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Less than three weeks to graduation. April on campus always means loads of extra things to do...fun things, like awards programs and Eclectic release parties. We had the release party a week ago last Friday, and we've almost finished distributing the books, 2000 of them. This Friday, the department is having a Poetry Gala, to celebrate National Poetry Month. People nominated their favorite poems of the century that are under 100 lines long (the school is also celebrating its centennial this year) and now we're supposed to vote for our ten favorites from that list. One of my favorite professors will be reading the ten winners. The Friday after that, there's the annual English Department potluck. I made it last year, and had a blast. Graduation one week and one day after that potluck. Saturday, May 5. 9:00a.m. for our group. They've divided the graduates into four different groups so they can hold the ceremonies in the gymnasium at the new Campus Center. The 2007 Eclectic is done, and in less than three weeks, my career as an undergraduate will be done, too. Or finished, I should say. I can hear my fourth grade English teacher chiding, "Done? Should you take it out of the oven then?" Anyway, it feels good to have accomplished that project. Made me extremely happy, then made me nervous at the release party, then felt like someone let all the air out of my balloon. Felt kind of like I was a balloon, and went flying zingzing then fell flat. So, in less than three weeks, my life becomes slightly less insane. I will find a job to occupy my hours during the day, and most of my evenings will be mine to do with as I please. Please, let me renew some relationships. I haven't heard from a very good friend in at least a month. If you're reading this, friend I haven't heard from in at least a month, please email me. I have three more papers to write, a 3-pager, a 5-pager, and a 10-pager. I have two papers to polish. Then I'm done, oops, finished. Three weeks is enough time for 18 new pages and polishing two other papers. Less than three weeks.You know, somehow I don't think I'm going to obssess over them too much. J.H. Larrew ** Images For Use By Upgraded+ Only ** |