair to the opposite shoulder.
“Consider for a moment…Photons electrons and neutrons hurling around each other at astronomical speeds.  Consider the particles and the space between the particles. Now consider the mass of the combined particles in relation to the cumulative mass of space between the particles…which is larger?
The bouncy one jumps.
“The mass of the space!”
“Correct.  Now consider….Space occupies more mass between every subatomic particle.  A charge is flowing through that space to and from the particles.  Does not the entire whole consist of more space than the entire whole of combined particles?”
A few nod amidst silence.
Quantum physics is a science based in pertinent part on ancient Hindu belief.  The identical space which occupies the entire universe occupies, flows through our mind/body. Negative and positive charges constantly flow through that space. 
The class remains silent.
“What does such a science have to do with mind control or NASA for that matter?”
No one answers.
“We explore Quantum Physics in Intro Counter Terrorism.  For the purposes of this lecture consider…the charged space which flows through you right now is connected to the charged space flowing, for example…” She points to her notebook. “…through this spider.” 
The lowest level of her hair jumps back and forth.
She tilts her head up.
“We have all heard those encountering near death experiences claim to see white light.”
She pivots to the opposite foot.  There is no spider.
“Serotonin regulates light processing through the brain.  The carbonic element structure, common to all life,  found in hormonal cells regenerating in the pituitary gland, while under extreme fear…let us say…death....have an extraordinary ability…what Quantum Physic scientists refer to as a need…to expand space within the DNA molecule. The force pulls charged space from adjoining molecules.”
A middle row cadet raises his hand.  “I study Quantum Physics.  The need to expand space in the interferon molecule is simultaneously also a need to withdraw space from adjacent adrenaline molecules.  The greater need wins the greater space. Once the space in the interferon molecule becomes less the charged particles creating the adrenaline molecule occupy a greater mass and surge to power.  Quantum physics theorize this is built into our ‘fight or flight instinct.  It is necessary to our survival and evolution.”
“Very good.  Your name?”
“Well Anthony tell me, why did you choose the FBI and not the Mayo Clinic?”
“I want to catch bad guys.”
“Yes.”  She pivots. “We all do.”
Anthony smiles, nodding like a bobbing toy on back of a car window.
“Back to basic Quantum Physics. The DNA sub atomic particles maintain structure, at the point of greater need, the space within expands and conceivably pulls space from adjacent cells. Those pituitary gland cells, during adrenaline and interferon surges, have a documented ability to generate to levels thought to be super-human and transcend through the body… a confluence of adrenaline and interferon, under time of serotonin release, create an energy force, within flowing energy.  Scientist have theorized on this for decades.  If the energy force is focused, within the charged space, theoretically, the focused energy will at some point become greater and travel through the lesser charged space occupying the body…much like light traveling through the absence of light.  When the charged energy flow within the body reaches a greater density than outside the body, theoretically…the charged energy  can pass through…to the outside body...and form the structure imprinted by the charge...outside the body.”
She pauses.
“NASA determined space within the DNA molecule conducts a carbonic charge, the charge moves at  precisely the same rate as carbon charged within space samples taken during Voyager IV.  Logically, carbonically based space within DNA found in hormonal cells within the pituitary gland secreting adrenaline/interferon are believed to want to  attract to each other…become one…with other oppositely charged carbon space. ….conceivably, once that charged space pulls itself outside the body… elements of a DNA molecule…well a …reuniting wants to occur…outside the body.
She drops her voice.
“ …It is during these levels of fear, immediately before, during and after death, measured by adrenaline/interferon/serotonin release, which I believe, Mengle produced his most astonishing mind control results.”
“Yes.  Add to that science our advances in inverse electromagnetism and nano-technology and you create possibilities of doorways into new avenues of the mind/body.”
She smiles a regulation smile.
“We have contemplated those findings and theories for some time now.  The Quantum Physics connection to mind/body control in today’s environment of terrorism…is where this class will focus.”
She points to two Syrian terrorist camps.
“…opens up powerful motives for both sides…you do not need plutonium or a reactor for this stuff.”
The football front row cadet stares into Dawn.
“Some fragmented documentation suggests Menegele’s favorite experiments pursued similar hypothesis.”
The classroom of cadets look to each other.
“Again…and NASA has what to do with the FBI?”
“Presumably, NASA wants to maintain control of it’s findings.”
The cadets soon nod in symphony as Dawn announces next month’s schedule change when she glances at her wrist watch.
The spider jumps from the podium onto Dawns shirt sleeve as she lifts the sleeve edge past her watch.
She does not suppress the urge to smile as her blackberry vibrates simultaneously emitting intermittent beeps. 
She knows the sequence of those beeps.  A call requiring all level one agents to report within the hour to conference center and receive policy directives on global events from the NSA.  The third such alert in her entire career.  The first being the assaination attempt on Pope John Paul II and the second such call in the last two weeks.

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