Printed from https://writing.com/main/books/entry_id/502796-Chpt-4-Lace-Panties
Rated: 13+ · Book · Romance/Love · #1250562
A love novel with a little more complication & a little more realism.(UPDATED DAILY)
#502796 added May 17, 2007 at 1:48am
Restrictions: None
(Chpt 4) Lace Panties
One more glass of white liquid courage later the surprise for Marlene was ready to go.
I stepped on the little DJ stage.
"Ladies and Gentlemen. Thank you for attending Faceshots 15th birthday extravaganza. Faceshots is proud to serve and support you. We are so thrilled that you can do the same for us" there was a small applause  "Thank you. My name is Josie Howard and I've put this night together, hopefully you've found it pleasant and up to all of your standards" I glared at him but he was oblivous “As special as this night is for Faceshots, it's also a very special night for someone else, Marlene Ellerslie. Today is her 40 something birthday" Over the applause I could hear a tiny shriek from the back corner of the dance floor. "So in honor of this monumental 40 something birthday, I'd like to propose a toast." I raised my glass high and smiled. I loved a crowd.

"To Marlene, our 40 something’s queen.
May the skirts get shorter and colors bolder
As you take us on in turn.
Don’t let it phase you, technology will amaze you
As you can tuck each imperfection away.
Every wrinkle and every grey will not live to fight another day
If in the end you have anything to say.
So Miss Marlene, The 40 something’s queen,
We love you still, we always will
Happy Birthday and good luck.
It ended with a good round of laughter and a heart felt clap. Not bad, I thought to myself. I haven't taken public speaking since the beginning of University. Maybe I was going into the wrong profession, that was fun!
I looked towards the back door and promptly emerged the large surprise. A three tiered, multi colored birthday cake covered in 40 sparklers on a gold trolley. Behind the forest fire followed Ben caring a large fury purse. He was glowing with pride as he kissed his wife on the cheek. The whole room began to sing Happy Birthday and Ben presented her with the ultimate gift. A tea cup terrier in a purple purse covered in sparkly stuff, an accessory which she swears is "all the rage". To match Marlene's outfit (a white mini dress covered in gold chains with sky high black heels) the dog wore a little black version of the dress and was equally covered in gold chains. The little white bow on the top of its head completed the ensemble quite nicely. It really was tacky but cute.
"Thank you all so much" she beamed as the song ended "You don’t understand how much this means to me, it really is such a surprise. Chiclet and I thank you from the bottom of our hearts! Please enjoy the rest of your evening" She concluded as she got a little teary. She sure named the dog fast. Chiclet, poor dog.
As I stepped off the stage I had the urge to stick my tongue out at the mean, handsom man who had come only to see me fail. My overly honest response had not been very kind either and I knew that, but at least I didn't have any tainted intentions. I would never even consider doing such a thing. Asshole. I however, decided to be the better person, and leave him alone.
I headed directly for the bar, another glass of wine sounded just about right.
"That was marvelous!" Marlene basically yelled in my ears as she hugged me. "Did you come up with that snazzy little rhyme all by yourself because it was wonderfully, I couldn't stop laughing. And that cake is to pretty. You are just too amazing Josie. Thank you for the party and for the cake and for helping Ben with the gift, this is just..." She started to cry and shake her head side to side. Seems she was lost for words, a rarity.
"Any time Marlene. No one deserves it as much as you do" I could see the wine.
"You are my best employee and have been since day one. You must meet some friends of mine" The bar was maybe only two feet away. "They're all asking to meet the brains behind this party and would love to know how you came up with that cute little jingle" If only I had longer arms...or elastic arms, that would have worked too. “And Warren says he's never been to such a great party." Who's Warren? Why did I care...the wine was right there! She continued to babble and I continued to shake my head and smile, but secretly just wanted a f***ing drink!
Next thing I knew, the drinks are on the other side of the room farthest from where I was. I was drink less. I was drink less and talking to people about the rhyme I had made about Marlene.
"I wrote down some words and then I said them outloud. Retards!" No I didn't say that. I get really moody when I'm deprived of the things I want or deserve, like my drink, and when people are stupid, like these people asking me how to rhyme.
"It just kind of came to me one night, that's all." I smiled numbly....I wanted out.
"There you are" Great! Now Asshole comes over! "I've been looking all over for you, care for a drink?"
"Yes, thank you"
"Excuse us ladies. I promise to bring her back." The women all blushed at him and looked him up and down without shame. I couldn’t help but giggle a little.
When we were out of their line of site Jerk said “I thought you could use a little help there. You looked kind of trapped. Plus I saw you clenching your fists again and again. I took that as sign langue for "I need a drink now or I'm taking one of you out"." He laughed at his own joke.
"I was fine thank you." I didn't want to really thank him even though I was extremely thankful for his interruption and the lovely martini I was holding. It was doing the trick better than the wine could have.
"Well if you like I could take you back over there. I told them I would..."
"No," I cut him off, "its ok" I looked at the olive in my glass. I didn't want to thank him! He was there for the wrong reasons and I was really hurt. What had the Ellerslie's said to him that would make it seem like I would fail? I'd never failed at anything before. I've always accomplished what I put my mind to. I'm smart, organized, creative and fun. I'm also klutzy, uncoordinated, not really lady like or super classy but that doesn’t in any way mean that I’d fail.
"I didn't mean it the way it came out" he said bluntly "about you failing"
I looked up at him and our eyes met. He was quite sincere. He was also extremely gorgeous so keeping a straight, serious, death stare was very hard.
"What are you talking about?" I asked slightly sarcastic.
"You know exactly what I'm talking about. I'm apologizing for implying that I came here to see your night fail."
"Actually you didn't imply, you very plainly stated."
"No. I implied. I didn't say "I came to watch you fail, you failure". I said I wanted to see if you can pull this together. Marlene raves about you and I've met you once myself. I just wanted to see what tonight would be like instead of just hear about it from them" Ok so technically he was right, he had implied not accused. How else was I supposed to take his ear;ier statement? I could feel my skin growing redder and hotter.
"Met me?" I would remember him. He is much to good looking to just forget all together.
"Last year you went to a fashion show that Faceshots sponsored. The show was all local designers with your clients for models. Anyway before the show began, when you thought no one was there, you were strutting your stuff on the run way for one of your friends backstage and when you were strutting you...fell. It was the funniest thing I had ever seen, because when you got back up you fell again!"
I felt my face burning as I recalled that day. Kelly White, a friend of mine and Ava's, was  one of Faceshots most requested models. This was her first show though and she was in some very skimpy stuff. She's a modest, conservative girl and a little awkward around crowds. I thought I would lighten it up a bit and just be goofy. I literally showed her first hand the worst that could happen. What this hunkey man had not noticed is that as I got up from my first fall, my right heel broke on my shoe, causing me to bail the second time, sending Kelly and the others into a hysterical fit of laughter at my expense.
"It was kind of a turn on that you would be that goofy and when Marlene invited me to be your escort for the night, I couldn’t refuse" He sounded like he meant it.
"So when did you meet me?"
"Ok well I guess I didn't meet you last year, but I saw you and asked Marlene about you. She said that that's the kind of stuff you do all the time, you're always in it for the laugh factor." This is true. I would do nearly anything to make someone laugh. I'm all about the goofy. "After the show you were with the models and photographers so I just left you alone, I didn't want to be a creep."
"So being a complete jerk was so much better" shit! Didn't mean to say that. "Sorry" I mumbled.
"You're right. I was a jerk and I'd like to make it up to you" He smiled.
"How?" I couldn’t help but smile back. Actually, I think it was the Martini and the three glasses of wine smiling back, but I couldn't tell and I didn't care. He was so sexy.
"I'd like to take you out tonight"
"I have to stay and clean after, I can't."
"I'll get it taken care of" and he walked away.


What is with this guy? He convinced the Ellerslie's to hire a cleaning lady the next day to do all the work that I was supposed to!  Then he made it his civil duty to keep me away from all boring conversations plus in the process, got me a job organizing a baby shower for one of the attendee’s daughter's. Not to mention that whenever I clenched my fist he brought me a drink. How did he go from zero to hero in an hour? Now he was taking me home in a cab he insisted on paying for.
I looked at him straight in the eye "Are you trying to take my dress off?" I lifted an eybrow.
"Are you trying to take my dress off?” I repeated with what I considered a semi-sexy-smile.
"I heard you the first time," he smiled and his smile was sexy.
"Well I'm not wearing pants, so I can't ask you if you're trying to get into my pants and I can't say "are you trying to slide off my lacy panties" because that just sounds tacky" I sounded so slutty. I need to shut up and stop the drinks from doing the talking.
"What would make you think that?"
"Well mentioning unmentionables is usually a taste less thing to do..." he interrupted me.
"I mean, what would make you think that I want to take off your dress?" What nice eyes he has.
"I don’t remember...but I had a reason."
"You're strange Josie, But I like you"
"You like me or you like my strangeness" I gave him a puzzled look and he kissed me. It was soft and warm...amazing! I could feel my toes tingling and when he pulled away, I could feel myself blushing for the 100th time since meeting him. He looked at me and this time I kissed him. Next thing you know we are full on making out in the back of the cab. Before that I had only ever seen it done in movies and always thought it was rather disgusting. It might be confined but it's still public displays of affection and I'm not a big P.D.A girl. It was kind of fun though. You couldn’t do all the things you wanted to but it just made it that more exciting.
When the cab came to a complete stop outside of my building I didn't even notice
"Um..." said the driver dumbly "That's 32.70 please" He pulled away from me and got out of the cab assisting me as well.
"This is your stop" I looked up at the building.
"Yes it is"
"Here's my number" he said handing me a card.
"Here's mine" I replied basically dumping everything out of my purse onto the cab's roof to find one. He laughed at me. We stood there in silence for a minute before I asked him "do you want to come up?" He handed the cab driver $40.00 and offered me his arm. I took this as a yes.
I hadn't asked anyone that question on the same night I met them...EVER. It's against my moral fiber, maybe a second date but never a first. I've always prided myself on my ability to keep my legs crossed, drunk or otherwise. This was not me and I shouldn’t be doing it.
We stepped into the elevator still not having said a word. My arm was no longer around his, I was in one corner and he in the other. As I pushed the number 8, I noticed that he was staring at me. The doors closed and instantly he was on me. I've never made out in an elevator either, this was great. He was up against me and kissing me hard, like he couldn’t get enough. This is why I asked if he wanted to come up, he is a mind blowing kisser. All my worries about inviting him up vanished, until the doors opened. Instantly we separated like nothing had happened. He offered me his arm again and without thinking, I accepted. I lead him down around the corner to box 805, my humble lodgings. I opened the door quietly and found that Ava and Marks shoes were gone, meaning that they must have gone out. It's 1am so they would be back shortly from wherever they had gone.
"My roommates are gone I guess" I said flinging my high shoes into the corner. "so..." He whipped me around and closed the door all in one graceful motion. Again he was kissing me hard and passionately. I started leading him while we were still mouth to mouth, across the living room to my room. We hit the coffee table, tripped on a magazine and knocked over the picture on the wall beside my door. Along the way we were slowly undressing each other and allowing our hungry hands to explore. Once we were inside my room I closed the door and I pushed him onto my bed. This surprised him and me. I was not an aggressive lover and I guess he thought he knew that too. He looked at me with a devilish smile and I grinned back, slowly getting on top of him.
"Let's slide down those lace panties shall we?" He whispered in my ear.

© Copyright 2007 Anna-Beth Hall (UN: anna-beth at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
Anna-Beth Hall has granted Writing.Com, its affiliates and its syndicates non-exclusive rights to display this work.
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