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Bare and uncensored personal expression. Beware!!! |
O: On The Book Club tonight we're very lucky to have with us an acclaimed author known best for her fantasy series, "Torque". she has been awarded for her fiction, non-fiction and yes, even poetry. Please put your hands together for the lovely, Rebecca Laffar-Smith. [Audience goes wild as the famous author walks on stage and embraces Oprah then quiets as the two women sit and make themselves comfortable.] Rebecca, it's wonderful to have you with us. I understanding your promoting your new series which has been getting rave reviews. I've read it myself, finished it just last night in fact and I have to say, I COULD NOT PUT IT DOWN. It's really incredible. Tell me, what's it like to write another best seller after the success of your last series? R: [smiles shyly] Wow, thank you Oprah, it's really wonderful to be here again. Actually I love this new series and I'm so excited the first book has finally reached readers. I've been getting so many letters from readers who loved the first series and wanted to know what I was working on next. I have to admit I was a little worried this new direction might alienate a few of my readers but it actually seems like more and more of the books are selling. I understand HarperColins have had to go into their third run, the demand has been just amazing. O: [nodding] Yes, the last time you were here you we had only just discovered you after the release of "The Flight of Torque". That was the first of the series. Did you ever think the books would be so popular? R: [chuckles] Oh gosh, no. I remember when I was writing Flight of Torque I had so many doubts. It was a rough year and I went in so many wrong directions I often wondered if I'd ever finish the book. Even then the thought of its success was just a spark amongst the tinder of my imagination. It hadn't taken off. I mean I joked about Jessica Alba staring in the movie but when it actually happened, wow, it was just incredible. Now with this second series I wanted to delve a little deeper with the character aspects of my new cast. I wanted to get a little more 'real' with my characters and show normal people being called to do extraordinary things. I have to admit that Tori, well, we could hardly call her 'normal'. [chuckles as audience chuckles] I know, she's practically a super-heroine but I wanted to branch away from having characters that weren't completely relateable in modern day. I also wanted to explore the celtic/pagan branches of my own heritage and take a step backwards into medieval times. I think those who loved Torque will find a whole new way of seeing the world with the new series. O: Well, I read your book and our audience tonight have ALL been given a copy. Yes, yes, check your little bags under your chairs, you all have a copy of Rebecca's book and I'm sure you'll all love it as much as I did. [Audience shuffles to dig up their goodies with oh's and ah's. I'm smiling.] But tell me, what can we expect from the rest of this series? R: Oh, I couldn't really go into that Oprah, it would be telling... [winks] But what I can say is that one of our favorite characters has a revelation no one could possibly guess. In fact, [appears to ponder] I'll give five-hundred dollars if one of my fans can email me [email address appears on screen] with what you suspect is going to happen and guess correctly. [emails start going wild before the show even finishes] These new characters are so embedded in their world and each is sparked with their unique brand of humanity that it is going to be interesting reading as they come up through the conflicts, some of the past, some of the present. They're going to be facing inner demons but ultimately they'll grow into remarkable people. They have their own story to tell and even I'm continuing to learn from them day after day as I write. O: I know you have the next few books of this series but are there any plans for beyond that? And what else are you working on outside of the novels? R: I'm glad you asked actually. Yes there are plans beyond this latest series. I wanted to work on a book that's focused more on spirituality and the connection within ourselves. We are coming into an age where people are more in tune with their higher power and their importance in the reality of the universe and I wanted to capture that. In a way all of my books connect with the power of people, particularly the self power that every person possesses but I wanted to portray that on a grander scale. I've also been publishing more of my poetry and non-fiction articles. I have my colomn as you all know and I'm delighted to announce that it's finally reached international syndication which means readers all over the world will be able to share in the topics I cover every month. I have a new book coming off the presses as we speak. It's another poetry anthology, this one focusing on the suffering involved with terminal illness. Part of the proceeds of that book go to the Xeroderma Pigmentosum Society who do amazing things for the sufferers of XP and their family. O: That's is a wonderful cause and I understand it's important to you for personal reasons. Your brother was diagnosed with the terminal condition and died at a young age. [I'm nodding] All of your books sound like they are very close to you. Do you draw from your own experiences? R: [smiles] Well I've certainly never turned into a snake but I suppose in a way I try to use myself and my own experiences to deepen the qualities of my characters. In a way I also wanted the opportunity to express my beliefs and to reach out to anyone who's ever suffered in life. Each of my books focuses strongly on a deep truth that I wanted to share with my readers. In The Flight of Torque it was all about the importance of having faith in yourself. Without that Tori and Lucas could never have been the amazing people they were. I've been learning, along with my characters I suppose, and it's wonderful to be able to share that experience with my writing. It's such a vital element of who I am and how my world is shaped. O: [nodding, audience enthralled] Thank you so much for talking with us tonight, Rebecca. R: [smiling] Thank you for having me, Oprah. O: I'm sure we'll see more of you in the future. [turns to camera/audience] If you want to get a copy of any of Rebecca's books they're on sale now at all major bookstores or you can order them online. You can also order copies of, "Born To Say Goodbye", which is set for release later this week, remember part proceeds go to the Xeroderma Pigmentosum Society and you can make donations to support their cause directly to their website, via this number or through Rebecca's website. [web address flashes on screen] I hope you'll all read her books and come to see the wonderful insight this lovely young woman brings into the world. She conveys the depth of human emotion and spiritual connection in enchanting stories that delight the mind and are sure to reach out to all readers. Thank you for joining us with another book club. *chuckles* That was pretty fun. I challenge you all to go interview yourself on Oprah. ![]() Have fun and keep writing, Yours truly, Rebecca Laffar-Smith ![]() ![]() ** Images For Use By Upgraded+ Only ** ** Images For Use By Upgraded+ Only ** |