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Rated: 18+ · Book · Other · #1256645
A zombie survival book with a few twists
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#505575 added May 2, 2007 at 7:25am
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Time: 11:30 AM 6/7/06
Location: Home, Palmer

The world swirled around as Nick opened his eyes. The mind numbing sound piercing through the very fabric of reality and breaking it apart as he pushed himself into a sitting position. The pieces started coming together again. The world started to have shape again and slowly his mind began to comprehend what was going on around him. He grabbed his cell phone and turned off the alarm he had set. Sitting in his bed he tried to remember the dream he was having before it had woken him. He knew he'd been having one moments ago but he could not bring it back. He was somewhere in his mind just a few seconds ago he knew that but now it was all gone. The entire world his mind had created vanished in a second. “Hu” he said aloud as he got out of bed.

This was the start of another boring day for him. He'd go to work, come home, go to sleep, and hope that this time he'd stay in the world his mind made up for him. That damn alarm clock always woke him though. He looked down at it on the coffee table as he got dressed for work feeling a small insane contempt for the thing. It was only doing what he told it to do after all. He picked it up and put it in his pocket along with his usual things. A wallet, a comb, his car keys, and a lighter. He'd never smoked. Never intended to start smoking yet he carried a lighter. He told himself that he carried it just in case he ever got lost in the woods and needed to make a fire. That had never happened mind you. There being no woods between him and his work probably played a significant part in that but still he carried it with him every day. He hoped deep down for something like that to happen to him. Something to break the monotony and make his life interesting. More worth living. More like the dreams he was sure he was having but were floating just on the edge of his memory.

He got in his car brushing the remaining French fries of last nights dinner off his seat. It was a nice day out. Already nearly noon but he'd just woken up. “Pity” he thought. That he'd be working for the rest of it. He stood for a second and soaked in the sun. Looking at the trees and the clear sky nearby he was overcome with the beauty of the world around him. “oh well” he said as he backed out of his parents driveway thinking about how his life had become. “It could be worse I guess...”

Time: 11:52 AM 6/7/06
Location: On the Road, Entering Wellington

He was 20 years old and he was still doing the same job as when he was in high school and going to a community college. He felt like his life was stuck, everyone else had moved away or gotten better jobs but he was right where he was when he was in high school. He just was not cut out for school, not what you would call “booksmart”. He sighed as he drove feeling particularly lonely at that time. His parents were on a trip to Scotland. They loved to travel, and his two best friends, both co-workers of his, were in New York for another friends graduation from college.

He turned his car radio on to the usual station. Static. Strange. He thought and started to fiddle with the dial. Its not on AM.. its the right station... Weird... bet somebody's gonna get in trouble at the radio station. As he drove into the town where he worked he noticed that there was not a lot of traffic. Looking out the window he noticed a couple with two children packing up their car. They appeared to be in a hurry cramming everything unceremoniously into the trunk. The same thing was happening at the next house... and the next. Across the street another family packing up to leave. Another house had a board nailed across the front door that said “Abandoned” in large black letters.

“What the hell?” Nicolas thought. A car blasted past him doing something like 60mph in a 25mph zone. It roared around a corner going on the sidewalk for a moment but quickly returning to the road. Okay this is insane. He parked his car near in front of the first house he'd seen people packing their things and got out. “Hey!” He called out to them and they all froze. “Keep packing!” The oldest man (likely the father) ordered. He picked up a metal bat and took a step towards Nick. “hey hey whoa! I don't want any trouble or anything!” Nick was not the most conservative looking person but he was certainly not threatening looking. He did not look like the kind of person who would attack a family in broad daylight in front of their house at any rate. The mans reaction to him disturbed him a good deal.

“You can't have any of our things!” The man yelled at Nick. “Just go away and leave us alone!” “I don't want any of your things... I just wanna know whats going on why are you all packing up?” “GO!” the man yelled. “Christ. You psycho fine I'll leave. Nick walked across the street towards another family. An older looking man and woman and an adolescent girl probably about 16. “Okay I don't want any of your stuff.” Nick began. “I just want to ask you a question or two” “alright but make it quick we don't have much time I think” The old man said. He was tall and wore a brown coat and a fedora that made him look out of place in suburbia.

“What in the hell is going on!?” The old man looked surprised and somewhat pitying. “How do you not know do you live in a cave or something?” “Bruce your waisting time! Don't think we won't leave without you!” The man from across the street yelled to the old man. Bruce glared at the man for a moment in response. “Boy you got any family around?” “Their in Scotland” Nick said. “What about friends any of them you could go to?” “Are you going to tell me whats happening or not!? Your scaring me man!” “I'll take that as a no... it'd be to dangerous anyway be running around without a plan.” Bruce said more to himself then anyone else. Alright come with me boy your coming with us. You got any gas in that thing?” he pointed to Nicks beat up car. “I'm never going to know whats happening am I?” “Oh I'm sure you'll find out soon enough but nows not the time to explain.” “Fine but..” BANG BANG BANG! Gunshots rang out in the distance. “That was fast...” Bruce said to himself again. “Get in the car!” The man across the street screamed at his scrambling family. “We should go too!” Bruce said to the two women still packing the car. Bruce calmly but quickly walked to the drivers side door and got into the car. The older woman got into the passenger seat and the girl climbed in through the the open window into the back. “Hurry up boy!” Bruce said as he turned the ignition. Nick still standing in the driveway utterly at a loss considered just walking back to his car getting in and heading to work. “This is crazy” he thought. “I've got a life and a job an....” Then it dawned on him. No matter how crazy this situation was the worst thing that could happen to him was that he'd lose the life he had. “Small loss there i guess” he said aloud to himself. He got into the remaining back seat.

“Gramp!” said the girl as Nick buckled up. It's Okay Cassie he's with us now don't worry about him. She looked over at Nick with a kind of fearful scowl across her face. She did not seem angry with him. Just concerned. “I don't bite or anything” Nick said. She looked disgusted and looked out her window away from Nick. “Hu” he said. Honey are you sure?” The woman said to Bruce. “Yes I'm certain. The boy comes with us we're not going to just leave people behind especially when they don't even know to defend themselves.”

The car backed out of the driveway and began down the road following the family from across the street. “So about whats going on...” Nick said. “Oh” Bruce began. “You don't know!?” Interrupted Cassie. “Its been all over the news since last night!” “I'm not big on the news. Its depressing” Said Nick. “Riots!” She exclaimed. “Riots in New York, Chicago, Portland, Toronto, Mexico city, everywhere!” At least thats what they were saying at first but then things started to get weirder! They started getting videos of the people rioting on T.V. And it wasn't like any riot anyone had ever seen before. The people we're crazy like really really crazy. Just running and attacking people. They were just running around killing whoever they could find all over the place!” She paused to take a breath before diving back in. “the news channel we were watching went down not to long ago all the channels were just blue screens so we got together with our neighbors” “So you think those riots are going to spill all the way here from Portland?” (Portland was the nearest town she'd mentioned about 40min away by car) “they already have!” She said excitedly. Gillmen said he saw one! “I wouldn't trust Gillmen to much dear he... jumps to conclusions.” Said the Woman in the passenger seat. “Well what about those gunshots just a second ago!?” She said exposing the fear in her voice. “Look everyone we're going to be fine we just have to get together with everyone else and figure out what to do next.” Said Bruce.

“Everyone else?” Asked Nicolas. “Ah right well theres Michal from across the street you've met him, he and his wife and two boys will be there.” “Oh good” Nick said but meant the opposite. Theres also Gillmen the one who called us with the idea to meet at the church... basically the plan is to just get together with other family's from our church and try to figure out what to do next.” “Beats going to work.” Said Nick trying to lighten the mood a bit. BANG BANG! More gunshots in the distance. Cassie winced at the sound. Looking out the window the whole town seemed to be outside. Some people were barricading up their houses others were packing up their stuff apparently getting ready to flee like we were. The streets were clogged with barely moving traffic and people were running about everywhere between cars and down the sidewalks. “people probably trying to get a hold of all their loved ones” Nick figured. That reminded him his parents were in Scotland and his two best friends were in New York. “Hope their all okay” he thought and really began to worry. He pulled his cell phone from his pocket to attempt to call everyone he knew and see if they were okay. No service. “Figures” he thought.

Time: 12:16 PM 6/7/06
Location: The Church, Wellington

They reached the church that was apparently their destination just after Michal and his family. its was old looking. It was either a brick construction or had a brick Facade surrounding a large square building with a single spire presumably with a bell inside. On the back was what looked to be a newer square building added onto the first later connected by a hallway. Bruce, Cassie, Nick, and the Woman (who Nick learned was named Susan), parked the car in the parking lot and entered the church through the large double doors that had been left wide open. There were people all over the main room all talking loudly it was apparently a heated debate. A small TV Was on sitting atop the podium in the front of the room under the giant cross. A young man was flipping through the channels getting nothing but static or the occasional Technical Difficulties screen.

Bruce, his family, and Nick sat down near the front and listened for a bit to all the confusion. The people were obviously scared out of their wits. A few of the plans seemed reasonable but with nobody in control of the mass it was just Chaos. “Alright everyone calm down! CALM DOWN” yelled Michal as he walked up to the podium. “We've got to all just calm down and think about this everyone arguing will get us nowhere.” He said now with everyones attention. BANG BANG BANG! More gunshots could be heard outside considerably closer now then last time. “Now I think we all know what the best solution here is. We just lock the doors and wait this out if the riots do start here we'll be safe inside the church until the police get everything under control.” “NO!” screamed a rather haggard looking balding man. “NO you all have no idea!” He ranted as he got in front of the crowd between them and Michal. Nick shifted uncomfortably in the pew. This man was not thinking logically he was overcome with fear something had obviously broken him mentally. “The only reason I came back... the only reason I called all of you aaaah! Fuck we have to leave right now!” “Gill!” said a woman probably offended by his swearing. “Gill you need to calm down” Said Michal as he put a hand on Gillmen's shoulder. “NO!” Gillmen turned quickly and shoved Michal's hand away. “You weren't there... you didn't see... but you will... you all will...” He broke down visibly in front of everyone. He dissolved into tears and just fell to the floor crying.

BANG BANG! The gunshots were coming from right outside! “The doors still wide open!” Nick thought. He stood up and ran down the isle out of the congregation room. He rounded the corner and headed for the double doors still propped wide open. He could see people running towards the church and down the street in different directions. Some of them were covered in blood but others seemed fine. Nick looked directly in front of the doors and saw a “Rioter” tearing the throat out of some poor soul laying on the ground not even 20 feet from the door. The rioter stopped as though he knew he was being looked at and made eye contact with Nick. They stood locked in each others gazes for what felt like an eternity Nick to scared to move. Its lips pulled back slightly revealing is blood soaked teeth as it roared like no living person could and charged at the door sprinting as fast as any track runner on TV. Nick woke from his paralysis and slammed the large metal doors. He put all his force onto the doors as he braced for the impact. WHAM! The thing slammed into the doors on the other side. For the first time Nick glanced over his shoulders to see almost all of the assembled people behind him watching.

“HELP ME” he screamed at them and a few of the men rushed up to the door to help him brace it. The thing on the other side kept stepping back and slamming its weight against it over and over. They could hear it screaming on the other side it was beyond fanatic. Bruce suddenly appeared from the hallway with a ring of keys. “Here” he said shoving Nick slightly to one side as he tried different keys. “Any time now Bruce” said Nick as they could hear what sounded like more of the things screaming and slamming their bodies against the doors. Click! The door suddenly stopped moving when the monsters hit it from the other side. The men relaxed and took a step away from the door. “Thanks Bruce” said Nick. He nodded slightly and turned to the crowd. Everyone was silent as if they were waiting for someone to explain what had just happened. “Okay then it seems like we're out of time.” Bruce began to the crowd. “We can't go out their with those things so it looks like we're gonna have to try to wait it out” “What if they get in!?” Cassie cried from somewhere in the crowd. “we'll just have to make sure they don't. Don't worry sweetie nothings going to happen to you so long as I'm around” Said Bruce with a wink.

The man was truly good in a crisis. Where many were panicking and frozen in terror he got the keys and ended the threat. When his neighbor had turned him away Bruce saw that Nick could be an asset and took him along. As Nick stood there and watched Bruce calm the crowd he truly admired him. Thump Thump Thump... the things outside could still be heard pounding away at the doors though they had stopped screaming. “We're going to have to block off the windows too” Nick said to Bruce. “If those things have anything like a brain they'll stop pounding on the doors eventually and break through the windows. “The boys right!” Said Bruce to the crowd. “We've still got the stuff in the storage room above the gym from the renovation lets put it to use. “You, you, and you, go get some boards and nails and start with the congregation room. You, and you, the Sunday school rooms. The rest of you just do whatever you can think of to make it more difficult for those things to get inside!” Everyone stood for a moment without reacting. “Come on people lets go!” Said Bruce as he started towards the other half of the building. The people he'd indicated got to work boarding up the windows and everyone dispersed and got to work around the building.

--=End Chapter 1=--
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