Printed from https://writing.com/main/books/entry_id/517052-Iron-Ghost-Chapter-Eight
Rated: GC · Book · Thriller/Suspense · #1181513
Dr. Josef Mengele seeks to succeed where Hitler failed and become "The Devil Himself "
#517052 added June 24, 2007 at 10:55am
Restrictions: None
Iron Ghost Chapter Eight

FBI Cadet Lecture Hall
August 16th A.M.
My open palmed hand rises for a moment and falls when her eyes constrict again.
“Mengele’s most secret results…results not documented, were his most promising and favorite.  It is the theory reported on in my thesis…the Nazi’s accomplished far more then we know in the field of mind control.  Specifically, we suspect Mengele died with knowledge we are not yet near.”
The class appears less than fascinated.
Exhaling and feeling centers of her eyes constrict, Dawn hesitates.
“Why is it, throughout ancient and contemporary Japanese war history, right up until WWII,  The Kamikaze did not exist?  Not even against enemy China?”
Dawn shifts her weight and then turns and steps closer to the all male cadet front row.
“Have you ever stopped to think why Kamikazes did not suicide raid at Pearl Harbor?  Say for example…Why Kamikaze’s did not take out the Pearl Harbor Control Tower early?”
Her rising elbows spread out a bit as her eyes again scan the lecture hall, appearing a little like a white breasted falcon searching the landscape for prey, she sighs a tiny breath.  The front row cadet eyes follow her as the upper half of her blouse stretches tightly, protruding and throwing the lapels of her plaid blazer back.
More than a few cadets in the very back rows laugh.
She lifts her chin.
One cadet stands.
“They wanted to live and win.”
“Not at the end of the war.”
She drops her arms…slowly…not affecting the folded pleats in the top of her red pants much while she shifts to one side, dropping, like a falling bed sheet, a thick wave of  thin hair and creates a silhouette professional photographers get paid handsomely to capture.
She stops short of her top blouse button as she drops three extended fingers down after she straightens her bleached open collar.
“The motive of the Kamikaze is honor…the value of the warriors life in relation to the value of their country’s victory....not their country’s inevitable loss.”
A male cadet, not in the front row, stands.
“Why would Japan high command want to lose planes and pilots at Pearl Harbor, I mean cost versus benefit?”
“High Command needed the planes and presumably, the pilots far more at the end of the war than at the beginning.  We know their decision at that point.  A few planes in exchange for the Control Tower defending the Pacific fleet…at the onset.  You tell me?”
“They became desperate.”
The mass-silence seems less induced by boredom.
“They were desperate to be victorious at Pearl Harbor…imagine if they would have failed at Pearl Harbor.  Why did they not factor in a kamikaze contingency?  Strike early and fast with Kamikazes at key targets?”
The lecture hall falls silent.
“The Kamikaze did not exist at that point?”
“Very good…the concept was not yet accepted by High Command.”
A tall cadet rises.
The class remains silent.
“The holiest of Japanese ancient culture, The Samaria,  requires warriors to fight to the end and commit Hari-Kari in the event of defeat. Yet, we all know Japan had little resistance in enlisting Kamikazes.  Why did Japanese High Command shift from the ancient culture of the Samaria, self-inflicted death only after defeat, to the Kamikaze, self-inflicted death before defeat?”
Her blouse tightens as her shoulders rise and her lungs expand.
A front row male cadet stands quickly and says, “I can see the argument from each side.”
“You are not Samaria.”
Another lifts his hand and points to his fellow cadet.
“He still makes a good point.”
“He makes a good point which contradicts five of centuries Japanese war culture.  Why the shift in WWII?”
“They made changes to adapt…they learned.”
“Ancient Samaria code…victory without honor is disgrace.  Compromising honor rationalized by desperation is construed by Samaria code…five centuries of Japanese war culture…as disgrace.”
She pauses amidst the silent lecture hall.
“Those of you who have not yet studied mind control…At any point the mind sets an objective to fulfill a need, it wants to fill that need and simultaneously does not want to fill that need. The mind moves away from the option carrying with it the greater pain.. Throughout the spectrum…the unconscious to the subconscious to the conscious…the conscious remembers only the outcome…and only if, that outcome is not too painful. The lower spectrum remembers the outcome as well as the process…even if it is too painful for the conscious to remember.  During mind control…consciously, the victim either remembers the result or forgets the result; depending on that which the perpetrator selects for the victim…not the process. The next time the mind sets an objective the memory value has been input for the brain to behave.  Not unlike those repeat dieters?”
Another lifts his hands.
She ignores him.
“What happens when perpetrators manipulate the outcome to a pleasurable memory…say victory…with a forgotten process…say Samaria honor.  Does the subconscious now need a new process to replace the old one?
He lowers his hand.
“Are you suggesting the Nazi’s created… the Kamikaze?”
That arrogant…stupid…
Her eyes settle.
My hand twitches…
“The superior race was not concerned with Japanese family honor tradition.  I interviewed Ex-Gestapo and SS officers in charge of teaching Japanese intelligence and Police agencies organized mind control technique…”
“Japanese intelligence sold out their honor?  Their culture?  They enlisted their own against their culture?”
“Not likely…”
“What then?”
“Japanese intelligence…eventually High Command…came to believe Kamikaze is as honorable as Samaria…”
“It doesn’t square.  Why would Japanese Command…”
She pauses and estimates nearly all of them move forward in their seats.
“…How many times must I…”
Her lips close first and not one cadet can detect as she swallows while she does not look away or blink instead the corners of Dawn’s lips curl before exposing her smile blending in with walls behind and around her almost perfectly, had it not been for a  frame  created by chestnut brown locks…
“…Mengele scientifically proved levels and dimensions of the human mind previously unknown.  It is my theory the Nazi’s taught High Command objective/memory/next move; specifically to use on their pilots.  However, what High Command did not know, the Nazi’s manipulated the process of the mind…of High Command.  In other words, when the Nazi’s were teaching Japanese intelligence brainwashing technique to use on their Kamikaze they were, in fact, subliminally brainwashing the intelligence officers themselves.  The outcome was Japanese intelligence officers and high command altering centuries of honor-centered war culture and strategy.”
Most in the class gulp, creating a nearly undetectable orchestrated wet thump.
“The Syrians are currently duplicating Nazi technique throughout the Arab nations.”
A Jewish cadet rises.
“We know that objective.”
She now relaxes and forgives those tiny corner mouth muscles their moment exposing again chicklet sized teeth, the teeth themselves seemingly widening.
“The first Arab nation to launch an attack against Israel becomes the dominating Arab culture.  What is not thorough knowledge is how the Nazi’s were so successful regarding Japanese High Command.” 
She looks to the projector.
“The most dynamic of technique was held deep inside Menegle’s own mind.”
            “He was in our custody?”
“He turned himself in.  1978. We cut a deal… including his cooperation regarding mind control technique.”
The Jewish cadet rises as if his shoulders were being lifted from thin air.
“And the obvious question…”
Dawn nods.
“Of coarse.  We were taking out time in the name of thoroughness… we then proceeded to watch Mengle’s mind deteriorate.  I believe he poisoned his own mind…using only his will power…with a disease which took the form of one not unlike dementia.”
The spider recoils each leg underneath its torso and drops under its own weight .
“President Carter was quoted as saying, ‘Both oars are not in the water.’”
The Jewish cadet rises.
“Elaborate please.”
She nods.
“Mengle insisted we circumcise him.”
The spider rolls over onto its back and again to its feet as Dawn smiles.
         The front row cadets laugh and shuffle large feet under their seats.
Both palms cup each ear of the Jewish Cadet.
She rises, her back perfectly straight and chin high, the palm of her hand from the elbow and halts abruptly, signaling the cadets to come to attention.
“During Desert Storm we determined two Syrian backed terror organizations…” She points to the red and less-red camps.
“…as I have instructed you we have confirmed the Syrians are using identical tactics as did Japanese intelligence on the Kamikaze. Each Administration has given organized mind control study, and you will be interested to learn, stem cell research, top priority as related to methods of recruiting and training terrorists.  That is where the top cadets of this class will inevitably end up.  Under my direct command…I might add.”
“Is there a connection between mind control and stem cell?”
“NASA seems to think so.”
She glances at the clock and then her wristwatch before switching off the projector and dismissing the class.
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