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Rated: 13+ · Book · Fantasy · #1260622
Eternity is a very long time to live... just ask Amara,
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#507558 added May 10, 2007 at 5:45pm
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Chapter 1; Horseman
Chapter I, Horseman

(P.O.V change, third person perspective)

Amara looked up from her history textbook on World War 1 with a bored expression in her face, she couldn’t believe she even bothered to take this class; after all she’d lived through everything they were teaching.  In fact World War 1 seemed like just yesterday to her.  She looked around the class, noting how different everything was now in comparison to then, much fancier and flashier styles of clothing and every student had a ‘cell phone’ or a pager.  Things had changed a lot, both for the better and worse.

To her, the year 2015 sure felt strange, especially after the close call with Y2K it was lucky that there was a 2015.  But it wasn’t close calls in the past that she worried about, she was busy worrying about the future, after all it was quite ironic that one of the four horsemen of the apocalypse happened to go to this school.  For those of you who have never heard of the ‘Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse’ they are the complete opposites of the Guardians; they were four immortals created by Satan himself, with power equal to a guardian, their ultimate goal was to spread misjudgement and anger across the world and hopefully cause the ‘apocalypse’.  Their subordinate associates, demons; who Amara considered to be even less tolerable than the horsemen themselves, usually assisted the four horsemen in their work.

Amara sighed; it was bad enough one of the horsemen was in the same school as her but did he have to be in the same class as her!? She looked over to were he sat, his name was Casey which means ‘Brave’, every time Amara thought about it she almost laughed; she didn’t believe anything evil could be ‘brave’ in her mind, when ‘evil’ and ‘brave’ mixed together it was an oxymoron.  But that wasn’t his real name anyway; his true name was ‘War’ his duty was all in his name, he was here to try to fill these high schoolers with anger and violence, which would escalate if they let it and cause conflict with people around them, and even perhaps in their future cause a war.  But it usually never grew to that extreme, however there had been the odd case were people became murders and assassins; but that was also rare because Amara and other Guardians usually managed to help get these people back on track. 

Casey looked up at her; obviously having sensed her looking at him, he gave her a wicked grin and returned to pretending to read his history book, he had no more interest in this than she did; he lived through it all too, in fact he had helped cause every war in their history books; to him this was looking back on his kinds’ big accomplishments.  Amara grimaced; she had always been one of the Guardians that had had to clean up the horsemen’s “accomplishments”.  But perhaps with her and War sharing a school it would be easier to balk his efforts and stop her from having any more big clean ups to do. 

She perked up as she heard the bell sound, signalling lunch.  Amara climbed quickly from her chair and walked out the classroom door, stuffing her history text in her bag as she went.

“Guardian!!” she heard a voice call from behind her, Amara spun on her heel to find herself face-to-face with shaggy black hair, fiery hazel eyes and a horseshoe tattoo on a wrist that reminded her she was looking at a Horseman.

“Horseman” she said curtly, addressing him the same way she did whenever they spoke.

“History class is sure boring when you’ve seen it all eh?” he seemed aloof to her curtness and grinned at her with white teeth, Amara had to admit that found him almost charming at times. 

“Yes” she said shortly

“But please remind me, how exactly did you Guardians manage to stop World War 1 anyway?”, Amara shot a sharp glance at him, they acted on a sort-of ‘truce’ when they were at school and he was starting to push it.

“We mostly had to wait it out” she sighed, hating having to admit such passivity to him.

“Oh yes now I remember, yet another example of the inferiority of Guardians!” he exclaimed triumphantly continuing to beam at her.

“Okay, you’d better stuff it” she threatened

“Or what?” he raised a dark eyebrow.

“Or we might have to deal with this outside after school” said Amara, giving Casey a warning glance.

“I thought guardians were ‘peacekeepers’, doesn’t that mean you cant commit an act of violence?” Casey’s voice was mocking, Amara gritted her teeth.

“We can but only if it’s justified or against someone like you” she hissed.

“Well” he said “I suppose I’ll be seeing you after school” he waved at her as he turned to walk away and Amara just glared at the horseshoe tattoo on his wrist until he was out of sight.

Amara turned on her heel and walked to her locker were a familiar tall brunette girl greeted her,

“Hey Tali” she greeted

Tali waved casually  “Hey Amara” she said, “So what’s Casey been up to?”

Amara cast her a glance “Oh? You saw that?” she didn’t feel to surprised, Her and Tali had been friends since she had first been assigned to this school and Tali had had always been one of the most observant people she had ever met. 

“Yeah I saw that!” exclaimed Tali “You and Casey were arguing again, I could tell by the look on your face, what’s your issue with each other?” she asked

“He’s just… evil” Amara sighed; as vague as her answer was it was still the total, unaltered truth.

“Hm, whatever I think you just have some kind of personal grudge against him,” commented Tali.

“That could be” muttered Amara

“Okay well on that note, lets head for lunch”, Tali turned and headed down the hall with Amara following close behind, staring at the floor.  Listing to the rhythmic sound of Tali chewing her gum.

Amara sighed, Tali was too observant.  She couldn’t help but fear that one of these days she’d have to tell Tali that she was a Guardian. As much as she would love to have a friend that she could tell about her life, most mortals weren’t able to except such things.
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