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Bare and uncensored personal expression. Beware!!! |
I'm one of those writers who has trouble starting things. It's not that I'm not enthusiastic it's just I get these anxiety build ups that hold me back in procrastination mode. And hold me back, and back, and back where I'll dither all day long unless I put into practice the "butt in chair" method of writing. In Heather Sellers book she talked about how one student coined it 'button chair' because of hearing it said rather than seeing it written. I think the term is rather clever. Imagine having a chair you could button or strap yourself into? For me the "butt in chair" is the only way I ever get work done. I don't know many people who accomplish anything without getting into it. Taking action. I can procrastinate all day long but when I bring myself into the present with a single project to the exclusion of all others I'm "butt in chair". With Flight of Torque it involves shutting off email, all web browsers except the FoT campfire item, setting my yahoo to *busy writing* so that people know they'll get their heads chopped off if they interrupt me, and then position my headphones with Enya cranked into my ears. "Butt In Chair". With other projects it's not as exclusive as that. This blog for example has been put off all day. It's now gone midnight, again, and I'm finally 'butt in chair' here. I've stopped chatting with others and I've put aside all other projects for the completion of this one. It's not that I'm exclusive here, I could get distracted and check my email but I'm present, here, for my blog. I was present for two reviews today too. I'd put them off all of yesterday and today I set aside all other distractions. I closed the chat windows and stopped surfing the web in hunt of distractions and just "butt in chair"ed it. Decided to start, and acted. It's so easy to accomplish something when you reach that point of decide/act. There are lots of projects that take time to reach that point so it's not always possible but ultimately the decide/act is a comforting phenomenon. I should practice it more often. ![]() In Page After Page, Heather Sellers talks about setting yourself up with "Butt In Chair" time every day. As little as 15 minutes where you're fully present, here at the desk, have put aside all other distractions are are writing. It doesn't matter what you write, you could start with shopping lists or blog entries but it's important to develop the "Butt In Chair" discipline. I'm usually pretty good when it comes to "Butt In Chair" blogging. I have my crashes where days go buy without a blog and I have my 'dragged kicking and screaming to the chair' days too. But I'm here again, on a Sunday no less. Blogging. I have my audience to consider after all. Then again, I'm sure many of you might wish I didn't bother. ![]() Exercise 13: Spend three minutes writing a list of ten things you did/saw two days ago, then take ten minutes to write about one thing from that list. 1. A mist of frost on the car windows that needed to be wiped off before driving. 2. Venus on prominent display beside a cresent moon, both with their ethereal glows like a giant looking down upon a child. 3. Smooth, sleek black fur of my new cat, Phantom. His coat is a rich, thick, pure black that could disappear into the shadows and glisten in the moonlight. I can imagine him prowling the midnight crickets and hunting mice in the corners of the house. 4. My two little ones playing together, sharing a chair at the computer while big sister helped little brother and little brother helped big sister. Two blonde heads, focused in unison, twin pitched voices chattering away, common ground and sharing, beauty in motion. 5. Baby boy 'driving'. Little hands hold an imaginary steering wheel as he two-wheels it around corners. His little voice "brroomming" and "zooming" like a race car and his whole body rocks with the motions as he crashes with splutters and giggles. 6. Two dozen little heads peering over desks, greedy eyes hunting for a familiar face so they can escape into the sunlight after a long day at school. Smiles, bright eyes, contrasting colors and a multicultural mixture with the same hungry look for freedom. 7. Newborn baby, still pink and wrinkled, less than a week old. She's bundled all in pink. Obviously very much loved and completely spoilt. Older brother's already lost interest as he slings his backpack over one shoulder. Baby blues look with interest unfocused on the world. 8. Chocolate dress, my favorite, with soft edges and a slimming waistline. Feeling fantastic as I am instead of seeing only all my faults. Loving this dress and wishing for the cash to buy more clothes that I enjoy wearing. 9. Oranges, yellows, soft reds all crushed with greens. My daughter's nastucians (sp?) in full bloom. Their leaves are a pale green, rounded and all leaning into the sunrise. Water licks at their petals and soaks quickly into the thirsty roots. 10. Flickering flames suckling on the fresh dry wood in a newly light fireplace. Smoke rising up the chimney and into the clear sky of a late autumn night in Australia. The air is chilled and inside becomes a cozy haven with crackles and heat kissing the edges of the glass. Mesmerising patterns in the fire, colors blending. The morning's start later and end earlier, the moon rises high into the sky, a sharp quiver of frosted white as if it, too, is caught in the cooling air of winters swift approach. The grasses are emerald gardens, lush and rejuvinated after the harsh, dry summer. The trees look like ghosts along the walk, their grey trunks tower over the footpath and their green/grey leaves cling with determination to the branches, euculyptus scent wafts in the breeze. The car's windows are frosted in the chill. Water condensed in crystals on the glass but trickle from the edge of the hand held wiper. The winshield wiper isn't effective on frost like that, it deals with pelting rain but the mist of a cool morning embraces the glass. The water dries quickly as the morning sun begins to bake the earth. The clear skies mean the heat doesn't linger, the rays still stinging but their bite gentled in the cool air. At the end of a hard day when the moon looks down on Venus, glowing in the night sky we retreat inside. It would be nice to spend time admiring the ethereal beauties and wondering at the mythological gods they were named for or perhaps the Gods were named for the planets instead of the other way around? The looks tiny beside the mother moon, like a child gazing up into her loving eyes, overwhelmed by her fragile figure, dwarfed by the parent. Their color matches, Venus a child of the moon with her mothers soft skin. The planet is blanketed in toxic clouds but it gives her an ivory gown in the reflected light. She'll disappear from the sky soon enough, these moments of luminence are fleeting. The fire inside flickers and licks at the wood. Heat pulses from the flame. I'm always intrigued by fire. How does it radiate heat. How does a flame burn. It consumes oxygen and depending on what is burning there are various smells that linger in the air. Rose Musk fills my mothers house, incense burnt with regularity. It's a scent I really love when there are other incense that I don't. I like most musk smells and apparently musk is one of those smells most people don't like. Obviously some do or they wouldn't make rose musk incense and musk deoderants and perfumes. I've an allergy to most fragrances so I don't wear perfume. Do people really find various smells particularly appealing? Are men attracted to the scent of flowers blended with the warm femininity of a womans smell? I don't know... I prefer natural scents. A newborn baby, hair washed in the salt of the ocean, skin glistening from swimming in a freshwater lake. Cooking smells, vibrant colors. My family things I'm strange because I love the idea of brightly colored walls. I remember "Fools Rush In" because of the walls. The heritage of her people to live surrounded by vibrant color. Can I paint one wall purple and another orange in the same room, with light blue cornices. Blending colors, and filling the house with the smell of baking bread, and rosemary lamb roast... Run away in the colors and scents and flavors and textures of the world. It's definitely past the ten minute limit. lol I have to get to bed. G'night all and have sweet dreams when you sleep and productive and fun days while you're awake. |