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Fibro fog, pain, writing sandwiched in between. Quotes. Sermon notes. Encouragement. |
I found another entry from a while back that I had marked as "keep private." Wish I would quit doing that. Anyway, here's what you missed. ![]() I'm not a doctor. Just a woman suffering from fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue and all that goes along with those... Stomach ailments happen to fibro patients. And IBS. But my pains and digestive problems really bug me sometimes. I've had every test you can have - 2 and 3 times! But the medications meant to reduce stomach acid don't seem to help the pains (and burping and passing gas). Then I read somewhere that people over 50 often don't make enough acid. I tried taking some wine vinegar every day and that seemed to help. So who knows... If you spend time on the internet researching what "helps" fibromyalgia, you'll find that there probably are not two patients taking the same exact meds. That's probably because every patient also has different pains and symptoms. ![]() My gastro doc finally did admit that my pains might just be spasms, since everything else spasms and suggested a different muscle relaxer than I take for skeletal muscles. Sigh. There are plenty of fibro patients who swear by taking guaifenesin. And there are plenty of doctors and researchers who seem to want to stop them from both taking gauifenesin and from talking about it. They claim there's a placebo effect. Perhaps. But supposedly, the man who started all of this, R. Paul St. Amand M.D., had it himself, and was, therefore, motivated to find something that would relieve or cure the symptoms. Here are just some links about guaifenesin: http://web.mit.edu/london/www/guai.html http://www.fibromyalgiatreatment.com/GuaiProtocol.htm http://www.fmnetnews.com/resources-alert-product6.php http://drlowe.com/QandA/askdrlowe/guaifenesin.htm http://fibromyalgia.ncf.ca/dsguai.htm L-glutamine is something that body builders take. But if you poke around on the internet, you'll find that it's been given to cancer patients for pain. I've been taking it, and, you know, it seems to help. *************** Here's that bad and silly poem I wrote and sent to poetry.com just because doing so was a requirement for entering a constest. Remember? The Wergle Flomp Humor Poetry Contest I mentioned a few weeks ago? http://www.winningwriters.com/contests/wergle/we_guidelines.php Here's how the poem looks at poetry.com. Y'all should really vote for it, 'cause it's sooooo good. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ************* Here's a link to outpost-earth.com where my blog is listed. ![]() http://outpost-earth.com/users/Kenzie This is where you can find my ezinearticles. http://ezinearticles.com/?expert_bio=Marilyn_Mackenzie And here's http://www.bloggernity.com a blog search directory. Here's my blog listing there. You can even vote for it. ![]() That's all the stuff 'n' such for now. ![]() |