A compendium of my thoughts. Probably disturbing to most people. |
Too much of my life is coincidence. i can say with some certainty that something is guiding me, keeping me safe, presenting me with what I need soon before I need it. The immediate question is what that something is. I have come to hold a disbelief of God in the standard religious sense, and i've disproven the theory of the universe as Thinking Being, a la The Book. What, then, is "it"? Perhaps "it" is me. i know just how powerful the unconscious mind is. It can have functional conversations without "my" input (sopecifically with my mother when she was waking me up for school. I have no recollection of these conversations, and there are others besides) and it can solve math problems very quickly (I never showed my work in class because I never knew what I had done to get that answer. I was doing long division before I knew how!). I submit that the "God" i experience is me. My intuition is good, and i trust it. Whay could there not be a second force inside my psyche that operates in a similar way? It's been proven that simply by not wanting to do something hard enough, people can prevent themselves from doing it, i.e. by getting sick. Recently i was attempting to watch a series from the BBC 4, and for whatever reason, i did not. after a few days of not getting around to it, i took some time to think and realised that the subject matter, though interesting, provided me with no knew information. for a christian, God would have guided them away from wasting time. Could it not be that my unconscious mind, in this example, was acting as "God"? Perhaps the saying "Man created God" is more correct than people think. --- "My hand is not so great that showing it would make a difference." -persuader user from Kino no Tabi. |