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Dragons,heroes,quests and more.Insane characters. The dark one wreaks havoc. |
The N’ermine Torsi grew increasingly impatient as nightfall approached. She constantly scanned the trees before her occasionally lifting her face to the heavens to search the forest canopy above. Her uneasiness was infectious. Thomas and Willam secreted their horses under the concealing branches of a towering mountain oak. Its sprawling boughs were still burdened by thick life sustaining foliage. This was as safe a hiding place as one could wish for. Torsi motioned them quietly back to her side with an urgency plainly visible by her purposeful hand signals. Both men took note of this and quickly moved noiselessly to her side. “What ever you do it must be done silently from now on. We are being watched. Our future is being decided by others.” The two men crouched even lower to become almost hidden by the pungent flora cascading from the tired limbs of the crowded forest. Autumn was almost upon them. The time for feasting in the glory of Eirith’s two suns’ was almost over for the ancient and breathtakingly beautiful Arith Moer. The three companions remained enraptured by the possibility of discovery. Statue still and unmoving the seconds spawned minutes and still the two human trespassers could discern no sign of danger. Willam dared not move for he respected the judgement of their guide. Hick’s was in no doubt that; the elf knew something they both did not. He would wait patiently till Torsi’s required him to do otherwise. Willam Hick’s had learned a valuable lesson within the last two days having given their presence away to the hobgoblins the night before. Thomas Little took advantage of this quiet time to scan his surroundings. Each man contemplated differently the methods he would employ to preserve a common purpose, survival! Yet again, Eirith’s denizens threatened their very survival. Torsi was the only one of the three that had some idea as to what it was that lurked out there. If what they had already encountered thus far was anything to go by, they were in for serious trouble. “Is what’s out there worse than what we faced a few hours ago with Aldoran?”Willam inquired in a very quiet voice. “I am sorry to say it is much worse than Virag and his mangy goblins blacksmith, much, much worse.” “I was hoping you wouldn’t say that. Well then, lets have it girl I can’t stand this suspense.” “Not all of Eiriths terrors stalk their prey from the ground the way goblin and troll do. Danger circles far above us even as we now speak. Unfortunately, we have been seen. Our best chance for survival is concealment. The light of day will be our saviour for the things that stalk us right now cannot survive the blinding power of Eirith’s suns. If caught by the rays these monsters for this is what they are my friends will burn and die. At night however they reign supreme. What lurks out there possesses deadly night vision. The dark reveals all to these ferocious hunters. Though they hunt primarily by sound location, their night is likened to our day. We have made a serious mistake let’s hope it proves to be our last.” Thomas cannot help thinking of the bats that flittered noisily about the rooftops in Newhaven of a summer night. Their shrill jittering invariably filled the night sky as their nightly feast began in earnest. “What is it that we hide from Torsi? Speak plainly now for we are simple men.” Thomas Little asked in a hushed tone. “Very well they are called n’ermine. They are large, aggressive and deadly so be on your guard at all times. If the opportunity arises, they will pluck you from where you stand and consume you before they even get clear of the treetops. If they cannot bury their deadly claws into you, they will skewer you instead using their barbed tails. These tails can grow up to three times the length of its body. Gentlemen the largest of them have been known to take troll bulls. When they strike the glow from their eyes will serve as a warning to those with quick reflexes. A victim caught off guard will surely die. I have been told that this is not a pretty sight. If you encounter one strike for the head or heart and please do not hesitate for if you do you will die. Remember this most of all. As with all large predators to wound one is not enough you must kill it swiftly or it will kill you and please watch out for its tail for it claims the most victims. It strikes like a whip. The n’ermine live in caves high up in the Veegore Mountains. Thankfully, they help to control hobgoblin numbers. The foothills are open ground for many leagues in every direction. To try and cross them at night would simply be throwing a life away. One more thing if you let them land a more deadly foe you will not face in your lifetimes this I promise you.” “Well that’s telling us straight, make no mistake about that. Lets hope they are too full of hobgoblin to bother us tonight.”Willam replied hopefully. Full night had fallen as the frightened trio huddled close together under the protection of the tall trees of the Silver Forest. Nothing stirred in the undergrowth surrounding them. Not even the faintest sounds of life could now be heard. Arith Moer’s inhabitants must also sense this perilous threat from above. “It is not all bad news my friends for I have passed this way many times before and as of yet I have never encountered one. Let us not take an chances just to be on the safe side, luck has a nasty habit of deserting the needy.” Willams mind wandered a little as he thought about the elf huntress beside him. This elf was turning out to be a very intriguing lady. Thomas nudged the blacksmith in the ribs to remind him of the danger at hand. Willam was just about to reply with a nudge of his own when a loud crashing sound ripped through the canopy above their heads. Branches were smashed from the trees as boughs snapped under the crushing weight of a plummeting missile. A large boulder came to rest a few paces behind where they hid. Torsi touched her fingertips to her lips to indicate silence. Everyone remained absolutely still. Moments later another crashing sound broke the deathly silence as a second boulder larger then the first one hurtled through the treetops. Luckily, for them, it grounded a little further away this time. “They don’t know our exact location we must not move, if we do they will mark us and attack,” The elf said in a whisper. Several more heavy rocks crashed randomly about them. One landed very close to where the horses were in hiding. Thomas prayed silently for the horses to hold their nerve. They were the weak link right now for either one of them was likely to panic at any moment. This would bring the n’ermine down like wolves to the kill. How many of these creatures could they actually they fight off? How many waited out their in the pitch seeking an opportunity to join the fray? Thomas, Willam and Torsi sat and waited in absolute silence. A piercing call broke the excruciating tension giving no warning whatsoever. A huge pair of wings swept ominously directly above where they hid. Talon’s viciously slashed at the foliage high above their heads in frustration and still the travellers waited silently. The shrill piercing was repeated again. Several others answered the searching shadow as it climbed once again into the night sky. Torsi slowly and purposefully unslung her bow indicating to the others that they should do the same. The others eagerly complied as three arrows were selected and notched in readiness. Without warning, a huge pair of wings beat furiously at the cooling air above their heads. A deafening booming sound followed closely by an ear splitting scream sent fowl smelling blasts of breath warmed air in its victims direction. A very heavy object hit the ground with a weighted thunderous thud twenty paces or so from where the n’ermine’s quarry lay hidden waiting. The landing was accompanied by a piercing cackling noise erratic in its utterance but clearly angry. The creature that had landed appeared to be calling for reinforcements. A few moments later, two more n’ermine landed within its vicinity and proceeded to hunt on foot. “I think the three hunt a way from their pack. They must be very hungry indeed. I assume they are hoping to kill without having to share. We may be in luck after all.” Torsi whispered into the ears of her frightened comrades. Willam Hicks was terrified to his core. This was another horrific experience out of the ordinary for him. The icy hand touch of fear caressed him. The unfortunate blacksmith did not know what to do next for his shaking hands made a bow shot a ridiculous choice to have made right at this moment. Willam relaxed his bow without consciously choosing to do so. Ever so quietly he put the weapon aside. Silently he unhitched his axe instead. The minute his hands closed about its haft his fears started to fade into memory. The blacksmith was comfortable with this weapon having already demonstrated this in their earlier confrontation with the hobgoblins. The axe felt a live in his grip like it belonged there from the beginning. In his hands, its latent powers pulsated confidently through its handle. Willam may not be a weapons master but with this weapon in hand, he felt a match for anything that breathed the same air as he did. A few heartbeats more made Willam thankfully feel at ease .He repeatedly relaxed his grip at times drumming his finger tips on the hardwood .He now appeared impatient. “If there’s just the three of em lets take the fight to their door catch em by surprise. They won’t be expecting that .I’m pretty sure they’re used to dealing with prey running scared before them.”Willam said aggressively surprising both himself and Thomas Little. The weapons master looked in the blacksmith’s direction and smiled. He liked his friend’s attitude especially after seeing the axe nestled at the ready in the blacksmith’s hands. In response, Thomas lowered his bow and slid his four-foot blade noiselessly from its sheath. “Lets watch each others backs Bull. Brothers to the bitter the end eh?” “Aye Thomas have no fear on that account. Brothers indeed I won’t let you down.” Thomas was filled with admiration for under the circumstances the blacksmith was proving to be an invaluable ally and comrade in arms. Three sets of glowing orbs cast ghostly shadows about the trees in front of where the small group lay concealed by the scrub. The n’ermine came within ambush range as the creatures hungrily sniffed about themselves. Torsi with bow fully drawn whispered. “On my mark be ready! I am targeting the leader. Thomas you take the second beast and Willam please be careful and stay safe. Do you all know what to do?” An n’ermines scything tails sliced through the undergrowth before either men had time to respond to the elf. The damage it wreaked was plainly visible in radiance of its glowing eyes. Broken branches now threatened to hinder an ambush as tiny leaves rained down on the unnoticed hiders. Clearly, the huge winged shapes became identifiable. The n’ermines eyes may yet prove their unmaking. Huge and bat like the three scaled beasts scanned the dense undergrowth mere feet from their prey. Cackling insanely, they prepared themselves to attack at the slightest provocation. They stood taller than both the humans; claws slashed at the surrounding foliage sending clouds of leaves back in to the heights. Heavy tails dragged in the dirt behind the beasts curling spasmodically in anticipation of the kill. Hellfire finally broke the sickening silence to let out a terrified scream as an n’ermine came crashing through the canopy to land heavily near the panic stricken mounts. Both animals ripped free of their loosely bound tethering and reared before their killer sending formidable iron spiked hooves furiously in its direction. With no time to change tactics, Torsi shouted at the top of her voice. “Now.” She was the first to stand and did so with incredible agility. She released her missile before she even stood fully erect. As if by magic she notched another barbed arrow and with breathtaking skill sets it, free. The first n’ermine screamed in agony. A feathered shaft protruded from what had once been a shining eye. Her second arrow found its target with a squelching thud. Two feathered shafts were driven deep into the beast’s brain as taloned claws sought in vain to drag them clear. The remaining n’ermine launched themselves clear of their dying leader. The stricken monster screamed its last breath and collapsed with a ground-jarring thud to the forest floor. Without hesitation, the two remaining n’ermine closed in on the carcass with bewildering speed. Thomas broke clear of the undergrowth. Willam followed close behind him. Making room for the arc of his friend’s deadly axe, the weapon’s master leaped into the path of his chosen target. The winged horror though caught of its guard sent its tail with whip like speed in its assailant’s direction. Its intended target the big mans stomach. Thomas instinctively shifted his weight to one foot and twisted on his heel in one single flawless motion. Before the barbed point could find purchase Thomas brought his blade about slicing clean through the frightening appendage. Huge talons seized him painfully by his shoulders ripping the flesh beneath his heavy leather overcoat. With an ear, splitting scream of his own Thomas Little launched himself forward quite unexpectedly to bring his forehead cannonballing into the creature’s maw. A dull bone crunching sound could be heard as the n’ermines bat like snout was pulverised by the infamous Little head butt. Sharpened claws griped Thomas tighter still as the creature quickly re oriented itself. Thomas seized this moment to drop his weight like a sack of stone to slide agonizingly free of the n’ermines deadly embrace, much to the creatures dismay as it grabbed frantically at the thin air before it. Thomas rolled free of the enraged monster rising again in a single motion. The weapons master evaded a well-timed strike by his attacker. With an instinctive thrust, he plunged his magical sword deep into the n’ermines heart. Remorselessly Little twisted his blade savagely. His considerable body weight provided the necessary force required to gouge a deep gaping wound in the n’ermines chest. Thomas wrenched his weapon free to race clear of a possible riposte. It did not come as the beast fell to its knees then crashed face first to the soft spongy floor of Arith Moer. Behind him, he heard Willam scream a battle cry. He turned about to see the axe bury itself with such force that it severed a leathery wing clean from the shoulder of the third beast. Off balanced the n’ermine listed to one side whilst desperately trying in vain to regain it’s footing. Willam turned on his heal as Thomas had done just as the beast righted it self-readying its deadly tail for a strike. The blacksmith connected with its neck at the end of the axes sweeping attack. Its force was at its greatest. The n’ermines head disappeared into the night. Glowing orbs revealed its trajectory as the emancipated head crashed with a jarring thump into the bole of a tree close by. The torso wavered for a few seconds longer and then slowly toppled lifelessly to the dirt. “The horses lets go!” Thomas yelled as he took the lead rushing back through the trees. They arrived just in time to see both horses thrash about frantically. Their fearsome efforts drove a disadvantaged n’ermine backwards. The winged terror was encumbered here on the forest floor. The dense undergrowth seriously impeded its tail and general movements. Claws and fangs are brought to bear as it launched maddeningly forward in vain to attempt to for fill its sole purpose in life. Hellfire’s foreleg came crashing down to catch the n’ermine square on its head. The beast faltered then stumbled as Magnus charged it head on. The huge battle crazed warhorse cannoned its hooves into the n’ermines exposed chest. The crunch of unprotected ribs was sickening to behold. The creature pitched further backwards. With no warning given to either man, an arrow sizzled through the air narrowly missing both of them. The arrow unerringly found its target to sink deep in to the throat of the remaining n’ermine. The deadly shaft skewered its brain to pin its screaming maw tightly shut. The horses were berserk and thrashed the lifeless n’ermine hooves driving its enormous skull into the soft forest floor. The blacksmith grabbed at both sets of reins. He gave them several sharp head jolting tugs whilst shouting as soothingly as he could manage. “Whoa. Whoa boys. Calm down fellahs calm down.” Thomas caught up to him up taking Hellfire’s reins pulling him clear to the side with greater force. The huge stallion tripped and struggled to find his feet but this jolt served its purpose. Within moments both horses calmed down somewhat though still they breathed heavily. Foamed breath flew about the scene in every direction. “Quickly we must leave immediately. The noise will have alerted others. This we do not need, follow me.” Torsi shouted urgently. The elf vanished into the trees at a dead run. She looked like she knew where she was headed. Thomas and Willam hurriedly led the horses in the direction she had taken. On they travelled as they struggled with the lightless forest. It felt like they had covered at least a league before Torsi finally came to a stop. “There’s a cave nearby large enough to take us all but we must be quick now for more n’ermine have picked up our trail.” The two men followed her blindly feeling their way by touch alone. Hard stone came to hand, as Torsi dragged them both through a cave entrance. They led the horses inside the emptiness and waited with baited breath. The whirling beats of wings accompanied by piercing cries came from somewhere above where they hid once again. The only sounds within the cave were the heavy laboured breathing of the horses still struggling to find calmness a mid these horrors. A distant distraught cry added to the devilish confusion overhead. It was immediately answered by n’ermine pooling in the black skies above. Seconds later the sound of departing wings brought with it relief for the hunted left behind. “They have discovered the bodies of their fallen. The others return to share in the bounty. I think we may be safe for now.” There was no reply from Thomas or Willam Hicks. “You have done well gentlemen; you have done what few others have ever accomplished. The n’ermine were fortunately caught off guard and we used that small advantage to its greatest. However the n’ermine we faced were juveniles and inexperienced those yet to come will not be so easily dispatched.” “Lets hope this is our last meeting then. Where are we now?”Willam asked. “These caves are the entrance to a series of tunnels that pass beneath Mount Veegore.Few travel these paths and much remains unknown to this day. If we travel above ground by daylight it will takes us six days to cross the mountain. It will take even longer if we choose to go around it. In that time we will encounter n’ermine of that, I have little doubt. Hobgoblins will undoubtedly patrol their stronghold in large packs dispatching trespassers on sight. We will be lucky to avoid them unfortunately for us though I think not. The belly of the Veegore is not the place I would enter willingly but this choice is not mine to make. I have travelled beneath Mount Veegore on occasion before and many dangers lurk in the darkness beneath. There are those I wish to forget. Taking this route however will shorten the crossing by four days. We will have travelled halfway to the gathering if we take this pathway to the other side.” “What are we going to do for light? Two days of darkness is an awful long time. Chances are we will break our necks in to the bargain.” The blacksmith said concernedly he was obviously in a practical mood. “I will fetch wood. We can make torches. Those who know where to look can find water along the way. I carry enough supplies to sustain us but the horses will be very hungry by the time we make it through” Thomas Little turned to Willam and shrugged his shoulders. This was just barley visible to the blacksmith in the near darkness of the cave. Thankfully, Eiriths moon rays began to lessen the emptiness about their prisons entrance. Without the slightest warning, the sound of beating wings returned to shatter the silence beyond. Huge shapes plummeted to the forest floor with heavy concussions as shrill cries charged the night. The sounds of heavy beasts landing continued as bloodthirsty n’ermine searched the forest close to where the escapees had hidden. “Quickly now our choice has been made for us. Let us waste no time on further debate. Follow me!” with that Torsi disappeared. Both men quickly removed their favoured weapons sword and axe whilst quickly gathering their horse’s reins. They led their animals in the direction Torsi had taken but moments before. “Hold up girl you will lose us surely.”Willam shouted after her. N’ermine cautiously entered the cave making loud shuffling noises as they picked up the scent unavoidably left behind by their departing prey. To the n’ermine horde the cave was bathed in comforting darkness. Tonight it was their closest ally. The two unfamiliar scents that accompanied the Elf female left in their wake a strong salty tang that proved irresistible to the n’ermine. The beasts crowded about the place the humans had moments before stood. An excitement grew for all were eager to taste this alluring flesh. Other prey had been forgotten for now tastier killings were to be found inside these caves. A score of bulbous glowing eyes illuminated the gloom as the hunt began afresh. The n’ermine shuffled impatiently in single file in to the belly of the Veegore in pursuit of man flesh. |