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Printed from https://writing.com/main/books/entry_id/503989-Part-Four
Rated: 13+ · Book · Action/Adventure · #1252094
The Glyphs yeild both salvation and destruction
#503989 added April 24, 2007 at 9:45pm
Restrictions: None
Part Four
Though I spent nearly a month under the tutelage of Keld, I never even bothered asking him why. He seemed like the kind of person that did every thing for a reason. It never crossed my mind that he had a reason for me. I wouldn’t find the answer to my question until it was too late. But, plenty happened before then to make Keld want to answer my question.

Upon receiving the news about the slaying of king Phalen’s heirs, I planned to leave to the capital, Evvrét. One more day of training passed and I quickly found myself preparing a travel bag for my two-day trek. I didn’t notice Keld had entered until he spoke to me.

“I take it you plan on leaving for the capital then?” He inquired in his same grandfatherly tone.

“Is that really a question?” I threw back sarcastically, without even turning away from my bag on the bed. I began filling the side pouch with pumpkin seeds when a second bag landed next to mine, already filled with enough provisions for a trip of this sort. With that, I turned and faced Keld with an inquiring eye.

“I’m coming with you.” He stated. Though I wanted to believe that he was coming to help me, his eyes told me something else.

“I’m not asking you to come.” I stated.

“Don’t worry about that. I have my own business in Evvrét.” He replied, sitting next to his bag and waiting for me to finish. “Does dawn work for you?”

That morning, we left the town behind. For the last time, we crossed the grounds we sparred on and looked down at the torn soil and stone, the dying grass, and the leaking rocks. The memories of all that time seemed distant for some reason. It was as if I was back on my journey towards Gideon, and I had never stopped.
The day was spent walking; crossing fields and hills. When the darkness overcame us, we set camp at the base of our next climb. I grew two large shelters and matted the grass down for somewhere to lie. Keld built a fire up and began cooking a light meal for us.

We ended up leaving before morning. Before the meal finished, the wind picked up rapidly and abruptly, blowing the fire out. With no light in our camp, the glowing of a distant Glyph was more than obvious. It vanished as quickly as it came. Keld and I were on our feet in an instant, ready for whatever was ambushing us.

We ran from the site up the hill a bit to expose the ground to moonlight. It didn’t take long for our predator to approach us. He stood upon a large leaf that was carried upward by a massive gust of wind. His Glyph was aglow, indicating his skill as a wind manipulator.

At the same time, part of the hill we stood upon gave way. A tall stone tower rose in its place, lifting another individual with a glowing Glyph. The two were garbed identically, in long coats with loose pants. A kerchief covered their mouths, making their identities hard to place. I doubted these two had anything to do with Gideon.

“Keld Havenguard, you’re under arrest by order of the Reavers.” The one upon the leaf asserted.

“On what charges!” I shouted back. The one upon the stone spoke.

“Treason, of the highest stature.” His words pierced the night air and left everything silent, save for the wind beneath our other opponent.

“I will resist and test you two myself.” Keld announced, stepping into a ready stance. The fight began without any further provocation. The one on the leaf soared straight at us, sending small needles of wind towards us, buffering our skin and exposing many weak points in our fighting gear. As he threw a punch, I grabbed his fist and the leaf. The plant curled up around him, causing him to fall to the side of the hill.

At the same time as that assault, Keld held off the other one. He tore at the pillar with his water, but not before the other man leapt forward and struck at Keld. Keld jumped back in time to see the ground he was just standing upon break apart with the force of his blow.

I followed my opponent down the hill, knowing the leaf wouldn’t hold for long. Before we even reached the bottom, he broke free and threw more gusts at me, this time flatter and stronger. I crossed my arms in front of my face, but it did little to hold me. I was lifted right into the air and left to fall.

As I did, I watched Keld engage the other one. His opponent seemed to have the ability to turn what he touched into stone. At this point, his fist was solid rock and ready to pummel Keld. Keld’s water couldn’t do anything to a dry hand.

He saw me fall and caught me with a cushion of water. I caught his eye and nodded towards the stone man. He nodded back, knowing what I asked. With that, we switched opponents. I faced off against the hard-handed pursuer while Keld dealt with the wind manipulator.

As I landed back on sold ground, I gripped the dirt beneath me. He advanced quickly, ready to throw his hand at me. However, it was far to slow to ever make contact with me. I used this, ducking and diving to evade his predictable strikes. Soon, he knew he would not catch me. He touched his hand again, relieving it of the stone and came at me, reaching out to try and touch me.

Meanwhile, Keld worked well fending off the wind manipulator. His water could easily diffuse the needle-like wind. However, he was still at a distance, occasionally pushed back by the strong gusts. I turned towards them on one of my dives from the cursed hand of my opponent and saw Keld pull a new trick. His canteen emptied out in front of him and the water seemed to shoot out in every direction. Soon, a thick fog enveloped the two and I couldn’t make out what was happening. It mattered little, I had my own problems to deal with.

The stone hand lunged forward once again. This time though, he gripped his arm in the process, letting his now solid fist carry his momentum towards my chest. I saw my opening. With both hands open, crossed in front of my chest, I caught his fist and spread the shock of his blow evenly. With that, I closed my fingers around his hand. He looked down and caught his mistake too late.

A blade of grass I tore from the hill when I landed from my fall had now found hold in the end of his hand. The roots were quickly expanding, burrowing deep into his Glyph’s arm. He tried to reverse the stone, but it was too late. The roots took hold and broke apart the previously solid structure. His arm crumbled and fell from him, rendering him useless. He retreated.

I calmly walked back towards the other fight. Keld had already finished off his fight. The wind manipulator lay on the ground in front of him, a single thin hole through his throat. We caught our breath and returned to our campsite.

“What did you do to him back there?” I asked when our fire was lit again.

“I thinned my water out into fog and saturated the air. He couldn’t move enough of it to do anything. Then, as we wandered around lost, trying to find a way out, I pierced his larynx with a single water droplet.” He explained. His power frightened me. I was glad to be at his back rather than at the end of his hand.

“I think you owe me a different explanation as well.” I concluded, eager to know why we were attacked.

© Copyright 2007 Ink Slinger (UN: davidy at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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