By biggest challenge- My life. Wanna know me? |
I really love to wear ornaments, but why? Some of my classmates sometimes think that I wear jewelery to attract people. It is very easy to misunderstand me. I don't wear jewelery to attract people, I wear them because... Back in 1993, when I was just nine years old, my mother took me to the beauty parlour to get my ears pierced. I had a pair of gold tops in my newly pierced earlobes. We went to my uncle's place and the first sentence my uncle said to my mom was: "Sister, what is the use of making your lame girl look pretty? Isn't it a wastage of money? You have two more elder daughters!" My mom was shocked, but didn't say anything. When she got home, she and my sisters told me: "Just wait for the right age, then we'll decorate you, no matter what others say!" Now, at the right age, I wear ornaments mainly for my family. It has become a hobby now. I love wearing ornaments matching with my dress. I wear almost everything, and I love glass bangles! I wear them so that Ican look fresh, cause I always have to try to keep myself happy, it's my doctor's advice Foot still killing me, voice still blurr, but humming bird can hum now It is 9:14 pm over here now, and footache really is turning me crazy. Let's see if I can find any A1 assignment to keep me busy. I'll try contests, and oh yes, I'll study as well. I was happy in college today cause though I was late, I understood the lectures and took the homework down. Now have to read a lot to do that homework. There's something I've realized from life, and from my doctors and therapists. If one continuously thinks about pain or other negative things, it will snatch him/her away from being positive about life just in a flash. Life is short, live it up. Once when I was really sad, Sania told me:"There will be many people to laugh with you, but there will be few people to cry with you. " She's so right. I want to be a friend one can lean on, one can trust. I wanna share my friend's secrets, I'll keep them as secrets, won't spread them. I wanna be a trustworthy friend, which I think I am, I wanna be a good friend to laugh with, a good shoulder to cry on. I wanna be a loving sister,(my sisters are my best friends, but I'm scared of my brother's temper since childhood.) I wanna be an obidient daughter, a caring aunt, and overall, a good human being. I wanna enjoy life in my own way.(which I do) I like singing, soft, melodious songs. I used to sing on my therapy bed, while the therapist did the treatment. The therapist told me that I had treated myself with a treatment called music therapy. Keeping a smile on one's face, with a silent hammer working continuously to smash one's muscles is not an easy job, but it is not so tough either. After all, if there's a will, then there's a way too |